City at World's End (Del Rey)

City at World’s End
New York : Ballantine, 1983.7. –
201 p. ; cm. – (A Del Rey Book ; 30987) ISBN: 0-686-45242-9
Cover: Rick Sternbach; ISBN: 0-345-30987-1
“Half a million copies in print of this astounding and prophetic bestseller …” — Cover
Then the Sky Split Open
One moment Kenniston was strolling down the quiet street, lost in pleasant reverie. The next moment the sky split open!
It split wide open, and above them was a bum and a blaze of light—so swift, so violent, that the air itself seemed to have burst into flame.
Then there was silence—awful, suffocating silence.
Kenniston felt the chill of premonition—a shapeless terror that grew into a thing too evil to be borne alone.

City at World's End (Crest 1974)

City at World’s End
Greenwich : Fawcett, 1974.1. –
160 p. ; 18 cm. – (A Fawcett Crest Book ; M-2026)
In one split second they were hurled across time into a world a million miles away – Cover
One moment Kenniston was strolling down the quiet street, lost in pleasant reverie. The next moment the sky split open!
It split open, and above him was a burn and a blaze of light—so swift, so violent, that the air itself seemed to burst into flame.
Then there was silence—awful, suffocating silence.
Kenniston felt the chill of premonition—a shapeless terror that grew into a thing too evil to be borne alone.
This novel describes the shocking experience of a group of ordinary people, catapulted by a mysterious explosion into the terrifyingly strange world of a million years hence. It is not a prophecy—but a warning. – Back cover

City at World's End (Crest 1964)

City at World’s End
Greenwich : Fawcett, 1964. –
160 p. ; 18 cm. – (Crest Book ; L-758)(Fawcett World Library)
Cover: Powers
In one split second they were hurled across time into a world a million miles away – Cover
One moment Kenniston was strolling down the quiet street, lost in pleasant reverie. The next moment the sky split open!
It split open, and above him was a burn and a blaze of light—so swift, so violent, that the air itself seemed to burst into flame.
Then there was silence—awful, suffocating silence.
Kenniston felt the chill of premonition—a shapeless terror that grew into a thing too evil to be borne alone.
This novel describes the shocking experience of a group of ordinary people, catapulted by a mysterious explosion into the terrifyingly strange world of a million years hence. It is not a prophecy—but a warning. – Back cover

City at World's End (Crest 1961)

City at World’s End
Greenwich : Fawcett, 1961. –
160 p. ; 18 cm. – (Crest ; S-494)
Cover: Powers
In one split second they were hurled across time into a world a million miles away – Cover
One moment Kenniston was strolling down the quiet street, lost in pleasant reverie. The next moment the sky split open!
It split open, and above him was a burn and a blaze of light—so swift, so violent, that the air itself seemed to burst into flame.
Then there was silence—awful, suffocating silence.
Kenniston felt the chill of premonition—a shapeless terror that grew into a thing too evil to be borne alone.
This novel describes the shocking experience of a group of ordinary people, catapulted by a mysterious explosion into the terrifyingly strange world of a million years hence. It is not a prophecy—but a warning. – Back cover

City at World's End (Fell)

City at World’s End
New York : F. Fell, 1951. –
239 p. ; 20 cm. – (Fell’s Science Fiction Library ; 51-10074)
This is the story of a present-day town and its people – a small Midwestern city whose fifty thousand inhabitants are suddenly flung into an unprecedented and terrifying situation.
When a strange scientific cataclysm strikes, Middletown and all its people find themselves hurled out of their own time into the far future of Earth – an Earth grown old and alien and dying, an Earth long ago abandoned by man. Here is the story of pompous Mayor Garris, and of Johnson, the scared electrician; of Hubble, the scientist, and of Mrs. Adams, who worried about her roses; of lovely Carol Lane and of John Kenniston, who felt a fatal guilt; or all the bankers, bakers, millhands, housewives, old folk and children, who find themselves and their town forever marooned at the end of the world.
And when, at last, these people of the present meet the folk of the far future, the folk whose civilization stretches across the worlds of a thousand stars – then the present and the future clash in dramatic conflict on the dying, forgotten Earth.

百萬年後的世界 (City at World’s End)

百萬年後的世界 [百万年後的世界] (City at World’s End)
Publisher: 台北市 : 光復書局, 1970.
Series: 少年科學名著選集 ; 2

恐らく、講談社の少年少女世界科学冒険全集(195607-195802), 少年少女世界科学名作全集(196105-196203), 世界の科学名作(196506-196511)を底本にしていると思われる。
1. 海底兩萬浬 (20,000 Leagues under the Sea / by Jules Verne)
2. 百萬年後的世界 (City at World’s End / by Edmond Hamilton)
3. 宇宙大戰爭 (The War of the Worlds / by H.G. Wells)
4. 隱形的敵人 (Sinister Barrier / Eric Frank Russell)
5. 人造島的長征 (L’Île à hélice / by Jules Verne)

1. 土星號的奇遇;納爾遜‧彭德 (by Nelson Bond)
2. 重遊消逝的過去 (by Robert A. Heinlein)
3. 地球的危機 (地球SOS by 瀨川昌男)
4. 火星少年 (by Robert A. Heinlein)
5. 機器人國 (by Isaac Asimov)


La ciudad en el fin del mundo (City at the World’s End)

La ciudad en el fin del mundo (City at the World’s End)
Translator: Francisco Arellano
Publisher: La Biblioteca del Laberinto, 2012.3
Pagination: 183 p. ; 22 cm
Series: Delirio. Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía ; 54
With: Sobre Edmond Hamilton / Sam Moskowitz ; tr. by Francisco Arellano
Publicada en julio de 1950 en las páginas de Startling Stories (y posteriormente en volumen en 1951), la novela que hoy les ofrecemos tiene varios puntos a su favor muy importantes. El primero, que en 1965 su tema volvió a ser empleado de nuevo por uno de los más grandes del género, Robert A. Heinlein, en su novela «Los dominios de Farnham». Si ya conocen, por encima que sea, el argumento de la presente novela (que una ciudad de los tiempos de la Guerra Fría es enviada junto con todos sus habitantes al más lejano e inimaginable futuro a consecuencia de una detonación nuclear sobre la misma), verán que las semejanzas con la novela de Heinlein son más que unas pocas. Sin embargo, en la novela de Heinlein, como no podía ser menos, tratamos con auténticos individualistas; en la de Hamilton, por el contrario, los personajes deambulan en un conjunto casi unitario. Por otro lado, esta ciudad en el fin del mundo es tan parecida a la miniaturizada (por el terrible Brainiac 5) ciudad de Kandor, capital del mundo de Krypton, mundo natal de Superman, que no es extraño ver que el creador más conocido de la misma (dejando a un lado al que fuera otro mito de la ciencia ficción de los principios, Otto Binder, quien la crease en su primera aparición) sea el encargado de narrar algunas de sus más fascinantes aventuras del futuro. La novela, del más puro estilo Hamilton, toca muchos temas y todos los toca muy bien. El desarrollo de la primera mitad de la obra, la supervivencia tras un ataque nuclear sobre una pequeña ciudad estadounidense, se lee con un interés creciente que, como es habitual en Hamilton, no deja de sorprendernos. En esta ocasión, no obstante, nuestro autor parece más contenido que nunca y sus aventuras, sin dejar de tener ese maravilloso toque de que siempre tuvieron, tienen también ese “sense of wonder” que siempre esperamos y tan pocas veces obtenemos.

Agonia della Terra (City at World's End)

Agonia della Terra (City at World’s End)
Quando una bomba superatomica lanciata da un ignoto aggressore esplode su di una tranquilla cittadina degli Stati Uniti, l’intera comunità viene scagliata attraverso il tempo su di una Terra morente, dove un fioco Sole color sangue rischiara desolate e fredde pianure.
Ma la Terra abbandonata fa parte di una immensa Federazione delle Stelle che governa i mondi umani e non umani della Via Lattea; e l’arrivo dei cittadini del passato mette in azione forze capaci di distruggere, o far rinascere, interi pianeti.
Translator: Ugo Malaguti
Publisher: Perseo, 1994.11
Pagination: 300 p.
Series: Biblioteca di Nova SF ; 13