OPUS#252 Fugitive of the Stars

OPUS: #252
Title: Fugitive of the Stars
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1957
Type: novella or novel?
“Many had died in the space wreck, and Jim Horne was being tracked down as a murderer. His escape meant freedom – and a galactic holocaust!”

  • Imagination, Vol. 8, no. 6, December 1957, (Dec 1957, ed. William L. Hamling, publ. Greenleaf Publishing Company, $0.35, 132pp, Digest, magazine), pp. 6-62. Cover: Malcolm Smith
  • Fugitive of the Stars / Land Beyond the Map, (1965, Edmond Hamilton, Kenneth Bulmer, publ. Ace (Ace Double #M-111), #M-111, $0.45, 116+136pp, dos, omni) Cover: Jerome Podwil , Jack Gaughan
  • Fugitive of the Stars, (Sep 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 978-1-60282-398-3, $4.00, ebook) Cover: Doug Chaffee
  • King of Stars, (Sep 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni) Cover: Doug Chaffee

ebook: BookReader

OPUS#207 Forgotten World

OPUS: #207
Title: Forgotten World
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1946
Type: novelette
“Star-sick Laird Carlin is ordered back to Earth for a rest cure – and there on the ancient, ancestral planet, his love for a girl lures him into the toils of a weird conspiracy!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 28, no. 1, Winter 1946, (Feb 1946, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Standard Magazines, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: THM
  • The Giant Anthology of Science Fiction, (1954, ed. Leo Margulies, Oscar J. Friend, publ. Merlin Press, $3.95, 580pp, hc, anth)
  • Fantastic Story Magazine, Vol. 7, no. 3, Fall 1954, (Oct 1954, ed. Samuel Mines, publ. Best Books, Inc., $0.25, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Jack Coggins
  • Race to the Stars, (Oct 1958, ed. Leo Margulies, Oscar J. Friend, publ. Crest Books / Fawcett Publications, #s245, $0.35, 224pp, pb, anth) Cover: Stanley Meltzoff

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v28n01_1946-01-Winter/page/n11/mode/2up?view=theater

OPUS#196 Free-Lance of Space, The

OPUS: #196
Title: The Free-Lance of Space
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1944
Type: short story
“Only one loyality – to himself! Because of it he died with the way to live again locked in his mind”-TOC
“All that stood between mankind and the loss of a life-saving drug was Rake Allan – who hated humanity”

  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 18, no. 3, May 1944, (May 1944, ed. Raymond A. Palmer, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.25, 212pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Malcolm Smith; Illust: Julian S. Krupa
  • Science Fiction Adventures Classics, May 1974, (May 1974, ed. uncredited, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.60, 132pp, digest, magazine), pp. 114-132. Cover: James B. Settles

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v18n03_1944-05.Ziff-Daviscape1736

OPUS#190 Face of the Deep, The [CF#13]

OPUS: #190
Title: The Face of the Deep (Complete Novel)
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1943
Type: Novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 13
“Carried Far Outside the Solar System, and Wrecked on a Volcanic Planetoid in Company with s Shipload of condemned Criminals, Captain Future Faces the Supreme Test of His Courage!”


  • Captain Future, Vol. 5, no. 1, Winter 1943, (Jan 1943, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine), Cover: Bergey Illust: Orban

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Captain_Future_v05n01_1942_-_Better

OPUS#140 Fear Neutralizer, The

OPUS: #140
Title: The Fear Neutralizer
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1939
Type: short story
“”Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” “Not I,” said John Stuart as he started to paint the town red!”


  • Startling Stories, Vol. 1, no. 2, March 1939, (Mar 1939, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Illust: Jack Binder
  • Science Fiction Yearbook, Number 2, (1968, ed. Helen Tono, publ. Popular Library, Inc., $0.50, 100pp, Pulp, magazine)

Book review

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 44. “More messing about the glands, with somewhat less than desirable results.”

OPUS#132 Fire Princess, The

OPUS: #132
Title: The Fire Princess
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1938
“An intriguing story of tremendous doom threatening the world from central Asia”–TOC of part 2
“An intriguing story about a tremendous doom threatening the world from Central Asia” — TOC of part 3
“A thrill-tale of the dreadful valley of Kours and the Place of Power that was the tomb of the Ancient Ones” – part 1
“A thrill-tale of intrigue and weird horror in the terrible valley of Koom, the hidden city – a story of the Place of Power that was the tomb of the Ancient Ones” – part 2
“A thrill -tale of intrigue and weird horror in the terrible valley of Koom, the hidden city – a story of the Place of Power that was the tomb of the Ancient Ones” – part 3

Magazine Appearances:
The Fire Princess (Part 1 of 3) (1938) – Edmond Hamilton
The Fire Princess (Part 2 of 3) (1938) – Edmond Hamilton
The Fire Princess (Part 3 of 3) (1938) – Edmond Hamilton


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 32, no. 2, August 1938, (Aug 1938, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: None
  • Weird Tales, Vol. 32, no. 3, September 1938, (Sep 1938, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Finlay
  • Weird Tales, Vol. 32, no. 4, October 1938, (Oct 1938, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Finlay

ebook of part2: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v32n03_1938-09_ATLPM-Urf
ebook of part3: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v32n04_1938-10_slpn

OPUS#113 Fessenden's Worlds

OPUS: #113
Title: Fessenden’s Worlds
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1937
Type: short story
“An amazing weird-scientific story about a man who created a cosmos in miniature”–TOC
“Like a young god, Fessenden created a miniature universe, but his unholy meddling with the lives and destinies of his creations brought about a startling catastrophe – an amazing weird-scientific story”


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 29, no. 4, April 1937, (Apr 1937, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Virgil Finlay; Illust: Finlay
  • Beyond Time and Space, (1950, ed. August Derleth, publ. Pellegrini & Cudahy, $4.50, 643pp, hc, anth)
  • Beyond Time and Space, (1958, ed. August Derleth, publ. Berkley, #G-104, $0.35, 174pp, pb, anth) Cover: Robert E. Schulz
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Apr 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Nelson Doubleday / SFBC, #1561, $2.98, xvii+334pp, hc, coll) Cover: Don Maitz
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Aug 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Del Rey / Ballantine, 0-345-25900-9, $1.95, xviii+381pp, pb, coll) Cover: H. R. Van Dongen
  • Science Fiction: The Best of Yesterday, (1980, ed. Dr. Arthur Liebman, publ. Richards Rosen, 0-8239-0510-1, 211pp, hc, anth)
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Nov 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Phoenix Pick, 978-1-60450-489-7, $14.99, 348pp, tp, coll)

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v29n04_1937-04_sas
ebook: https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/sffaudio-usa/usa-pdfs/FessendensWorldsByEdmondHamilton.pdf

OPUS#105 Face to Face

OPUS: #105
Title: Face to Face
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1936
Type: short story

  • Popular Detective [v9 #2, December 1936] (15¢, pulp), pp. 43-47.

OPUS#059 Fire Creatures, The

OPUS: #059
Title: The Fire Creatures
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1933
Type: novelette

“A breath-taking story of ** beings in the heart of an active volcano”
“A breath-taking story of a thrilling adventure in the heart of an active volcano”–TOC


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 22, no. 1, July 1933, (Jul 1933, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 144pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Wilcox

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v22n01_1933-07_sas