Забытый мир (Forgotten World)

Забытый мир (Forgotten World)
Translator: В. Богоявленского
Illustrator: Ю.Д. Иванушкина
in: Забытый мир. Карты колдуньи. Как не стать жертвой преступления, Тверь: Итиль, 1990, 16 p. – (Фантастика. Приключения. Детектив. Книжка-минутка)
Note: Reprinted with minor decreases
forgottenworld-reebook: http://bvi.rusf.ru/biblo/files.htm

さいはての星 (Forgotten World)

Translator: 坂田治 (SAKATA Osamu)
Illustrator: 中島靖侃
in: SFマガジン, Vol. 3, No. 12 (No. 36) (Nov. 1962) , pp. 138-185
Note: 19621101
文明の光もとどかぬ銀河の果ての荒廃の星 – その名は地球……(目次)
それは銀河の果て遠く、文明の光もとどかぬさいはての星 – 考古学者の関心しかひくことのない荒廃の星だった。その名は地球・・・・・・
1 宇宙からの客 138
2 古代都市 144
3 老いた惑星 149
4 謎の機械 154
5 偏見との戦い 159
6 地球への借り 165
7 最後の開拓者たち 170
8 太陽との闘争 174
9 地球人故郷へ帰る 180

OPUS#207 Forgotten World

OPUS: #207
Title: Forgotten World
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1946
Type: novelette
“Star-sick Laird Carlin is ordered back to Earth for a rest cure – and there on the ancient, ancestral planet, his love for a girl lures him into the toils of a weird conspiracy!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 28, no. 1, Winter 1946, (Feb 1946, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Standard Magazines, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: THM
  • The Giant Anthology of Science Fiction, (1954, ed. Leo Margulies, Oscar J. Friend, publ. Merlin Press, $3.95, 580pp, hc, anth)
  • Fantastic Story Magazine, Vol. 7, no. 3, Fall 1954, (Oct 1954, ed. Samuel Mines, publ. Best Books, Inc., $0.25, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Jack Coggins
  • Race to the Stars, (Oct 1958, ed. Leo Margulies, Oscar J. Friend, publ. Crest Books / Fawcett Publications, #s245, $0.35, 224pp, pb, anth) Cover: Stanley Meltzoff

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v28n01_1946-01-Winter/page/n11/mode/2up?view=theater