Magic Moon (CF#16)
in: Action Adventure Stories #117
Publisher: Fading Shadows, 2002.9.
Category Archives: Brett Sterling
Worlds to Come (CF#14)
Title: Worlds to Come
Author: Brett Sterling (William Morrison –> Joseph Samachson)
Year: 1943
Type: novella
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 14
“Captain Future and his Valiant Aids Speed to His Rescue of the Sagittarian System – Ready to Lock in the Mortal Combat with Deadly Enemies from Another Dimension!
- Captain Future, Spring 1943, (Apr 1943, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, pulp, magazine)
Kapten Frank bygger en ny planet (Days of Creation) CF#17
Kapten Frank bygger en ny planet (Days of Creation) CF#17
Author: Brett Sterling (Joseph Samachson)
in: Jules Verne Magasinet/Veckans Äventyr, VII:10-25 (1946)
01 Förslaget Nr. 10 (5 mars 1946), pp. 4-7
02 Vittnet Nr. 10 (5 mars 1946), pp. 38-39, Nr. 11 (12 mars 1946), pp. 34-38.
03 Svartskägg No. 11 (12 mars 1946), pp. 38-39, Nr. 12 (19 mars 1946), pp. 26-29
04 Fällan Nr. 12 (19 mars 1946), pp. 29, Nr. 13 (26 mars 1946), pp. 22-23
05 Bror Ingmann, “Rymdens Skräck” Nr. 13 (26 mars 1946), pp. 23-26, Nr. 14 (2 april 1946), pp. 24-26
06 Pygmalion Nr. 13 (26 mars 1946), pp. 26-27, Nr. 14 (2 april 1946), pp. 24-27
07 Othos “Skräck” Nr. 14 (2 april 1946), pp. 27-30, Nr. 15 (9 april 1946), pp. 26
08 Bedragarna Nr. 15 (9 april 1946), pp. 26-29
09 Piraten och flickan Nr. 15 (9 april 1946), pp. 29-31, Nr. 16 (17 april 1946), pp. 34-36
10 Den nya planeten Nr. 16 (17 april 1946), pp. 37-38, Nr. 17 (23 april 1946), pp. 26-28
11 Asteroidexplosionerna Nr. 17 (23 april 1946), pp. 28-30, Nr. 18 (30 april 1946), pp. 26-29
12 Månhem, ljuva hem Nr. 18 (30 april 1946), pp. 29-30, Nr. 19 (7 maj 1946), pp. 34-36
13 Försvararna på Månen Nr. 19 (7 maj 1946), pp. 36-39
14 En tyngdfråga Nr. 19 (7 maj 1946), pp. 39-40, Nr. 20 (14 maj 1946), pp. 28-30
15 Krigsråd Nr. 20 (14 maj 1946), pp. 30-31, Nr. 21 (21 maj 1946), pp. 26-28
16 De hoppande fjarilärna Nr. 21 (21 maj 1946), pp. 28-31
17 Samling på Balder Nr. 21 (21 maj 1946), pp. 31, Nr. 22 (28 maj 1946), pp. 34-38, Nr. 23 (4 juni 1946), pp. 26-27
18 Planerat fiasko Nr. 23 (4 juni 1946), pp. 28-31
19 Operationen Nr. 23 (4 juni 1946), pp. 31, Nr. 24 (11 juni 1946), pp. 34-36
20 Slutstriden Nr. 24 (11 juni 1946), pp. 36-37, Nr. 25 (18 juni 1946), pp. 34-39
Days of Creation (CF#17)
Title: Days of Creation
Author: Brett Sterling (William Morrison –> Joseph Samachson)
Year: 1944
Type: novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 17
“Four powerful factions work at cosmic cross purposes in a game of system-wide stakes as Curt Newton and his staunch comrades set out to create a brand new planet to add to the family of the Sun!”–TOC
“Curtis Newton and His Staunch Comrades Set Out to Create a Brand New Planet to Add to the Family of the Sun!”
- Captain Future, Spring 1944, (Apr 1944, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle K. Bergey
- The Tenth Planet, (1969, Brett Sterling, publ. Popular Library, #60-2445, $0.60, 128pp, pb) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck
- High Adventure #99, (Mar 2008, ed. John P. Gunnison, publ. Adventure House, #987-1-59798-133-0, $7.95, 107pp, pb, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
Worlds to come (CF#14)
Danger Planet (Popular Library) CF#18
Danger Planet [Red Sun of Danger]
New York : Popular Library, 1969. –
128 p. ; 18 cm. – (Popular Library ; 60-2335)
Cover: Frazetta
“Introducing Captain Future, one strong man battling the galaxies of evil” — Cover
Danger Planet
One million years back in the swirling, shrouded past, evil ultra-beings ruled the Planet Roo. Suddenly, unbelievably, they are alive again, threatening the universe with total destruction.
Only one man dares challenge the Evil Ones. He is Captain Future, inter-galactic agent of justice, whose identity is top secret, whose strength is ultimate. He sets out alone to stop the deathless menace creeping ever closer…
The Tenth Planet (Popular Library) CF#17
The Tenth Planet
New York : Popular Library, 1969. –
128 p. ; 18 cm. – (Popular Library ; 60-2445)
NOTE: not Hamilton (by Joseph Samachson)
“When Captain Future disappears, and an impostor takes over, the Solar System faces final doom …” — Cover
Captain Future meets Captain Future…
The two men stood facing each other.
One man was tall and impressive. His red hair, his self-assured manner, the global ring he wore on his finger, left no question in the minds of viewers that he was the man he said he was – the man known the Solar System over as Captain Future.
The other man was tall too, but fierce looking, with a wild black beard and a scarred face. They called him Blackbeard and believed he was a space pirate, although the main claimed he didn’t remember who he was. Not even he suspected that he might be the real Captain Future…
Danger Planet (Popular Library) CF#18
Danger Planet
Author: Brett Sterling (Edmond Hamilton)
New York : Popular Library, 1969. –
128 p. ; 18 cm. – (Popular Library ; 60-2335)
Cover: Frazetta
“One strong man battling the galaxies of evil”-On cover
One million years back in the swirling, shrouded past, evil ultra-beings ruled the Planet Roo. Suddenly, unbelievably, they are alive again, threatening the universe with total destruction.
Only one man dares challenge the Evil Ones. He is Captain Future, inter-galactic agent of justice, whose identity is top secret, whose strength is ultimate. He sets out alone to stop the deathless menace creeping ever close…
Den magiska månen (Magic Moon) CF#16
Den magiska månen (Magic Moon) CF#16
Author: Brett Sterling (Edmond Hamilton)
in: Jules Verne Magasinet/Veckans Äventyr, VI:33-45 (1945)
Stern des Grauens (The Star of Dread) CF#15 as Sterling
Stern des Grauens (The Star of Dread) CF#15 as Sterling
Translator: Ralph Tegtmeier
Publisher: Bastei Lübbe
Year of Publication: 1984
Pagination: 158 p.
Series: Bastei Lübbe ; 25015
Cover art: Agentur Norma
Captain Future und seine Freunde machen Ausgrabungen auf Triton, dem kleinen Uranusmond, und stoßen auf Hinweise über den Menschheitsursprung.
Sie folgen den Spuren und gelangen nach Deneb, auf dessen Planeten schrecklich veränderte Menschen leben, die sich alle nur das eine wünschen: wieder ihre normale Gestalt zu bekommen. Nur einer kann ihnen helfen – Captain Future. Doch dazu muß er erst das Geheimnis der künstlichen Mutation enträtseln.