Articles on Hamilton in Books

  • Ackerman, Forest, “Edmond Hamilton : the World-Saver,” in: Weird Heroes, No. 6, New York : Pyramid Press, 1977, pp. 142-143.
  • Ackerman, Forest, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Gosh! Wow (Boy-oh-Boy)! : Science Fiction, Bantam, 1982, p. 65-66.;  also in: Sense of Wonder Science Fiction, Sirius Science Fiction, 1993, p. 58.
  • American Authors and Books, 1640 to Present Day. 3rd rev. ed. by M.J. Burke and Will D. How ; Rev. ed. by Irving & Weiss and Anne Weiss. Crown, 1972, p. 272.
  • Andrevon, Jean-Pierre, [short review of L’Arme de Nulle Part], in: L’Année 1977-1978 de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique, ed. by Jacques Goimard, Paris : Julliard, 1978, p. 168.
  • Andrevon, Jean-Pierre, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Le Monde de la Science-fiction, M.A. éditions, juin 1987, p.; as ” Unas palabras acerca de Edmond Hamilton,” translated by Paco Arellano, Delirio. Ciencia ficción y fantasía #12 (Sep 2013), p. 88-89.
  • Ash B., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Ash B., Who Is Who in Science Fiction. – London: Elm Tree Books, 1976, P. 109-110.
  • Ashley, Mike & Ewald, Robert,” Captain Future,” in: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines, Westport : Greenwood, 1985, pp. 155-157.
  • Ashley, Mike, “How the World-Saver  Saved Science Fiction,” in: The Reign of the Robots: The Collected Edmond Hamilton, v. 4, Haffner Press, 2013, p.xiii-xxiii.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “Edmond Hamilton y la fascinación de las estrellas,” in: El embrujo de las estrellas, La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2012, pp. 7-8.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “Star Trek en los años 20: La Patrulla Interestelar de Edmond Hamilton,” in: Hyperspace, no. 1, Pulpture, 2018, p. 104-114.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “El mundo del “destructor de mundos,” in: Kaldar, Mundo de Antares, Costas de Carcosa, 2018, p. 7-16.
  • Bennett, Ron, “no title,” in: Repetercon – The 1964 Eastercon, Saturday 28th March, “Saturday afternoon’s surprise item took the shape of Mr & Mrs Edmond Hamilton answering questions fired by the audience. Ed Hamilton said that the pace of Battle for the Stars was much slower than, say, The Universe Wrecker because it had been expanded from a short story. Leigh Brackett – yes, Mrs Edmond Hamilton (we, too, have neo-fan readers) – mentioned that Planet Stories was thought to be a poor magazine while it was running; the moment it folded people began to praise it. EH said that the pocket book is taking the place of the magazine. Both EH and LB felt that the pulp would never return. Asked about their first interest in sf, Ed said that he began to imitate Merritt’s style through admiration and found that it sold. Leigh said that at school she was good at expressive work, tried pro writing at 13, didn’t sell for ten years. Ed felt that more factual work will be written. Jim Groves pointed out that more scientists are now writing sf. Ed answered a question from Ethel Lindsay, that his favourite self-written story was ‘What’s It Like Out There?’ which was written in 1933 and sold thirty years later. Leigh likes ‘The Long Tomorrow’. Of each other’s stories, Ed likes Leigh’s ‘The Fall of the Free Winds’ and Leigh likes Ed’s ‘What’s It Like Out There’ and ‘The Star Kings’. Sid Birchby told of being given a copy of The Star Kings by Ted Carnell only to find that the book was the French edition. He bought a French dictionary so that he could read it and had thoroughly enjoyed it! John Roles asked about a Hamilton anthology which had appeared in the UK, ‘The Horror on the Asteroid’. Ed said that there was no US edition and that the book must be pretty rare by now. This collection of stories from Weird Tales had been his first hard cover book, though the royalties had been so small that he had been paid in postage stamps.”
  • Bleiler, Everett F., “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Science-Fiction : the early years, Kent State University Press, 1990, p. 331-338.
  • Bleiler, Everett F., “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Science-Fiction : the Gernsback years, Kent State University Press, 1998, p. 160-168.
  • Bloch, Robert, “Memoir on Edmond Hamilton,” in: Weird Heroes, No. 6, New York : Pyramid Press, 1977, pp. 144-145.
  • Böttcher, Hans-Ulrich, “Edmond Hamilton, (USA), 1904-1977,” in:Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch phantastischen Literatur, Meitingen : Corian-Verlag, 1984-, (2. Erg.-Lfg. Juni 1985)
  • Bourgoin, Stéphane, “Edmond Hamilton ou l’Âge d’Or de la Littérature d’Imagination,” in: Le Dieu Monstrueux de Mamurth, by Edmond Hamilton, Paris : NéO, 1986, pp. 5-7
  • Bracket, Leigh, “Fifty Years of Wonder,” in: The Best of Edmond Hamilton, New York : Ballantine, 1977, p. ix-xviii; Garden City : N. Doubleday, 1977, p. ix-xvii.; as “Vorwort,” in: Die Besten Stories / von Edmond Hamilton, München : Moewig, 1980, pp.7-16.; as “Cinquante ans d’émerveillement”, par Leigh Brackett, Bifrost, no. 90, 2018, p. 140-146.
  • Bradbury, Ray, “Ed Hamilton,” in: Kaldar, World of Antares, by Edmond Hamilton, Royal Oak : Haffner Press, 1998, p. [i]-iv.
  • Cave, Hugh G., “Introduction,” in: The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Horror, by Edmond Hamilton, Royal Oak : Haffner Press, 2000, pp. ix-xii.
  • Chandler, Raymond & Finné, Jacques, “Les Émancipés des Pulps : En vrac, Raymond Chandler, Frank Gruber, Edmond Hamilton, Henry Kuttner,” in: Panorama de la littérature fantastique américaine, Jacques Finné, Terre de Brume, 2018, p. 321-325.
  • Clute, John, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, ed. by Peter Nicholls, London : Granada, 1979, pp.270-271.; also: The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, Garden City : Doubleday, 1979, pp. 270-271.; as 「ハミルトン,エドモンド」 <SFマガジン> vol. 24, no. 4 (April 1983), pp. 259-255.
  • Clute, John, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. by Peter Nicholls & John Clute, New York : St. Martin’s, 1993, pp. 538-539.; also: Orbit (London), 1993; St. Martin’s Griffin (New York), 1995., pbk.
  • D.A.W., “On Guard for the Galaxy!,” in: Crashing Suns, Ace Books, c1965, p. [i-iii].
  • De la Ree, Gerry, “Introduction,” in: The Horror on the Asteroid, by Edmond Hamilton, Boston : Gregg, 1975. pp. v-ix.
  • D’Ammassa, Don, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Encyclopedia of science fiction, Facts On File, 2005, p. 176-177.
  • Duvic, Patrick, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: L’Année 1977-1978 de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique, ed. by Jacques Goimard, Paris : Julliard, 1978, p. 17. Note: Obituary)
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in: Who’s Who in Science Fiction, by Brian Ash, London : Elm Tree, 1976, pp. 109-110.
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Authors, 1st rev., v. 1-4. Detroit : Gale Research, 1967, pp. 416.
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series. v. 3. Detroit : Gale Research, 1981, pp. 259-260.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2000. [Online]
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Literary Criticism, v. 1, Book Tower : Gale Research, 1973, pp. 137.
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: The World Encyclopedia of Comics, ed. by Maurice Horn, New York : Chelsea House, 1976, pp. 117, 642.
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in:  A Readers Guide to Science Fiction, Searles, Baird, gen. ed., New York: Avon Books, 1979, pp. 76-77.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Paaralitérature, by Yvon Allard, Montréal : La Centrale des Bibliothèques, 1979, (Sélections Documentaires ; 2), pp. 457, 496-497.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Catalogue des Âmes et Cycles de la S.F., by Stan Barets, Paris : Denoël, 1981, (Présence du Futur ; no. 275), pp. 147-149.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Le Science-Fictionnaire, by Stan Barets, Paris : Denoël, 1994, (Présence du Futur ; no. 548-549), t. 1, pp. 197-199.
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Guide to Supernatural Fiction, by Everett F. Bleiler, [] : Kent State Univ. Press, 1983, pp. 225-226.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: La Science-Fiction, ed. by Guiot, Denis … [et al.], Paris : MA Editions, 1987, (L’Encyclopédia de Poche), pp. 104-105.
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in: The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. by James Gunn, New York : Viking (Penguin), 1988, p. 216.
  • Edwards, Malcolm J., “Captain Future,” in:The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, ed. by Peter Nicholls, London : Granada, 1979, pp. 103; also: The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, Garden City : Doubleday, 1979, pp. 103.; as 安田均訳「キャプテン・フューチャー誌」<SFマガジン> vol. 22 no. 12 (Dec. 1981), p. 269.
  • Eller, Jonathan R., “Early Mentors: Hamilton, Williamson, and Brackett,” in: Becoming Ray Bradbury, University of Illinois Press, 2011, p. 64-69.
  • Fuller, Buckminster [as by Fuller, R. Buckminster], ” Spaceship Earth,” in: Science Fact/Fiction, ed. by Edmund J. Farrell, [et al.], Scott, Foresman, 1974, p. 369-377.  Original ed. in 1969?
  • Garmon, Gerald, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, ed. by David Coward, Part 1:A-L. Detroit : Gale Research, 1981, (Dictionary of literary biography ; vol. 8), pp. 201-203.
  • Goulart, Ron, “Captain Future,” in: Cheap Thrills : an Informal History of Pulp Magazines, New York : Arlington House, 1972. pp. 168-169.; reprinted as: An Informal History of Pulp Magazines, New York : Ace Books, 1973, pp. 168-169.
  • Goulart, Ron, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Great History of Comic Books, Chicago : Contemporary Books, 1986, pp. 278.
  • Gunn, James E., “The World-Wrecker on Mars“, in: The Road to Science Fiction, vol. 2 The Road to Science Fiction: From Wells to Heinlein, Scarecrow Press, 2002, p. 325-327.; also published, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Tuck D.H., compl, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968, Vol. 1, Chicago: Advent, 1974, P. 202-204.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond Moore,” in: Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction / comp. by J.A. Rock. -Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979, p. 63-64.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: The Lincoln Library of Language Arts. 3rd. ed. Ohio : Frontier, 1978, p. 538.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur, München: Heyne, 1980, p. 353-355.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Science Fiction Source Book. ed. by David Wingrove. Van Nostraand, Reinhold, 1984. p. 36-41.; 「ハミルトン,エドモンド」『最新版SFガイドマップ』(サンリオSF文庫) デイヴィッド・ウイングローブ編,安田均[ほか]訳 1985. pp. 273-276.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur, München: Heine, 1988, p. 517-520.
  • Hamilton, Frank, and Link Hullar, “Captain Future,” in: Amazing Pulp Heroes, [] : Gryphon Publications, 1988.2, pp. 44-
  • Hamilton, John, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Final Frontier, ABDO, 2007, p. 12-13.
  • Hawk, Pat, “Hamilton Edmond,” in: Hawk’s Author’s Pseudonyms II :a Comprehensive Reference of Modern Authors’ Pseudonyms, 2nd edition, [] : Pat Hawk, 1995, p. 261.
  • Keith, Booker, M., “Hamilton, Edmond (1904-1977),” in: Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014, p. 128.
  • “Leigh Brackett et Edmond Hamilton,” in: Les Maîtres de la Science Fiction, by Lorris Murail, Paris : Bordas, 1993, (Les Compacts ; 35), pp. 91-92.
  • Lewis, Linda K, “Hamilton, Edmond”, in: The Reader’s Guide to Twentieth-Century Science Fiction, ed. by Marilyn P. Fletcher, Chicago : American Library Association,1989, pp. 263-267.
  • McKinstry, Lohr, and Weinberg, Robert, and  “Captain Future,” in: The Hero-Pulp Index, R. Weinberg, 1970,  pp. 18.
  • Malaguti, Ugo, “Presentazione,” in: I Sovrani delle Stelle, by Edmond Hamilton, Milano : Nord, 1989, pp. i-v.
  • Malaguti, Ugo, “Introduzione al Ciclo di Morgan Chane,” in: Il Lupo dei Cieli, by Edmond Hamilton, Milano : Nord, 1999, pp. i-v.
  • Meyers, W.E., “Short Fiction of Edmond Hamilton, The,” in: Survey of Science Fiction Literature, ed. by Frank N. Magill, Vol. 4, Englewood Cliffs : Salem Press, 1979, pp.1939-1943.
  • Montanari, Gianni, “Hamilton, edmond,” in: La fantascienza gli autori e le opere, Longanesi & C., c1978, p. 67-68.
  • Morrison, Theodore, and Burnham, Philip Edward, “,” in: Readings for Citizens at War, Harper & brothers, 1943, p. 37. *refer to Captain Future magazine
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Seekers of Tomorrow, by Sam Moskowitz, Cleveland, Ohio : World, 1966, pp. 73-89.; reprinted also: Ballantine (New York), 1967 ; Hyperion (Westport), 1974. pp. 73-89.; as “Sobre Edmond Hamilton,” in: La ciudad en el fin del mundo, translated by Francisco Arellano, La Bibliotheca del Laberinto, 2012, pp. 7-22.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “No Title,” in: Immortal Storm : a History of Science Fiction Fandom, Atlanta : Atlanta SF Organization Press, 1954; reprinted also: Westport : Hyperion, 1974. p. 219.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Pacificon II program book, 1964, p. [8]-[10] from title page.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Strange Horizons : the Spectrum of Science Fiction, New York : Scribner’s, 1976, pp.82-83.
  • Navarro, Pedro Cañas, “Eric John Stark: Un bárbaro en los caminos de las estrellas,” in: La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2007, p. 7−16.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers, 2nd ed. London : St. James, 1986, pp.243-244.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers, 1996, p. 413-314.
  • Panshin, Alexei and Cory, “Part 3: Modern Science Fiction: “Chapter 10,:Mastery of Time and Space” and “Chapter 11: The Lasw of Chance,”,” in: The World Beyond the Hill : Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence, Los Angeles : J.P. Tarcher, c1989, p. 189-301.
  • Post, J.B., “The Worlds of Captain Future,” in: An Atlas of Fantasy, Baltimore : Mirage Press, 1973, pp. 264-277.
  • Preiss, Byron. ”Introduction to Fifty Years of Heroes, the Edmond Hamilton Papers, a Memoir,” in: Weird heroes, #6, New York : Pyramid Press, 1977, pp. 109-110.
  • Price, E. Hoffman, “Edmond Hamiltion,” in: Price, E. Hoffman. Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others. (Memories of the Pulp Fiction Era). Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 2001. p. 296-328.
  • Pringle, David, “No Title,” in: Imaginary People : A Who’s Who of Modern Fictional Characters, New York : World Almanac, 1987, pp. 173-; Reprint: as “Future, Captain ,” in: Imaginary People: A Who’s who of Fictional Characters from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day, Book News, 1996, p. 91.
  • Reginald, R., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Science Fiction Authors. Comp. & ed. by Robert Reginald. New York : Arno, 1975, p. 120-121.
  • Reginald, R., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature : Contemporary Science Fiction Authors II, Detroit : Gale Research, 1979. v. 2, pp. 929.
  • Rheyss, Michael, “Les Torches,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, p. 34-47.
  • Rovin, Jeff, “No Title,” in: The Fantastic Almanac, New York : E.P. Dutton, 1979, pp. 54-
  • “Sobre los autores,” in:  Regreso a las estrellas (Barsoom Recopilatorio ; no. 1), La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2010, p. 2.
  • Stableford, B. M., “Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett: an Appreciation,” in: Masters of Science Fiction, Brian M. Stableford, San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1981, pp.3-14. (Reprinted from Vector, Nov./Dec., 1978); Reprint: Stableford, B. M., “Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett: an Appreciation,” in: Outside the Human Aquarium : Master of Science Fiction, Brian M. Stableford, San Bernardino, 2nd ed., rev. and expanded., CA: Borgo, 1995, pp.7-17. (Reprinted from Vector, Nov./Dec., 1978)
  • Stableford, B.M., “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Historical dictionary of science fiction literature, Scarecrow Press, 2004, p. 149.
  • Steele, Allen, “Afterword,” in: Avengers of the Moon, Tor Books, 2017, p. 297-300.; Hallmann, Maike, tr., “Nachwort,” in: Die Rache von Captain Future, Golkonda, 2018, p. 337-; 中村融訳「著者あとがき」『キャプテン・フューチャー最後の事件』東京創元社, 2020, 441-447.
  • Steele, Allen, “Introduction: Overture for a Space Opera,” in: Captain Future in Love, Experimenter Publishing, 2019, p. 4-5.; “Publisher’s Introduction,” p. 6-7.; “Who is Captain Future,” p. 8-9.
  • Steranko, Jim, “No title,” in: The Steranko History of Comics, Vol. 1, [] : Supergraphics, 1970. pp. 31-
  • Stine, Jean-Marie, “Introduction,” in: The Star Kings, PageTurner, July 20, 2011, p.
  • “To Honor Hamilton, Brackett,” in: Metrocon : Metropolitan Science Fiction Convention, Progress report, New York Oct. 23-24, 1954, p. 1, 3.
  • Trube, Robert C., “Growing Up in Working Class Youngstown—Esther Hamilton,” (, Jan. 26, 2019).
  • “Une pluie d’étoiles : un guide de lecture hamiltonien,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, 2018, p. 160-167.
  • Urbanek, Hermann, “Die Rückkehr von Captain Future,” in: Das Science Fiction Jahr 2011 , herausgegeben von Sascha Mamczak, Wolfgang Jeschke und Sebastian Pirling, Heyne, München 2011, p. 1044–1047. ISBN 978-3-453-53379-0
  • Versins, Pierre, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Encyclopedie de l’Utopie, des Voyages Extraordinaires, et de la Science Fiction. Rev. ed., Lausanne, Switzerland : L’Age d’Homme, 1984, pp. 406-407.
  • Weinberg, Robert, and McKinstry, Lohr, “Captain Future Index,” in: The Hero Pulp Index, [revised and enlarged], Opar Press, 1971.6. pp. 4-
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Captain Future Reprints,” in: The Hero Pulp Index, [revised and enlarged], Opar Press, 1971.6, pp. 33-
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Captain Future Guide,” in: The Hero Pulp Index, [revised and enlarged], Opar Press, 1971.6, pp. 37-
  • Wolheim, Donald A., “Headquarters: Canopus,” in: The Universe Makers, New York : Harper & Row, 1971, pp. 30-32.; Reprinted also: London : Gollancz, 1972.
  • Zeno, Eddy, “The Plot master and the Editor,” in: Eury, Michael, ed., The Krypton Companion, TwoMorrows, 2006, p. 21-28.

In Russian

  • Сухинов, Сергей, “Звездный скиталец,” in: Звездные короли, ЭКСМО, 1997, pp. 27-42. *Suhinov, Sergey, ” The Star Wanderer”
  • Гакова, В. “Звездный король Эдмонд Гамильтон,” in: Звездный Волк, Армада, 2000, pp. 7-18. *Gakova, V., “Zvezdnyi korol'[Star Kings] Edmond Gamil’ton,” in: Zvezdnyi Volk, Armada, 2000, pp. 7-18. ISBN: 5-93556-063-1
  • [Б.а.], “HAMILTON, Edmond,” in: Библиография фантастики. – М.: Келвори, 1996. p. 222-224.
  • Вл. Г., “Гамильтон Эдмонд (Мур)” in: Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. – Минск: ИКО “Галаксиас”, 1995. С. 156-157. [Портрет]
  • Вл. Г., “Гамильтон, Эдмонд (Мур)” in: Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. – М.: ООО “Международный центр фантастики”, 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

In Japanese (Chronological Order)

  • 野田昌宏「フューチャーメン出動」  『SF英雄群像』 by 野田昌宏, 早川書房, 1969, pp. 225-248.
  • 森優「すばらしきアイデアマン」 『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』(ハヤカワ文庫SF15)深町真理子訳 1971. pp.
  • 森優「名誉回復されるべき短編作家」  『フェッセンデンの宇宙』(ハヤカワSFシリーズ3296) 1972. pp. 227-231.
  • 南山宏「エドモンド・ハミルトンその人と作品」  『時果つるところ』(世界SF全集11)南山宏訳 早川書房 1976. pp. 405-416.
  • スタジオぬえ『SFワンダーランド』広済堂, 1978.5. Contents: 「17 コメット号: 太陽系の危機を救う正義の宇宙船」 (p. 42-43),「銀河大戦の宇宙船: 外宇宙から侵入する武装宇宙船団」(p. 74-75), 「フェッセンデンの宇宙」(p. 100), 「93 グラッグ: ノイローゼになる鉄人ロボット」(p. 214-215), 「94 オットー: 自由自在に変身できるプラスチック製アンドロイド」(p. 216-217), 「98 サイモン・ライト: フューチャーメンの参謀: 生きている脳」(p. 226-227)
  • スタジオぬえ「Chapter 2 宇宙と地球の関係: フューチャーメンからの出題」『宇宙でパズル』広済堂, 1978.12, p. 25-38.
  • 根岸依里子「フューチャーメンと私」  『惑星タラスト救出せよ!』野田昌宏訳(ハヤカワ文庫SF298) 1978. P. 281-286.
  • 「ハミルトン,エドモンド」  『世界幻想作家事典』荒俣宏 国書刊行会 1979. pp. 176-177.
  • 野田昌宏「フューチャーメン出動」  『SF英雄群像』 by 野田昌宏, 早川書房  (ハヤカワ文庫 ; JA119), 1979, pp. 295-323.
  • 青木邦夫「図解<コメット>号」   『フューチャーメン暗殺計画』(ハヤカワ文庫SF384)野田昌宏訳 1980. P. 241-247.
  • 川合康雄「(コメット号)フライト・マニュアル」   『月世界の無法者』(ハヤカワ文庫SF394)野田昌宏訳 1980. pp. 249-260.
  • 山本孝一「キャプテン・フューチャーと素晴らしき悪党たち」  『異次元進行軍迫る!』(ハヤカワ文庫SF440)野田昌宏訳 1981. pp. 217-224.
  • 安田均「(虚空の遺産)訳者あとがき」  『虚空の遺産』(ハヤカワ文庫SF459)安田均訳 1981. pp. 289-294.
  • 安田均「(星々の轟き)解説」  『星々の轟き』安田均編 青心社 1982. pp. 214-219.
  • 山本孝一「ハミルトン・ファンのためにとっておきの話しをひとつ」   『惑星壊滅サービス』 (創元推理文庫SF) 1987. 巻末
  • 長瀬唯「キャプテン・フューチャーとその時代」  『<C.F.CON1990>プログラムブック』Space Force 1990. pp. 5-14.
  • 野田昌宏「本当に懐かしいあの頃・・・・・・」   『望郷のスターウルフ』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF46) 野田昌宏訳 1994. pp. 245-252.
  • 尾之上俊彦 「『さすらいのスターウルフ』解説」 『さすらいのスターウルフ』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF1) 野田昌宏訳 1994. pp. 243-249.
  • 堺三保 「『さいはてのスターウルフ』解説」  『さいはてのスターウルフ』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF29) 野田昌宏訳 1994. pp. 255-260.
  • 堺三保 「カーティス・ニュートンの現役時代」  『挑戦!!嵐の海底都市』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF31) 野田昌宏訳 1995. pp. 309-314.
  • 喜多哲士 「『星間パトロール/太陽強奪』解説」  『星間パトロール/太陽強奪』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF53) 深町眞知子訳 1995. pp. 305-311.
  • 高橋良平 「『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』解説」   『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』新装版(ハヤカワ文庫SF15) 深町眞知子訳 1995. pp. 239-252.
  • 野田昌宏 「新装版への訳者あとがき」   『透明惑星危機一髪!』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF13) 野田昌宏訳 1995. pp. 279-283.
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  • 中村融「訳者あとがき キャプテン・フューチャーの新生」『キャプテン・フューチャー最初の事件』東京創元社, 2020.4, p. 449-458.
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  • (07)Who’s Hugh? : an SF reader’s guide to pseudonyms. By Roger Robinson. Harold Wood : Beccon, 1984.