OPUS#064 War of the Sexes, The

OPUS: #064
Title: The War of the Sexes
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1933
Type: novelette
“A tale of 20,000 years in the future – a loveless world in which the Males and Females engaged in a war of extermination against each other”–TOC
“A tale of twenty thousand years in the future – a loveless world in which the Males and the Females are engaged in a war of extermination against each other”
“Many a person has spoken in jest of the war between the sexes. Thurber has produced some of his funniest cartoons on that subject: the inability of the male to comprehend the female and vice versa. Nobody can fail to notice the means by which each sex plots to ensnare the other; an intrigue which extends throughout every medium – dress, drama, conduct, arts, etc. There have been cultures in various places – semi-primitives in isolated lands still testify – where there exists and actual hostility between the sexes, where for instance women maintain secret codes and languages, live separately from the community of men. To this day, modern American males maintain lodges from
whose portals women are barred and whose affairs are conducted with codes and ceremonies no woman may hope to learn. There is therefore nothing at all impossible about Edmond Hamilton’s startling story of a period twenty thousand years from now. Nothing impossible, we repeat, but we certainly hope that it will always remain at least
improbable.” – Avon
“Love was treason in that astounding future – for women and men had divided into nations of their own – and they were at war! The maidenly charms, the manly virtues – they were but weapons to snare and slay the ones they attracted!” – Avon back cover


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 22, no. 5, November 1933, (Nov 1933, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Wilcox
  • Avon Science Fiction Reader #1, 1951, (Apr 1951, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, publ. Avon Novels, Inc., $0.35, 132pp, Digest, magazine)

ebook: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4htl56msvDfZWU0MGM0YmQtMWU0Ni00ZmZkLWIyOTEtNzZmMTI0YzAwMjdl/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJDipboB&pli=1
ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v22n05_1933-11_ELPM-SliV