Misterio de las naves Estelares (Star Trail to Glory) CF#6

Misterio de las naves Estelares (Star Trail to Glory) CF#6
in: Aladino, No. 77- (1950) [Chile] *Unfinished
Note: Illustrated by Themo Lobos
Note: Aladino, Established in August 1949 by Carlos de Vidts, Aladino is starting a magazine for children. But from the 58 content becomes more adult moving towards the translation of pulps. Journal disappears in June 1951 with the No. 98.

دره افسون شده (Valley of Creation)

دره افسون شده
نویسنده : ادموند هامیلتون ؛ مترجم : محمد تقی دانیا
Note: Translated from French version (La Vallée Magique)?

Title : Bewitched Valley
Library name : Library AQ (Institute for Cultural Research Brotherhood Dastmalchi)
Author : Hamilton, Edmond = Hamilton, Edmond
Topic : American fiction – 20th century AD
Number of rows : 55554
The remaining fields : {117} = {19}
Registration Number : 91769 = 91770 = 91798
The remaining authors : Translator = Danya, MT
Statment : Author: Edmond Hamilton; Translator: Mohammad Taghi Danya
Publisher : Bronco
Place of publication : Tehran
Publication years : 1360 –> AD1981
LOC : PS 3515 / The 2 D 4 1360
Language : Persian
Type : 807 – M 65
Physical appearance : 283 pp.
Version : 1 = 2 = 3

Невероятный мир(Wacky World)

Невероятный мир (Wacky World)
Translator: З. Бобырь
in: Невероятный мир / comp. by Евгений Панаско, Черкесск: Северо-кавказское информационно-рекламное агентство, 1992, 574 p.
ISBN: 5-8274-0012-2
Эдмонд Гамильтон. Невероятный мир, pp. 547–563.