Worlds to Come (CF#14)

Title: Worlds to Come
Author: Brett Sterling (William Morrison –> Joseph Samachson)
Year: 1943
Type: novella
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 14

“Captain Future and his Valiant Aids Speed to His Rescue of the Sagittarian System – Ready to Lock in the Mortal Combat with Deadly Enemies from Another Dimension!


  • Captain Future, Spring 1943, (Apr 1943, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, pulp, magazine)


Kapten Frank bygger en ny planet (Days of Creation) CF#17

Kapten Frank bygger en ny planet (Days of Creation) CF#17
Author: Brett Sterling (Joseph Samachson)
in: Jules Verne Magasinet/Veckans Äventyr, VII:10-25 (1946)
01 Förslaget Nr. 10 (5 mars 1946), pp. 4-7
02 Vittnet Nr. 10 (5 mars 1946), pp. 38-39, Nr. 11 (12 mars 1946), pp. 34-38.
03 Svartskägg No. 11 (12 mars 1946), pp. 38-39, Nr. 12 (19 mars 1946), pp. 26-29
04 Fällan Nr. 12 (19 mars 1946), pp. 29, Nr. 13 (26 mars 1946), pp. 22-23
05 Bror Ingmann, “Rymdens Skräck” Nr. 13 (26 mars 1946), pp. 23-26, Nr. 14 (2 april 1946), pp. 24-26
06 Pygmalion Nr. 13 (26 mars 1946), pp. 26-27, Nr. 14 (2 april 1946), pp. 24-27
07 Othos “Skräck” Nr. 14 (2 april 1946), pp. 27-30, Nr. 15 (9 april 1946), pp. 26
08 Bedragarna Nr. 15 (9 april 1946), pp. 26-29
09 Piraten och flickan Nr. 15 (9 april 1946), pp. 29-31, Nr. 16 (17 april 1946), pp. 34-36
10 Den nya planeten Nr. 16 (17 april 1946), pp. 37-38, Nr. 17 (23 april 1946), pp. 26-28
11 Asteroidexplosionerna Nr. 17 (23 april 1946), pp. 28-30, Nr. 18 (30 april 1946), pp. 26-29
12 Månhem, ljuva hem Nr. 18 (30 april 1946), pp. 29-30, Nr. 19 (7 maj 1946), pp. 34-36
13 Försvararna på Månen Nr. 19 (7 maj 1946), pp. 36-39
14 En tyngdfråga Nr. 19 (7 maj 1946), pp. 39-40, Nr. 20 (14 maj 1946), pp. 28-30
15 Krigsråd Nr. 20 (14 maj 1946), pp. 30-31, Nr. 21 (21 maj 1946), pp. 26-28
16 De hoppande fjarilärna Nr. 21 (21 maj 1946), pp. 28-31
17 Samling på Balder Nr. 21 (21 maj 1946), pp. 31, Nr. 22 (28 maj 1946), pp. 34-38, Nr. 23 (4 juni 1946), pp. 26-27
18 Planerat fiasko Nr. 23 (4 juni 1946), pp. 28-31
19 Operationen Nr. 23 (4 juni 1946), pp. 31, Nr. 24 (11 juni 1946), pp. 34-36
20 Slutstriden Nr. 24 (11 juni 1946), pp. 36-37, Nr. 25 (18 juni 1946), pp. 34-39

Days of Creation (CF#17)

Title: Days of Creation
Author: Brett Sterling (William Morrison –> Joseph Samachson)
Year: 1944
Type: novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 17

“Four powerful factions work at cosmic cross purposes in a game of system-wide stakes as Curt Newton and his staunch comrades set out to create a brand new planet to add to the family of the Sun!”–TOC
“Curtis Newton and His Staunch Comrades Set Out to Create a Brand New Planet to Add to the Family of the Sun!”


  • Captain Future, Spring 1944, (Apr 1944, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle K. Bergey
  • The Tenth Planet, (1969, Brett Sterling, publ. Popular Library, #60-2445, $0.60, 128pp, pb) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck
  • High Adventure #99, (Mar 2008, ed. John P. Gunnison, publ. Adventure House, #987-1-59798-133-0, $7.95, 107pp, pb, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey


The Solar Invasion (CF#20)

Title: The Solar Invasion (Complete Novel)
Author: Manly Wade Wellman
Year: 1946
Variant Title of: The Solar Invasion (by Manly Wade Wellman)
Type: novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 20
“Curt Newton, Joan Randall and the Futuremen cruise into a strange world peopled with weird, pallid inhabitants, on the quest of a lost satellite which was mysterious plucked from the sky”


  • Startling Stories, Fall 1946, (Oct 1946, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
  • The Solar Invasion, (Oct 1968, Manly Wade Wellman, publ. Popular Library, #60-2346, $0.60, 126pp, pb) Cover: Frank Frazetta

Book Reviews:

  • Son of WSFA Journal. 33:9-10. September 1971. (D. Halterman)
  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 21. “The last Captain Future novel, written by an author other than Edmond Hamilton. This one concerns the return of the Futuremen’s arch-enemy, Ul Quorn, the Magician of Mars, from his inadvertent exile in another dimension, leading an army of light-hating aliens from a world of darkness to overrun the Solar System. An interesting enough story in its own right and capably written as always by this fine author. Unfortunately, Mr. Wellman did not do his homework for this assignment and reread all the earlier novels in the series, with the result that he committed a monumental blunder in returning to life for this story President Carew [i.e. Carthew] of the System Government, who was murdered in Outlaws of the Moon by interplanetary gangsters and the Futuremen framed for the crime. Reprinted in 1966 by Popular Library in paperback.”


The Solar Invasion (Popular Library)

The Solar Invasion (CF#20) by Manley Wade Wellman
New York : Popular Library 1968. –
126 p. ; 18 cm. – (Popular Library ; 60-2346)
Cover: Frazetta
“From beyond the fifth dimension, a master fiend threatens to destroy the universe …… by Manly Wade Wellman” — Cover
The menace from out of time
it comes from beyond the fifth – an alien intelligence both invulnerable and totally evil.
Its aim: bring the universe to its knees. Its primary objective: destroy the Solar System.
As doomsday rushes ever closer, one lone man dares oppose the creature from beyond. Only he can save the universe from a brutal, blazing cataclysm.
solarinvasion solarinvasion-verso

The Tenth Planet (Popular Library) CF#17

The Tenth Planet
New York : Popular Library, 1969. –
128 p. ; 18 cm. – (Popular Library ; 60-2445)
NOTE: not Hamilton (by Joseph Samachson)
“When Captain Future disappears, and an impostor takes over, the Solar System faces final doom …” — Cover
Captain Future meets Captain Future…
The two men stood facing each other.
One man was tall and impressive. His red hair, his self-assured manner, the global ring he wore on his finger, left no question in the minds of viewers that he was the man he said he was – the man known the Solar System over as Captain Future.
The other man was tall too, but fierce looking, with a wild black beard and a scarred face. They called him Blackbeard and believed he was a space pirate, although the main claimed he didn’t remember who he was. Not even he suspected that he might be the real Captain Future…

Invasion der Sverd (Worlds to Come) CF#14 as Sterling

Invasion der Sverd (Worlds to Come) CF#14 as Sterling
Translator: Ralph Tagtmeier
Publisher: Bastei Lübbe
Year of Publication: 1983
Pagination: 156 p.
Series: Bastei Lübbe ; 25014
Note: Not Hamilton (Joseph Samachson)
Cover art: Agentur Norma
Die inneren Planeten der Milchstraße werden von einer schrecklichen Invasion aus einer fremden Dimension heimgesucht. Unter dem Ansturm der unbesiegbaren Sverd, riesigen grauen Ungeheuern, fällt eine Welt nach der anderen. Angeführt von ihrem Herrn und Meister Gorma Haß mit seiner überlegenen Technik, kann sie anscheinend nichts aufhalten – bis auf Captain Future, der Hexenmeister der Wissenschaft, und seine Mannschaft. Und so flüchten seine alten Freunde Ki ok, Hol Jor und Mar Del aus ihren überfallenen Sonnensystemen Saggitarius, Antares und Vega zur Erde und bitten den Weltraumabenteurer um Hilfe.
Captain Future zögert nicht und macht sich mit dem neuentwickelten Pararaumantrieb sofort auf den Weg … Doch bei einer dringenden Außenreparatur verliert ihn die Comet im Weltall, er bleibt hilflos im Nichts treibend zurück, und die Future-Mannschaft muß sich der Gefahr allein stellen.

Captain Zukunfts letztes Abenteuer (Days of Creation) CF#17

Captain Zukunfts letztes Abenteuer (Days of Creation) CF#17 as Sterling
Translator: G.R. Horn
Publisher: E. Pabel
Year of Publication: 1963
Pagination: 64 p.
Series: Utopia Zukunftsroman ; 369
Note: Not Hamilton (Joseph Samachson); Abridged

Überfall aus fremder Dimension (Worlds to Come) CF#14

Überfall aus fremder Dimension (Worlds to Come) CF#14 as Sterling
“Captain Zukunft und seine Freunde haben eine Invasion aus dem Kosmos abzuwehren”
Translator: Heinz Zwack
Publisher: E. Pabel
Year of Publication: 1961
Pagination: 78 p.
Series: Utopia-Grossband ; 155
Note: Not Hamilton (Joseph Samachson); Abridged