Doomstar (Belmont 197904)

Detroit : Tower, 1979.04. –
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Belmont-Tower ; 51336) ISBN: 0-505-51336-6
Cover: Attila Hejja
Note: Title was published in April, 1979 according to Locus #221 (May 1979).
Note: Copyright © MCMLXVI by Edmond Hamilton.
Note: Cover artist taken from signature. Cover art copyright 1978. “Attila Hejja ©7?” at bottom left front cover.
“Somewhere in the universe was a device that could change a sun into a deadly weapon!” — Cover

Doomstar (Belmont 1969)

New Yokr : Belmont Books, 1969. –
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Belmont Science Fiction ; B50-857) ISBN: 0-505-51336-6
LCCN: 71-86430
“One man against the universe – One man with a device that could change a sun from a life source to the ultimate death-dealing weapon” — Cover
The sun shone brightly on this fateful morning, bringing to its planets warmth and life-giving rays. The brightness increased sharply as the morning grew older. The glare was blinding; the radiation not life-giving, but deadly. By mid-afternoon the brilliant, intense sun shone on barren space. It had blasted each of its four planets out of existence.
Someone had found a way to poison a star.
And someone had to be found who could prevent the takeover – or destruction – of the entire universe. Who? Johnny Kettrick, as improbable a hero there never was. Johnny Kettrick who was banned from the Cluster World for his not-too-honest dealings was sent back there with his three equally unholy partners to search out the Doomstar…to find the Doomstar before it burned out another world.

Ombre sulle stelle (Doomstar)

Ombre sulle stelle (Doomstar)
Editor: Corridore A., Malaguti U.
Elara, 2011, 294 p. – (collana Libra Fantastica ; 001), euro 13,50
ISBN: 8864990283
ISBN-13: 9788864990286
Ombre sulle stelle, è l’opera più matura e introspettiva di Edmond Hamilton, uno degli scrittori di Fantascienza classica: l’opera unisce alla suggestione dei maestosi paesaggi planetari e della libertà degli spazi sconfinati, una profonda comprensione dell’interiorità umana. Una vena malinconica e autobiografica percorre tutto il romanzo, rendendolo il vero e proprio testamento morale di un autore che, maestro dell’avventura spaziale classica, apre con questo lavoro la stagione della space opera moderna.
Il protagonista John Kettrick, dopo un lungo esilio, ritorna alla sua terra, la costellazione delle Iadi, dove è chiamato a risolvere il mistero della Stella della Morte. Durante la sua ricerca John Kettrick rivedrà i luoghi più importanti della sua vita, quei pianeti dagli scenari alieni e bizzarri, incontrerà i suoi vecchi amici, gli avversari irriducibili e la donna un tempo amata e da tempo perduta. Dovrà affrontare un nemico peggiore di tutti gli altri; l’ombra desolata e meschina che un potere come quello che avvelena le stelle riesce a gettare nel cuore degli uomini.

Роковая звезда: Романы (Original Collection)

Роковая звезда: Романы (Original Collection)
М.: ЗАО Изд-во ЭКСМО-Пресс, 1999, 430 p. – (Стальная крыса, мягкая обл.)
10.000 экз. ISBN 5-04-002085-6
Contents: Худож. И.Варавин
p. 5-256: Роковая звезда (Doomstar) / tr. by С.Сухинова
p. 257-429: Беглец со звезд (Fugitive of the Stars) / tr. by С.Сухинова

Битва за звезды (Original Collection)

Битва за звезды  (Original Collection)
Эксмо, 2006, 768 p. ; 84×108/32 cm. – (Шедевры фантастики)
ISBN 5-699-15141-9; 978-5-699-15141-7
Note: Cover by Д. Харриса
p. 5-162, Звезда жизни Роман (The Star of Life) / tr. by
p. 163-332, Битва за звезды Роман (Battle for the Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 333-486, Хранители звезд Роман (The Haunted Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 487-650, Роковая звезда Роман (Doomstar) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 651-763, Беглец со звезды Роман (Fugitive of the Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
Созданные Эдмондом Гамильтоном яркие, романтические образы покорителей бескрайних просторов Вселенной, противопоставляющих отвагу и благородство злу и насилию, и по сей день будоражат умы и сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире…


Роковая звезда (Original Collection)

Роковая звезда (Original Collection)
Эксмо, 2002, 672 p. ; 84×108/32 cm. – (Мастера фантастики Авторский сборник)
ISBN 5-699-01416-0
p. 5-142, Звезда жизни (The Star of Life) / tr. by Сергей Сухинов
p. 143-290, Битва за звезды (Battle for the Stars) / tr. by Сергей Сухинов
p. 291-424, Хранители звезд (The Haunted Stars) / tr. by Сергей Сухинов
p. 425-568, Роковая звезда (Doomstar) / tr. by Сергей Сухинов
p. 569-667, Беглец со звезд (Fugitive of the Stars) / tr. by Сергей Сухинов
Эдмонд Гамильтон по праву считается отцом ‘космической оперы’, а за вселенский размах фантазии его называли ‘Спасителем Вселенных’. Герои Гамильтона не соглашаются на меньшее – только спасение галактики, созвездия, на худой конец планеты. В этот том включены пять классических романов Эдмонда Гамильтона, вошедших в сокровищницу мировой фантастики.

Роковая Звезда (Original Collection)

Роковая Звезда: Роман, рассказы (Original Collection) /
tr. by С.Сухинова, В.Мартова
М.: ЭКСМО-Пресс, 1997, 392 p. – (Стальная Крыса). 15.000 экз.
ISBN 5-04-000001-4
Роковая звезда (Doomstar) / tr by С. Сухинова, pp. 5-200
Чужая земля (Alien Earth) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 203-232
Дитя ветров (The Child of the Winds) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 233-253
Человек, который вернулся (The Man Who Returned) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 254-268
Семена из космоса (The Seeds From Outside) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 268-274
Тот, у кого были крылья (He That Hath Wings) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 274-304
Отверженный (Castaway) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 304-312
Изгнанне (Exile) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 312-318
Эволюция доктора Полларда (The Man Who Evolved) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 318-338
Остров безрассудства (The Island of Unreason) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 338-359
На закате мира (In the World’s Dusk) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 359-371
Реквием (Requiem) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 371-391

Doomstar (Belmont 1966)

New York : Belmont Books, 1966.1. –
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Belmont Science Fiction ; B50-657)
“One man against the universe – One man with a device that could change a sun from a life source to the ultimate death-dealing weapon” — Cover
The sun shone brightly on this fateful morning, bringing to its planets warmth and life-giving rays. The brightness increased sharply as the morning grew older. The glare was blinding; the radiation not life-giving, but deadly. By mid-afternoon the brilliant, intense sun shone on barren space. It had blasted each of its four planets out of existence.
Someone had found a way to poison a star.
And someone had to be found who could prevent the takeover – or destruction – of the entire universe. Who? Johnny Kettrick, as improbable a hero there never was. Johnny Kettrick who was banned from the Cluster World for his not-too-honest dealings was sent back there with his three equally unholy partners to search out the Doomstar…to find the Doomstar before it burned out another world.