Nonfiction by Hamilton, chronological Order

  • To the editor,” in: All-Story magazine, June 19, 1919 *fan letter by Hamilton
  • Letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 11, no. 1 (January 1928), p. 136.; reprint in: H. P. Lovecraft in “The Eyrie,” Necronomicon Press, 1979, p. 27.
  • “Edmond Hamilton by the author,” in: Fantasy Magazine, Vol. 2, no. 5 (Jan. 1934), pp. 15-16, 29; Reprint as “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Weird Tales Collector, No. 2 (1977), p. 10-11;13; Reprinted in: Kaldar, World of Antares, by Edmond Hamilton, Royal Oak : Haffner Press, 1998, pp. [211]-219; Reprint as “Edmond Hamilton on Science Fiction,” in:  Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds.  Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle.  Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009, p. 506-509
  • letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 28, no. 2 (Aug/Sept. 1936), p. 255. [text]
  • “More Realism in Science Fiction,” in: International Observer (fanzine), vol. 2, no. 7 (Jan. 1937), p. nonfic1
  • letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1937), p. 123.
  • letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 30, no, 1 (July 1937), p. 123.; reprint in: H. P. Lovecraft in “The Eyrie,” Necronomicon Press, 1979, p. 45.
  • The Story Behind the Story [Murder in the Void],” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol.11, no. 3 (June 1938), p. 6, 126.
  • “The Excitements of Science,” in: Tales of Wonder, no. 5 (Winter 1938), p. 126.
  • letter,” in: Amazing Stories, vol. 13, no. 1 (Jan. 1939), p. 139-140.
  • “The Future of Captain Future,” in: Captain Future, Vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter 1940), p. 127.
  • “The Story Behind the Story [Dictators of Creation],” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 16, no. 2 (May 1940), p. 122.
  • “The Story Behind the Story [The Isle of Changing Life],” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 16, no. 3 (June 1940), p. 127.
  • The Story Behind the Story [Gift from the Stars],” in : Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 18, no. 3 (Dec. 1940), p. 120.
  • “Meet the Author,” in: Startling Stories, vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1941), p. 127.
  • “The Story Behind the Story: Through Invisible Barriers,” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 23, no. 1 (Oct. 1942), p. 122.
  • “Letter: We’ve Come of Legal Age,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 38, no. 1 (September 1944), p. 90.
  • “Letter: A Mixture of Wonder and Horror,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 38, no. 3 (January 1945), p. 92.
  • “Letter: What Napoleon Would Say to Hitler!,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 38, no. 6 (July 1945), p. 95.
  • “Letter: What Napoleon Would Say to Hitler!,” in: Weird Tales (Canadian edition), vol. 38, no. 3 (September 1945), p. 3.
  • “Letter: The Shining Land Found Again,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 39, no. 2 (November 1945), p. 91.
  • “Letter: The Shining Land Found Again,” in: Weird Tales (Canadian edition), vol. 38, no. 3 (Jan. 1946), p. 2.
  • “,” in: Stellarite, no. 3 (Dec. 1946) *a brief memoir written prior to Lovecraft’s death?
  • “Meet the Author,” in: Startling Stories, Vol., no. (Jan. 1947), p. 108-109.
  • Author, Author: Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Fanscient, No. 2, Winter 1948, pp. 14-16.
  • Why I selected The Inn Outside the World,” in MY BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORY, ed. by Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend. Merlin Press, 1949, p. 80; Reprinted in: Pocket, 1954.; Reprint also:  Pocket, 1954.「自選の言葉」, in: 『マイ・ベストSF』, 中村能三訳, 東京創元社, 1969.09.26. – (創元推理文庫 ; 806), pp. 141-142.
  • Introducing the Author,” in: Imagination Science Fiction, Vol. 7, no. 2 (April 1956), p. 2, 121.
  • “Time-travelling [i.e. traveling] in Ohio,” in: Inside & Science Fiction Advertiser,  no. 50 (no. 16), Sept. 1956, p. 44-57.; Reprint in: Ackermansion memories, no. 7 (Summer 2018)
  • “Coments [i.e. Comments] from Edmond Hamilton,” in: Fadaway, vol. 3, no. 2, May 1962, p. 8-10. +”Completed Indexes,” by Bob Jennings.; “Comments from Edmond Hamilton,” in: Captain Future : Man of Tommorow, Fadeaway, c1961; reprint in c1967 with John-Henri Holmsberg’s preface, published by Bengt-Olof Ringberg ; printed by ATLAPress, c1967, p. 46-48.; 山本孝一「ハミルトン・ファンのためにとっておきの話しをひとつ」   『惑星壊滅サービス』 (創元推理文庫SF) 1987. 巻末
  • “An Appreciation of Murray Leinster,” in: DisCon Program Book / Dick Eney, DisCon, August 31, 1963, p. [2].
  • “Leigh Brackett,” in: People of the Talisman / The Secret of Sinharat, Ace Books, 1964, p. [2].; Reprint in: Ace Books, 1971, p. [2].
  • Tribute to ‘Doc Smith,” in: Vector, No. 36 (November 1965), pp. 9-10. 「スミスのなした最大の偉業は異星人の精神性の探求にあった(中略)。個的存在としての非・人間とその思考過程をあくまでもリアルに表現しえた人物は、(おそらくハル・クレメントを除いては)まずいない(後略)」(『SF百科図鑑』より)
  • Letter from Edmond Hamilton,” in: Harpies, no. 4 (1966) , p. 18-19. *his favorite books he’s written and half page letter from Leigh Brackett describing her career
  • with Brackett, “Letter,” in: Forry! : a special publication presented to Forrest J. Ackerman, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his birthday, and the 40th anniversary of his discovery of Science-Fiction, ed. by Fred Patten, Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, 1966, p. 20.
  • “Avant-propos de l’auteur,” in: Les rois des étoiles ; Retour aux étoiles, OPTA, Feb. 1968, p. xxxi.
  • “He that hath words,” in: Deeper than you think…, Vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1968), pp. 10-12.; Reprint in: WT50: A Tribute to Weird Tales, Robert Weinberg, 1974, p. 88-89.; Reprint also as “memoir [Recollections of Weird Tales] ,” in: The Weird Tales Story, FAX Collector’s Editions, 1977, p. 52-53.; Reprint also as “memoir [Recollections of Weird Tales],” in: The Weird Tales Story, Wildside press, 1999, p. 52.; 「寄稿者、愛読者にとって<ウィアード・テールズ>は”クラブと呼ぶにふさわしものですらあった」 那智史郎、宮壁定雄編『ウィアード・テールズ』第4巻 国書刊行会, 1985. pp. 244-246.
  • Space Flight Is No Longer Something To Dream About As Famed Science Fiction Writers See Apollo Launch.” in: Youngstown Vindicator, vol. 81, no. 80 (Nov. 19, 1969), p. 2-3.
  • “[Answers,] in: Double: Bill Symposium, by Bill Bowers & Bill Mallardi, Arkon. Ohio : D:B Press, 1969, p. 24, 34, 52, 65, 83, 91, 105.
  • “Look Forward, Look Back,” in: Return to Wonder, #9 (September 1970), pp. 6-9.; Reprint in: Fantasy Crossroads no. 8 (May 1976), p. 3, 42.
  • Mr. Hamilton responds to questions,” in: Contemporary Science Fiction Authors, ed. by Robert Reginald, Unicorn, c1970, p. 120-121. *short version; ”Hamilton writes,” in: SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY LITERATURE : A CHECKLIST, Detroit : Gale Research,1979. pp. 928. *long version
  • “Jack Williamson,” in: Westercon 23 Program Book, July 1970, p. 8-9.  [info]
  • “John W. Campbell,” in: Locus, No. 91 (July 22, 1971), p. 8.
  • “Writing the Pseudo-Scientific Story,” in: Different (editor, Sam Moskowitz), vol. 3, no. 6, 1971, p. 2-8,15. *Hamilton wrote around 1932, but it was never published.
  • An inside look at Captain Future,” in: Pulp, Vol. 1, no. 3 (Summer 1971), pp. 3-27. *キャプテン・フューチャーの誕生秘話等の裏話と没になったCF第1作”Horror on Jupiter”(Captain Future and the Space Emperor)の最初の2章を掲載。
  • “Fifty years of heroes: the Edmond Hamilton papers”, in: WEIRD HEROES, vol. 6, ed. by Byron Preiss, New York: Pyramid, 1977. pp. 111-136.;  高橋良平「『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』解説」『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF15) 深町眞知子訳 1995. pp. 239-252.*星間パトロールについての部分訳あり。
  • “Story teller of many worlds,” Brackett, Leigh, in: THE BEST OF LEIGH BRACKETT, New York: Del Rey, 1977. pp. xi-xix.; Repr. in: New York : Balantine, 1977. P. 378-381.; ”Une jeune femme bronzée,” tr. by Brian Hester, in: Ocean de Vénus (Heroic Fantasy) , by Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury ; tr. by Mary Rosenthal et Brian Hester, Paris : Temps Futurs, 1982, p. 9-18.[French]; also in: Stark et les rois des étoiles, BÉLIAL’, 2014, p. 15-21. [French]; “Рассказы о многих мирах (предисловие),” in:  Исчезнувшая Луна / by Ли Брэкетт, СПб.: Северо-Запад, 1993. [Russian]
  • “Afterword,” in: THE BEST OF EDMOND HAMILTON, New York : Ballantine, 1977. p. 378-381.; Reprint in: Garden City : N. Doubleday, 1977. p. [331]-334.
  • “My Friend, Henry Kuttner, ” in: Etching & Odysseys, No. 4, 1984, p. ; Reprint in:  Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds.  Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle.  Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009. p. 434.
  • With Jack Williamson, “The Crimson World,” in: Seventy-Five: The Diamond Anniversary of a Science Fiction Pioneer, Haffner Press, 2004, p. 156-181.
  • “no title,” in: Stark and the Star Kings, Haffner Press, 2005, p. 415.
  • “Terror in Installments,” in: Unknonw


  • Hayden, Patrick Nielsen, Interview with Edmond Hamilton, Twibbet, no. 7 (Mar 1975), p. 4-11. Reprint in:; “Interview mit Edmond Hamilton,” in: Edmond Hamilton: Weltenzerstörer und Autor von Captain Future, 2003, p. 125-132 (tr. by Anita Winkler); also in: Edmond Hamilton: Autor von Captain Future, 2012, p. 159-168 (tr. by Anita Winkler)
  • Truesdale, David and Paul McGuire, “Tangent Interviews: Leigh Brackett and Edomond Hamilton,” in: Tangent ( Oshkosh, Wis.), No. 5 (Summer 1976), pp. 7-25; Reprinted also in: Science Fiction Review (Portland, Ore.). Vol. 21, no. 6-2 (May 1977), pp. 6-15; Reprinted also in: Tangent 2, Vol. 1, no. 4 (Jan.-Feb. 1994), pp.4-10; 『ハミルトン夫妻へのインタヴュー』朝倉久志訳. SFマガジン, No. 225=Vol. 18, No. 7 (August 1977), p. 129-149.Tangent5
  • Walker,Paul G., “Edomond Hamilton: an Interview,” in: Luna Monthly (Oradell,N.J.), No. 60 (1975), pp.1-4, 12; Reprinted on pp.363-369 in Paul Walker, ed.: SPEAKING OF SCIENCE FICTION, Oradell, NJ: Luna, 1978. pp. 361-369.; “Intervista con Edmond Hamilton,”[Italian], in: La Valle degli Dei (Galassia ; 225),Piacenza : Casa Editrice la Tribuna, 1977. pp. 121-128.$(KGrHqUOKnIFJWF6MQwPBS,oobhzgg~~60_57
  • Schweitzer, Darrell, “The Amazing Interview : Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett,” in: Schweitzer, Darrell. Amazing Stories, Jan., 1978, p. 116-123; as “Orbit Interview: Leigh Brackett & Edmond Hamilton,” in: Orbit [Dutch], Nr. 7, Lente 1979, p. 10-13.; Reprinted in SCIENCE FICTION VOICES. No. 5. San Bernardino: Borgo, 1981., pp.35-41.; Reprinted as “Brackett, Hamilton reflect on SF,” in The Pulpster, No. 29, p. 38-43.


  • Interview conducted by person(s) unknown. Interview of Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, Bertil Falk, Kathleen J. Prestwidge and Ulf R. Johnson. Conducted in the office of Hans Stefen Santesson, February 23, 1974.
  • Interview with Edmond Hamilton conducted by Paul Walker,
    June 1974.
  • Interview with Edmond Hamilton conducted by Patrick Hayden, 22 Feb. 1975. *Patrick Nielsen Hayden wrote ( about interviewing Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton at Desert Con. [info]
  • Interview with Edmond Hamilton conducted by Bertil Falk,
    15 Nov. 1975. [photo]
  • Interview with Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton conducted by David Truesdale and Paul McGuire, 18 April 1976.
  • Interview with Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton conducted by Joe Walders, Oct. 1976.


  • Pacificon II (1964) Worldcon – Hugos & Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton Guest of Honor Speeches
