Девятые звёздные войны (Original Collection)
Translator: А. Саяпин
Таллинн: Мелор, 1994, 448 p. – (Библиотека зарубежного криминалистического и приключенческого романа. Зарубеж. остросюжет. фантаст. ; Вып. 17)
Cover: К. Ахиллеоса
ISBN: 5-7979-0412-8, 5-87005-007-3
pp. 4-114. Contents: Первая война Звёздного Волка (The Weapon From Beyond) SW#1
pp. 116-226. Вторая война Звёздного Волка (The Closed Worlds) SW#2
pp. 228-332. Третья война Звёздного Волка (World of the Starwolves) SW#3
pp. 334-446. Боб Шоу. Побег в прошлое (роман, перевод А. Шарова) *Not Hamilton
Звездные Волки жили на далекой, затерянной в глубинах космоса планете Варна. Сильная гравитация наделила их феноменальной силой, скоростью и способностью переносить огромные перегрузки в процессе полета в космосе. Свои способности Волки используют для разграбления удаленных районов Вселенной.
Все три боевика (“Первая война Звездного Волка” , “Вторая война Звездного Волка” и “Третья война Звездного Волка”)принадлежат перу Эдмонда Гамильтона.
Завершает книгу боевик Боба Шоу “Побег в прошлое”.
Tag Archives: SW#1
Звёздный волк (The Weapon From Beyond)
Звёздный волк (The Weapon From Beyond) SW#1
in: Техника-молодежи, # 1-5, 1993.
Translator: С. Сухинова
#1. pp. 51-58
#2. pp. 50-58
#3. pp. 50-58
#4. pp. 50-58
#5. pp. 50-58
#6. pp. 52-57
ebook: http://zhurnalko.net/journal-5
Город на краю света (Original Collection)
Город на краю света (City at World’s End)
М.: Топикал, 1993, 480 p. – (Любителям фантастики. Клуб “Золотое перо”). 50.000 экз.
Cover: В. Катина
Ill: В. Пушкина
Звездный король (предисловие) / Сергей Сухинов, pp. 5-10
Город на краю света (City at World’s End) / tr. by С. Сухинова, pp. 11-210
Звездный волк (The Weapon From Beyond) / tr. by С. Сухинова, pp. 211-354 (SW#1)
Долина Создателя (The Valley of Creation) / tr. by С. Сухинова, pp. 355-478
Имя патриарха американской фантастики Эдмонда Гамильтона (1904-1977) известно нашим читателям с середины 50-х годов.
Любители научной фантастики ценят Гамильтона прежде всего за многочисленные остросюжетные приключенческие романы в жанре “Космической оперы”, неофициальным “Королем” которой он по праву считается. Однако в его крепко сколоченных сюжетах легко найти и оригинальные научно-фантастические идеи, ставшие источником вдохновения для нынешних классиков научной фантастики.
Вошедшие в сборник произведения “Город на краю света”, “Звездый волк” и “Долина Создателя” как нельзя лучше иллюстрируют многогранность дарования американского фантаста.
Picture from http://www.bibliograph.ru/Biblio/H/hamilton_e/avtors.html
Zbraň z neznáma (Weapon from Beyond, The) SW#1
Zbraň z neznáma (Weapon from Beyond, The) SW#1
První příběh hvězdného piráta Morgana Chana, muže s nadpozemskou silou a reakcemi. Poté co zabil velitele Hvězdných vlků Ssandera, musí uprchnout. Pronásleduje jej celá eskadra Hvězdných vlků z Varny, ale naštěstí narazí na loď žoldáků z Terry pod velením Johna Dilulla, který jej přijme do své posádky. Spolu s nimi kračí vstříc velkému vesmírnému dobrodružství.
Translator: Vladimir Kejval
Illustrator: Jack Gaughan
Publisher: ebookSF (SFK Praha), 2009
Pagination: 126 p.
Series: Knihovna Fantazie ; 3 . Hvězdný vlk ; 1
Note: fanbook
Hvězdní vlci (Weapon from Beyond, The) SW#1
Starwolf (SW#1, SW#2, and SW#3)
New York : Ace Book, 1982.10
456 p. ; cm. – (Ace Science Fiction ; 78422-4) pbk $3.50
Cover: David Schleimkofer ISBN: 0-441-78422-4
The only mercy a starwolf could expect was death …
Morgan Chane is a Starwolf-a member of the most infamous band of interstellar pirates in the galaxy-basically meaning he was one of a band of nogoodnik more-than-human raiders. He had flown with the raind packs, rockets screaming, to plunder the rich and slaughter the helpless.
But Morgan Chane was also a Terran, adopted as a child into the Starwolf clan. And when a quarrel erupted, Chane discovered that the Starwolves weighed his alien birth more heavily than all the years of comradeship. Now he is cast out of the clan, and running for his life.
But where in all the galzxy, can a Starwolf expect to find refuge?.
Starwolf (SW#1, SW#2, and SW#3) UK edition
Cover illustration by Eddie Jones
Publisher: Hamlyn : London, July 1985
Pagination: 464 p. ; cm.
Series: Venture Science Fiction ; 5 (940030-8)
ISBN: 0099400308
Note: Paperback £2.50
The only mercy a Starwolf could expect was death…
Morgan Chane was a Starwolf – a member of the most infamous band of interstellar pirates in the galaxy. He had flown with the raiding packs, rockets screaming, to plunder the rich and slaughter the helpless.
But Morgan Chane was also a Terran, adopted as a child into the Starwolf clan. And when a quarrel erupted, Chane discovered that the Starwolves weighed his alien birth more heavily than all the years of comradeship. Now he is cast out of the clan – and running for his life.
But where, in all the galaxy, can a Starwolf expect to find refuge?
Book review
- Lake, Ken, Paperback Inferno, Oct 1985
The Weapon from Beyond (Ace 1968 edition)
The Weapon from Beyond
New York : Ace Books, 1968
p. ; cm. – (Ace Books ; 78489) pbk. $0.50
Note: Edmund Hamiton on Cover
The Weapon from Beyond (SW#1)
The Weapon from Beyond
New York : Ace Books, 1967
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Books ; G-369) pbk. $0.50 NUC: 70-71183
Cover: Gaughan
“A great new galactic-adventure series! Morgan Chane, the Starwolf, battles pirates and hostile space-cruisers to find the secret of the dark nebula.” — cover
The stars whispered: die, Starwolf! die!
Morgan Chane was an Earthman by parentage, but he had been born on the pirate-world Varna, whose heavy gravity had developed strength and incredibly quick reflexes in him. When he was old enough, he joined the raider-ships that looted the starworlds, and fought side by side with the dreaded Starwolves of Varna.
But then there was a fight among them. Chane killed their leader, and the other Starwolves turned on him. He barely got away alive – wounded near death, his Starwolf pursuers following him across the galaxy.
And there was nowhere he could seek refuge, for no world would lift a hand to save one of the hated Starwolves.
Il Lupo dei Cieli (All in One Vol. Starwolf)
Il Lupo dei Cieli : le avventure di Morgan Chane (All in One Vol. Starwolf)
Translator: Ugo Malaguti
Publisher: Nord, 1999.9
Pagination: 445 p.
Series: Cosmo Oro ; 178
Il Fuggiasco della Galassia (The Weapon from Beyond) SW#1
Pianeta Perduto (The Closed Worlds) SW#2
Le Stelle del Silenzo (The World of Starwolves) SW#3
Appendice / Ugo Malaguti
430 1. Edmond Hamilton e la fantascienza
443 2. Bibliografia essenziale
La saga di Morgan Chane, il Lupo dei Cieli, appartiene alla più moderna epica della fantascienza. Questo ciclo letterario, composto di tre romanzi, è il più ambizioso progetto narrativo che l’autore ha dato alla science ficton classica.
Ma chi è Morgan Chane? È un terrestre, figlio di missionari emigrati sul pianeta Verna, un mondo nel quale gli abitanti si dedicano sistematicamente alla rapina e al saccheggio di tutti i mondi conosciuti, attaccando con le loro astronavi i pianeti più ricchi e godendosi i tesori depredati in tutti i sistemi solari. In tutto il cosmo i Lupi dei Cieli sono temuti e odiati, e Morgan Chane è un Lupo dei Cieli, anche se la sua origine è terrestre, anche se soltanto per un miracolo è riuscito a sopravvivere alle tremende condizioni del gigantesco pianeta Verna…
ma dal quale è stato anche scacciato, così ora egli considera come la sua patria i mondi della Via Lattea. Braccato e in perenne fuga, egli incontra i Mercenari che rappresentano la seconda potenza della Galassia, terrestri che combattono per il proprio interesse economico in ogni angolo dell’universo. L’incontro tra Chane e John Dilullo, il vecchio mercenario che da troppi anni percorre le vie siderali combattendo contro i pericoli e i misteri di cento pianeti, sarà l’inizio di una rocambolesca saga che toccherà mondi strani e fantastici, attraverso travolgenti avventure, incredibili battaglie stellari, in un’epica che è considerata tra le più intelligenti e divertenti di tutta la fantascienza.