OPUS#047 Conquest of Two Worlds, A

Title: A Conquest of Two Worlds
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1932
Storylen: novelette
“Earthmen prove that mass murder can be prevented only through universal law backed up by force! A classic reprinted by popular demand” – TOC
“In this outstanding Hall of Fame novelet, Earthmen prove once more that the only way to prevent the grim terror of mass murder is through universal law backed up by force!”
“Fame classic reprinted from Wonder Stories, February, 1932. Tragic account of Earthmen’s ruthless exploitation, brutalization and conquest of the less highly evolved inhabitants of Mars and Jupiter, obviously based upon historical treatment of the Indians” – Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 59
「主人公マーク・ホールキットが自らの信念に従い、温厚で子どものような木星人を搾取する貪欲な宇宙開発を阻止しようとする」 – マイク・アシュリー著; 牧眞司訳『SF雑誌の歴史 : パルプマガジンの饗宴』(東京創元社, 2004.7) p. 93

  • Wonder Stories, Vol. 3, no. 9, February 1932, (Feb 1932, ed. Hugo Gernsback, publ. Stellar Publishing, $0.25, 96pp, large, magazine) Cover: Frank R. Paul; Illust: Paul
  • Startling Stories, Vol. 16, no. 3, January 1948, (Jan 1948, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine),  pp. 70-83. Cover: Earle Bergey
  • Every Boy’s Book of Science Fiction, (1951, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, publ. Frederick Fell, $2.75, 254pp, hc, anth)
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Apr 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Nelson Doubleday / SFBC, #1561, $2.98, xvii+334pp, hc, coll) Cover: Don Maitz
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Aug 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Del Rey / Ballantine, 0-345-25900-9, $1.95, xviii+381pp, pb, coll) Cover: H. R. Van Dongen
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Nov 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Phoenix Pick, 978-1-60450-489-7, $14.99, 348pp, tp, coll)


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1948jan-00070
ebook: BookReader
ebook: http://thenostalgialeague.com/olmag/hamilton-con2worlds.html
ebook: http://comicbookplus.com/?cid=2611