
・『データブックオブザワールド』2011年版 二宮書店,2011,1冊
・International ISBN Agency, “National ISBN Agencies”
・ISSN International Centre, “National Centre”
・IFLA, “Bibliography Section” (http://www.ifla.org/bibliography

・蔡星慧『出版産業の変遷と書籍出版流通:日本の書籍出版産業の構造的特質』出版メディアパル,2006,222p *本書では参考にできなかったが,2012年2月に増補改訂版
・日本書籍出版協会『総務省委託事業 平成22年度新ICT利活用サービス創出支援事業 次世代書誌情報の共通化に向けた環境整備』2011-3-31
・日本雑誌協会『日本書籍出版協会50年史 Web版』

・Publishers Global, “Publishing Directory: International Directory of Publishers & Publishing Service Providers(http://www.publishersglobal.com/


・能勢仁著『世界の本屋さん見て歩き:海外35ヵ国202書店の横顔』出版メディアパル,2011,263p *上記の増補改訂版。書店選択の参考にさせていただいた。しっかりと書店を直接訪問されて書かれているのが凄いところである。あえて間違いと思われるところを指摘すると,ノルウェーの「ノリク書店」は「ノルリ書店」,インドのジェーン・ブック・デポット店の写真は間違い(ジェーン・ブック・エージェンシーは別企業),デンマークのガド書店は既に閉店し,出版専業になっている。
・Deiss, Richard, Kaufhaus der Worte : : 222 Buchläden, die man kennen sollte, 5. Aufl., Books on Demand, 2010, 160p. *ドイツを中心に世界222書店
第1回 穴吹充「ベトナム」9(4), p.95, 1996-04
第2回 松本洋「ポーランド」9(5), p.95, 1996-05
第3回 島田薫「ニュージーランド」9(6), p.89, 1996-06
第4回 藁谷栄「モンゴル」9(8), p.95, 1996-07
第5回 倉田保雄「南アフリカ」9(9), p.95, 1996-08
第6回 飯國有佳子「ミャンマー」9(10), p.77, 1996-09
第7回 上村司「アメリカ」9(11), p.86, 1996-10
第8回 箕谷優「インド」9(12), p.69, 1996-11
第9回 黒神直純「フィンランド」9(13), p.137, 1996-12
第10回 阿曽沼和彦「ジャマイカ」10(2), p.86, 1997-02
第11回 赤岡晴子「モロッコ」10(4), p.84, 1997-04
第12回 島田三津起「フランス」10(5), p.89, 1997-05
第13回 富義之「韓国」10(7), p.78, 1997-07
第14回 吉村勝明「フィジー」10(8), p.77, 1997-08
第15回 欠番
第16回 沖田豊穂「カメルーン」10(9), p.69, 1997-09
第17回 渡辺尚人「リオデジャネイロ」10(11), p.77, 1997-10
第18回 山中啓介「イスタンブール」10(12), p.86, 1997-11
第19回 安藤万奈「マドリード」10(13), p.79, 1997-12
第20回 長谷川朋範「タシケント」11(1), p.77, 1998-01
第21回 工藤博「ブカレスト」11(2), p.97, 1998-02
第22回 吉田直久「モントリオール」11(3), p.95, 1998-03
第23回 渡辺信之「北京」11(5), p.66, 1998-05
第24回 中村和人「ブエノスアイレス」11(6), p.98, 1998-06
第25回 安沢隆男「ウィーン」11(7), p.98, 1998-07
第26回 田栗英之「ルサカ」11(8), p.61, 1998-08
第27回 前田恵理「クアランプール」11(10), p.98, 1998-10
第28回 清水保彦「アルマティ」11(12), p.63, 1998-12
第29回 松尾昌樹「リヤド」12(2), p.59, 1999-02
・『ネット通販完全ガイド』普遊社, 2012, 98p

・内藤衛亮[ほか]「日本情報の国際共有に関する研究・文部省科学研究費補助金国際共同研究(課題番号10044018)平成11年度報告, 2000
・Chalcraft, Anthony, etc., eds., Walford’s guide to reference material, 7th ed., v. 3, Library Association, 1998, 1186p
v. 3: Generalia, language and literature, the arts
・Bell, Barbara L., An annotated guide to current national bibliographies, 2nd completely rev. ed., K.G. Saur, 1998, 487p.
・Žumer, Maja, ed., National bibliographies in the digital age : guidance and new directions : IFLA Working Group on Guidelines for National Bibliographies, K.G. Saur, 2009, 140p.

第1章 アジア・オセアニア
・林明日香「モンゴル国立図書館の現状と将来計画」『カレントアウェアネス』No.306 (CA1731),2010(http://current.ndl.go.jp/ca1731
・小笠原綾「タイの出版,書店,図書館,日本関係機関:出張報告」『アジア情報室通報』 6(2),pp.2-6,2008
・須永恵美子「<プラクティカル研究情報>パキスタン書店案内:イスラマバード・ラホール編」『イスラーム世界研究=Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies』3(1),pp.503-517,2009
・東長靖,岡本多平「<プラクティカル研究情報>インド図書館案内」『イスラーム世界研究= Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies』2(2),pp.329-377,2009
・二宮文子「<プラクティカル研究情報>インド図書館案内」『イスラーム世界研究=Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies』2(1),pp.337-346,2008
・楠田武治報告「第19 回ニューデリー国際ブックフェア」
・西願博之「インドの情報源とその理由利用」 [fulltext] 『情報の科学と技術』62(1), pp.2-7, 2012
・坂井華奈子「インド 現地資料の収集」『情報の科学と技術』62(1), pp.8-15, 2012
・Dzhigo, A.A. & Teplitskaya, A.V., “Status of national bibliographies in the CIS countries of Central Asia,” in: IFLA Retrieved July 23, 2006
・大西啓子「カザフスタンの出版事情と図書館:出張報告」『アジア情報室通報』6(4) [2008.12] pp.2-5 [full text]
・“Обзор книжного рынка РК” [Review of the book market RK], in: Gazeta.kz, 2010-07-30 (http://articles.gazeta.kz/art.asp?aid=312587) *カザフスタンの出版流通事情
・БРИЦКАЯ, Елена, “Потребители предпочитают детективы [Britske, Elena, “Consumers prefer to detectives,” in: Kursiv.kz, 2008-2-21
http://www.kursiv.kz/1195200719-potrebiteli-predpochitajut-detektivy.html –> http://www.kursiv.kz/news/details/kompanii1/potrebiteli-predpochitajut-detektivy/

第2章 ヨーロッパ
・橋元博樹報告「第54 回ワルシャワ国際ブックフェア」
・van der Klis, Hans, Het Amsterdams boekhandelsboek, Bas Lubberhuizen, 2008, 183p.
・Ungureanu, Larisa, “Librariile Chisinaului,” in: Moldova Azi, 2006-03-24
・University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Collections” (http://www.library.illinois.edu/spx/

第3章 アメリカ
・Indij, Guido Julián, The book of books : Buenos Aires bookstore guide, Asunto Impreso Ediciones, 2009, 189p
・Garcia, Glaucia, “Uma breve história das livrarias paulistanas,” São Paulo Antiga, 23/06/2010.

第4章 中東・アフリカ
・平松亜衣子,堀拔功二「<プラクティカル研究情報>湾岸アラブ諸国書店案内:クウェート編」『イスラーム世界研究=Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies』2(2),pp.378-387,2009-03
・堀拔功二「<プラクティカル研究情報>湾岸アラブ諸国書店案内:アラブ首長国連邦・カタル・バハレーン編」『イスラーム世界研究=Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies』1(2),pp.464-471,2007
・三沢伸生「<プラクティカル研究情報>トルコの書籍・書店事情(2009年度)」『イスラーム世界研究=Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies』3(2),pp.509-535,2010
・「アフリカにおける全国書誌の現状」『カレントアウェアネスE』No.114 (E695),2007
・Knutsen, Unni, Survey on the state of national bibliographies in Africa, 2007

日経ビジネスオンラインWEB DIGNIO (http://special.nikkeibp.co.jp/dignio/column/)
連載コラム「World Bookstore Now」
第1回 朽木ゆり子「電子書籍人気にも負けない,N.Y.の地元密着書店」October 7, 2010
第2回 浅野素女「パリの街に息づく,新世代の独立系書店」December 6, 2010
第3回 柳沢有紀夫「豪快な国の三重苦―ブリスベン」January 27, 2011
第4回 原口純子「文化人のサロン的役割も果たす,北京の書店」April 7, 2011
第5回 増田幸弘「常連に支えられるプラハの小さな書店」June 15,2011
第6回 吉村峰子「南アフリカの書店事情は先進国とは大きく異なる」September 1, 2011
第7回 長坂道子「街の交流となごみの場,チューリッヒの書店」November 17,2011
第8回 西川桂子「書籍の価格に悩む,バンクーバーっ子の救世主」December 22,2011

One thought on “主な参考文献

  1. [雑誌論文]

    1. The use of computers in comipilng national bibliographies illustrated by the example of the deutsche bibliographie / Koster, Kurt. Libri: International Journal of Libraries & Information Services, 1966, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p269-281, 13p; (AN ISTA0300169)
    2. National bibliography / Greer, Roger C. Library Trends 15, 350-377 (1967 January), 1967; (AN ISTA0201047)
    3. National bibliography / Greer, Roger C. Library Trends, January 1967, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p350-377, 28p; (AN ISTA0300125)
    4. The current national bibliography; its comprehensiveness and promptness (English) / Nagasawa, Masao.. Library Science/japan 5, 107-125 (1967). Tables. In Japanese, 1967; Language: Japanese; (AN ISTA0300533)
    5. A new look in national bibliographies: some implications of the use of computers with special reference to the deutsche bibliographie / Coward, R E. Library Association Record, September 1967, Vol. 69 Issue 9, p310-313, 4p; (AN ISTA0300527)
    6. National bibliography in a multi-national state as accomplished in the ussr / Vesirova, L A. 1970 September. International Federation Of Library Associations, Sevenoaks, Kent, England. 17 P. 0 Ref. Edrs: Ed-045 133; Hc $0.95, Mf $0.25. Paper Prepared For The Session Of The Bibliographical Committee At The International Federation Of Library Assoc, 1970; (AN ISTA0601694)
    7. A survey of the contents of existing national bibliographies / Cheffins, Richard H A. Report Pgi-77/ubc/ref-1. 1971. 1977 September. United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization, Paris. 52 P. Tab. Edrs: Ed 148 353; Mf $0.83. This Paper Was Originally Prepared As A Working Document Presented By International Federation, 1971; (AN ISTA1303221)
    8. Corporate headings: their use in library cataloguing and national bibliographies; suggestions for the formulation of international agreement By: Verona, Eva. 1974. 7 P. Available In Us From American Library Association, Chicago, Illinois. Paper Presented To Joint Session Of Committee On Cataloguing, Committee On Official Publication, And Committee On Serial Publications, International Federation Of Library Ass, 1974; (AN ISTA1003663)
    9. Corporate headings: their use in library catalogues and national bibliographies; a comparative and critical study / Verona, Eva. Isbn 0-903043-05-x. 1975. Committee On Cataloguing, International Federation Of Library Associations, British Library, Reference Division, Great Russell Street, London. Xiv + 224 P. Ref. 8.00. Index. Available Also From Canadian Library Association, $18.0, 1975; (AN ISTA1103187)
    10. Comparative survey of existing national bibliographies of 30-40 countries / Pomassi, Gerhard. Com/75/ws/7. 1975. Unesco, Department Of Documentation Libraries And Archives. 127 P. Offset, 1975; (AN ISTA1101340)
    11. National bibliographies and automation / Salomonsen, Annika; Weitemeyer, Mogens. 87-7023-153-2. 1975. Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen. 32 P, 1975; (AN ISTA1301062)
    12. Synoptic tables conerning the current national bibliographies / Et Al; Pomassi, Gerhard. 1975. Deutsche Bucherei, Deutscher Platz, Bibliotheksverband Der Deutschen Demokratischen Repbulic, Leipzig. 3 P. + 25 Folding Sheets, 1975; (AN ISTA1102782)
    13. Standardization activities of concern to libraries and national bibliographies: an outline of current practices, projects and publications / International Federation Of Library Associations (ifla), International Office For Ubc.. Isbn 0-903043-09-2. 1976. Ifla Committee On Cataloguing, British Library, Reference Division, Great Russell Street, London Wc1b 3dg. Xii + 36 P. Ref. 5.00, 1976; (AN ISTA1202315)
    14. Standardization activities of concern to libraries and national bibliographies / International Federation Of Library Associations, Committee On Cataloguing.. An Outline Of Current Practices, Projects And Publications. 1976. Committee On Cataloguing, International Federation Of Library Associations, London. 46 P. Ref. Edrs: Ed 148 334; Hc $2.06, Mf $0.83, 1976; (AN ISTA1303585)
    15. A survey of the contents of existing national bibliographies By: Cheffins, Richard H A. Pgi-77/ubc/ref.1. 1977. Unesco, Paris. 52 P, 1977; (AN ISTA1301683)
    16. The national bibliography: present role and future developments / Ifla International Office.. Pgi-77/ubc/2. 1977. Unesco, Paris. 97 P, 1977; (AN ISTA1301517)
    17. National bibliographies-their treatment of periodicals and monographic series / Kilton, Tom D. Serials Librarian, Summer 1978, Vol. 2 Issue 4, p351-370, 20p; (AN ISTA1400673)
    18. Guidelines for the national bibliographic agency and the national bibliography / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Office for Universal Bibliographic Control. Rep. No: PGI/79/WS/18, 1979, 50p; (AN ISTA1501782)
    19. The retrospective singapore national bibliography. The task Ahead / Choo, C S. The retrospective singapore national bibliography. The task Ahead, Aug. 1980, 21p; (AN ISTA1157393387)
    20. Processing of music in the framework of the automatized system of national bibliography (English) / Kucianova, A. Kniznice A Vedecke Informacie, 1981, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p7-11, 5p; Language: Slovak; (AN ISTA1600986)
    21. International significance of national bibliography / Blazekovie, T. Informatologica Yugoslavica, 1981, Vol. 13 Issue 1-4, p67-88, 22p; (AN ISTA1800021)
    22. Current national bibliographies in developing countries of the Commonwealth / Gorman, G E; Mahoney, M. Libri: International Journal of Libraries & Information Services, Sep 1983, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p177-189, 13p; (AN ISTA1900939) [to 1st page]
    23. Retrospective bibliographic control. The question of cumulative volumes of current national bibliographies / Beaudiquez, M. Report No: ED 264 865, 1985, 48p; (AN ISTA2100385)
    24. Retrospective national bibliographies: an international directory / Beaudiquez, M. Retrospective national bibliographies: an international directory, 1986, 189p; (AN ISTA2103387)
    25. A marketing tool for the information industry. Malta and its national bibliography / Sciberras, L. A marketing tool for the information industry. Malta and its national bibliography, 1986, 40p; (AN ISTA2104527)
    26. The future of the national bibliography / Lewis, P. Library Association Record, Oct 1987, Vol. 89 Issue 10, p516-520, 5p; (AN ISTA2203307)
    27. Some problems facing the current national bibliography in Mediterranean countries / Scibberas, L. Libri: International Journal of Libraries & Information Services, Dec 1987, Vol. 37 Issue 4, p279-293, 15p; (AN ISTA2203502)
    28. Evaluating Third World national bibliographies as selection resources / Gorman, G E; Mills, J J. Library Acquisitions, 1988, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p29-42, 14p; (AN ISTA2301751)
    29. Compact national bibliographies?. CD-ROM as a distribution medium for bibliographic records / Smith, R. Catalogue & Index, Spr 1990, Vol. 96, p8-11, 4p; (AN ISTA2602062)
    30. Local Systems and National Bibliographies. / Keys, Marshall. Information Today, Dec1991, Vol. 8 Issue 11, p33-34, 2p; (AN 18757968)
    31. Serials in the current national bibliography / Zotova, K. Serials Librarian, 1992, Vol. 22 Issue 3/4, p319-335, 17p; (AN ISTA2800286)
    32. National Bibliography as Witness of National Memory / Beaudiquez,Marcelle, in: IFLA Journal , Volume 18 (2): 119, SAGE – Jan 1, 1992 [to 1st page]
    33. A Union Catalog on CD-ROM : Tool for Resource Sharing? The Houston Area Research Library Consortium CD-ROM Union Catalog Project / Linda L. Thompson; Keiko Cho Horton, Resource Sharing & Information Networks, 1541-1125, Volume 8, Issue 1, 1993, Pages 5 – 22
    34. Managing the National Bibliography in a Non-governmental Institution / Waneck, Kirsten. Library Management, 1994, Vol. 15 Issue 7, p6-9, 4p; (AN 3961475) [to 1st page]
    35. An International Union Catalog of Special Format Materials for the Blind / Michael M. Moodie; Robert C. Axtell; Robert J. McDermott, Resource Sharing & Information Networks, 1541-1125, Volume 11, Issue 1, 1996, Pages 81 – 85
    36. AN ANNOTATED GUIDE TO CURRENT NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. (English)  [Repertoire commente des bibliographie nationales courantes. (Spanish)] / Bell, Barbara. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 1997, p1-5, 5p; Language: Spanish; (AN 43883760)
    37. Requiem for the National Bibliography?: the implications of Internet access to National Library catalogues / East, John W. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, March 1999, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p1-10, 10p; (AN ISTA3401527)
    38. Current national bibliography in service of universal bibliographic control (English) / Horvat, Aleksandra. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2000, Vol. 43 Issue 1-2, p1-8, 8p; Language: Croatian; (AN ISTA3501901)
    39. User interfaces of national bibliographies on CD-ROM: results of a survey / Zumer, Maja. Program: Electronic Library & Information Systems, July 2000, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p281-290, 10p; (AN ISTA3502115)
    40. Global publishing and national heritage: Selection of Internet resources for national bibliographies / Werner, Claudia. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-8, 8p; (AN 43883534)
    41. Legal Deposit of on-line materials and National Bibliographies / Scott, Marianne. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-3, 3p; (AN 43883667)
    42. Changes in the National Bibliographies, 1996-2001 / Knutsen, Unni. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-19, 19p; (AN 43883651)
    43. National bibliographies and the International Conference on National Bibliographic Services recommendations: Europe; North, Central and South America; and Oceania / Hasund Langballe, Anne M.. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-5, 5p; (AN 43883493)
    44. Uses and usefulness of national bibliographies : which perspectives? / Beaudiquez, Marcelle. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-11, 11p; (AN 43883607)
    45. The National Bibliography Concept in a Changing Information Environment / Andresoo, Janne. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-6, 6p; (AN 43883484)
    46. National Bibliographies and the International Conference on National Bibliographic Services Recommendations: Introduction / Anne M. Hasund Langballe; Barbara L. Bell. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2001, p1-4, 4p; (AN 43883491)
    47. Distribution formats for current national bibliographies (English) / Murati, Tomislav. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2002, Vol. 45 Issue 1-2, p66-82, 17p; Language: Croatian; (AN ISTA3703530)
    48. What will be the Usefulness of National Bibliographies in the Future? / Beaudiquez, Marcelle. IFLA Journal, 2002, Vol. 28 Issue 1, p28, 3p, 1 Black and White Photograph; (AN 6538856)
    49. A multifaceted strategy for a National Bibliography on electronic resources / Hansen, Randi Diget. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2002, p1-5, 5p; (AN 43898776)
    50. The perpetuation of the national bibliographies in the new virtual information environment / Beaudiquez, Marcelle. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2003, p1-9, 9p; (AN 43756273)
    51. Challenges of providing bibliographic access to remote electronic resources in national bibliographies: Problems and solutions — an overview / Byrum Jr., John D.. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2002, p1-7, 7p; (AN 43898864)
    52. Future role of (electronic) national bibliographies / Hakala, Juha. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2003, p1-8, 8p; (AN 43756290)
    53. Electronic national bibliographies: state of the art review / Knutsen, Unni. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2003, p1-6, 6p; (AN 43756216)
    54. The relationship between subject gateways and national bibliographies in international context / Stoklasová, Bohdana; Balíková, Marie; Celbová, Ludmila. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2003, p1-8, 8p; (AN 43756119)
    55. Guidelines for electronic national bibliographies: are they needed? / Žumer, Maja. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2003, p1-7, 7p; (AN 43756212)
    56. The Perpetuation of National Bibliographies in the New Virtual Information Environment [La perpetuación de las bibliografías nacionales en el nuevo entorno de información virtual. / Die Modernisierung der nationalen Bibliographien in der neuen virtuellen Informationsumgebung. / La perpétuation des bibliographies nationales dans le nouvel environnement virtuel] / Beaudiquez, Marcelle. IFLA Journal, 2004, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p24-30, 7p; (AN 13486762)
    57. Argentina’s national bibliography: an outstanding debt / de Tiratel, Susana Romanos. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2004, p1-11, 11p; (AN 43971956)
    58. Guidelines for Electronic National Bibliographies: Are They Needed? / Žumer, Maja. International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Jul-Sep2004, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p54-56, 3p; (AN14908682)
    59. Guidelines for (electronic) national bibliographies: work in progress / Žumer, Maja. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2005, p1-8, 8p; (AN 43915250)
    60. IFLA survey on inclusion of electronic resources in national bibliographies / Wiggins, Beacher. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2005, p1-8, 8p; (AN 43915453)
    61. Bell, B.L. & Langballe, A.H. (2001). An examination of national bibliographies and their adherence to ICNBS recommendations. [The Hague]: IFLA Retrieved July 23, 2006 [full text]
    62. Knutsen, U.(2001). Changes in the national bibliographies, 1996-2001. [The Hague]: IFLA Retrieved July 23, 2006 [full text]
    63. International Conference on National Bibliographic Services (1998 : Copenhagen). (1999), The final recommendations of the International Conference on National Bibliographic Services. [The Hague]: IFLA Retrieved July 23, 2006 [full text]
    64. IFLA Survey on Inclusion of Electronic Resources in National Bibliographies / Wiggins, Beacher, International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Oct-Dec2006, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p71-74, 4p; (AN 24688701)
    65. Guidelines for (Electronic) National Bibliographies: Work in Progress / Žurner, Maja. International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Oct-Dec2006, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p84-87, 4p; (AN24688706)
    66. Best practices for subject access to national bibliographies: interim report by the Working Group on Guidelines for Subject Access by National Bibliographic Agencies / Bourdon, Françoise; Landry, Patrice. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2007, p1-6, 6p; (AN 43971390)
    67. The Importance of National Bibliographies in the Digital Age / Parent, Ingrid. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2007, p1-10, 10p; (AN 43971392)
    68. The new “Guidelines for national bibliographies in the digital age” / Žumer, Maja. IFLA Conference Proceedings, 2007, p1-6, 6p; (AN 43971393)
    69. IFLA Survey on Inclusion of Electronic Resources in National Bibliographies / Wiggins, Beadier. International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Jan-Mar2007, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p71-74,
      4p; (AN 24600180)
    70. Guidelines for (Electronic) National Bibliographies: Work in Progress / Žumer, Maja. International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Jan-Mar2007, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p84-87, 4p; (AN24600183)
    71. The Importance of National Bibliographies in the Digital Age / Parent, Ingrid. International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Jan-Mar2008, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p9-12, 4p; (AN 31528001)
    72. Best Practices for Subject Access to National Bibliographies: Interim Report by the Working Group on Guidelines for Subject Access by National Bibliographic Agencies / Bourdon, Françoise; Landry, Patrice. International Cataloging & Bibliographic Control, Oct-Dec2008, Vol. 37 Issue 4, p63-65, 3p; (AN 37588877)
    73. National Bibliographies in the Digital Age: Guidance and New Directions / Worth, Di. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, Dec2009, Vol. 40 Issue 4, p324-325, 2p; (AN 48491834)
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