Research Materials

  • Jennings, Robert, “The Writings of a Confirmed Cynic, presents – Captain Future : Man of Tomorrow,” in: Fadaway, 1963, p. 27-.
  • Captain Future : Man of Tomorrow / by Robert Jennings. – [s.l.] : B.O. Ringberg ; Printed by ATLAPress, c1967. – 52 p. ; cm.; Reprint from American Periodicals, Fadaway.  Contents: I. The CF stories:
    a) The Futuremen, plus assistance:
    b) The Stories:
    c) other terms:   — II. The magazine CAPTAIN FUTURE,  includes comments from Edmond Hamilton and comments from B.-O. Ringberg.    —  NOTE:Because Mr. Jennings writes about both the CF stories and the magazine, I found it easiest to divide the table of contents into two major parts. Perhaps the table could be tidier to look at, but if the reader swift and easy can find the paragraph he wants for the moment, it fills its purpose.  B.-O. Ringberg.

  • Return to Wonder, #9 (September 1970) “A Special Edmond Hamilton Issue,” Contents: Look Forward, Look Back / Edmond Hamilton. – Untitled / Leigh Brackett. – Some Lost Stories of Edmond Hamilton / Robert Weinberg. – A Checklist of Edmond Hamilton’s Stories / Robert Weinberg.
  •   SF Magazine, No. 225 SFマガジン 「ハミルトン追悼特集!」 Vol. 18, No. 7 (August 1977)  Contents: 「解説」 / 鏡明 — 「夫を偲ぶ」 / リイ・ブラケット (Leigh Brackett) ; 野田昌宏訳 – 短編: 「衛星チタンの<歌い鳥>」 – 「マムルスの邪神」 – 「蛇の女神」 – 「審判の後に」 「ハミルトン夫妻へのインタビュー」 (Tr. of: Tangent Interviews: Leigh Brackett and Edomond Hamilton) / 浅倉久志訳
  • The World of Captain Future / ed. by Space Force. -東京 : 宇宙軍大本営, 1980. - 60 p. ; cm.
  • Who’s Who in CF The World of Captain Future : Who’s Who / ed. by Space Force. -東京 : 宇宙軍, 1983. – 64 p. ; cm.
  • CF Handbook キャプテン・フューチャー・ハンドブック (SFマガジン Vol. 24, No. 8 (1983年7月臨時増刊)) Contents: 「宇宙軍大元帥よりのごあいさつ」 / 野田昌宏  短編: 「太陽の子供たち」 – 「もう地球人では・・・・・・」 – 「忘れじの月」「衛星チタンの<歌い鳥>」 – 「<物資生成の場>の秘密」 – 「キャプテン・フューチャーの帰還」. — 「イラスト・ギャラリー」. — 「図解版キャプテン・フューチャー”破壊王”ふたたび」. –「Who’s Who in Captain Future」 / 山本孝一編 pp. 209-217. —  「Captain Future’s World」 / 岡田正哉編. — 「シュミレーション・ゲーム太陽系一周」. – 「エドモンド・ハミルトン年譜」 pp. 348-346. — 長編: 「風前の灯!冥王星ドーム都市」 / 野田昌宏. – 原書復刻: 「Pardon My Iron Nerves」
  • The World of Captain Future / ed. by Space Force. – 第2版 – 東村山 : 宇宙軍大本営, 1990. – 61 p. ; cm.
  • キャプテン・フューチャー生誕記念祭 : C.F. Con 1990 Program Book, Dec. 9, 1990. – 東村山 : Space Force/, 1990.12. – 14 p. ; cm. – Contents: タイムテーブル – 野田昌宏・今岡清「メッセージ」 — 永瀬唯「キャプテン・フューチャーとその時代」
  • CF Handbook : The Captain Future Handbook : a Pictorial History and Reference Guide /comp. by Chuck Juzek. – [] : Ron Hanna & Brian Hart, 1998. – 1 v. ; cm. Contents: My Favorite CF Covers — “An inside look at Captain Future” — The CF Index — CF’s Reprinting History — Foreign Editions & Reprints of CF — CF on the Internet — The Annotated Gude : CF Summaries — CF Cover Gallery, etc. –Note: Limited to 99 copies
  • Hidalgo, no. 49, for PEAPS (PULP ERA AMATEUR PRESS SOCIETY), mailing no. 47 (1999), Contents: Brown, Brian Earl, “The Early Edmond Hamilton,” – “Edmond Hamilton’s Strange Invaders,” – “Edmond Hamilton’s Strange Weird Tales,”
  • The Captain Future Handbook : a Pictorial History and Reference Guide / comp. by Chuck Juzek. – New ed. [] : Ron Hanna & Brian Hart, 2001?. – 1 v. ; cm. *2nd ed., The Ultimate Guide to one of pulpdom’s greatest heroes! Compiled by Chuck Juzek, this new edition features 14 pages of material that never appeared in earlier printings! Includes everything you ever wanted to know… All the Pulp and Paperback Covers (including foreign editions), Complete story synopses, Indexes and Bibliographies, Videos and Comics, Original artwork, the Original first 2 chapters by Edmond Hamilton that haven’t seen print in over 25 years… and much, much more! An absolute masterpiece… 212 pages, Lavishly Illustrated, B&W with Color Cover…  $25
  • Edmond Hamilton. Weltenzerstörer und Autor von Captain Future /  von Hardy Kettlitz. – Shayol, 2003.5, 150 p. – (SF Personality ; 13) ISBN 3-926126-25-6 [info] Contents: Alle wichtigen Werke Hamiltons im Überblick 60 Seiten über Captain Future, einschließlich eines Werkstattberichtes von Edmond Hamilto. – Deutsche Erstveröffentlichung der ursprünglichen, vom Verlag gestrichenen Anfangskapitel der Serie Captain Futur. – Deutsche Erstveröffentlichung eines der letzten Interviews mit Edmond Hamilto. – Umfassende Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Ausgaben in Heft- und Buchfor.
  • The Captain Future Handbook / comp. by Chuck Juzek. – 1st hardcover ed. – Wild Cat Books, 2007, 246 p.
  • 「浮遊ふぁんじん」増刊 ”再読特集<キャプテン・フューチャー>,”  2007.8.  *東京創元社版全集刊行終了を記念に、東キャナルの石田氏によるシリーズ各話詳述及び新旧翻訳比較
  • 輝く星々のかなたへ!: Memory of Koichiro Noda, 1933-2008 / 宇宙軍参謀本部. – Space Force, 2008.9, 56 p.  Contents: 野田さんへのメッセージ. – 野田さん年譜. – 宏一郎兄は子供の頃. – エッセイ再録.
  • 星涯の会 2009 : Hoshinohate no Kai 2009. – Space Force, 2009.12, 64 p. Contents: 小説再録. – 野田さん年譜. – 私が作家になったきっかけは / 鷹見一幸. – 星涯の会2009レポート
  • キャプテンフューチャーコン2010 : 星涯の会2010, program. – Space Force, 2010.12.19, 4 p.
  • キャプテン・フューチャー:フューチャーメン出動せよ! / 野田昌宏 ; 宇宙軍構成. – Space Force, 2010.12, 118 p.  *野田昌宏氏のキャプテン・フューチャー関係評論・エッセイ集
  • Edmond Hamilton : Autor von Captain Future / Hardy Kettlitz. – Shayol, 2012, 206 p.  [info] ISBN 978-3-943279-01-6.
  • Future / 鶴田謙二
    Publisher: 東京創元社, 2011.11.30
    Pagination: 96 p.
    装幀:岩郷重力+WONDER WORKZ。
  • Der Tod von Captain Future. Erstdruck der Neuausgabe / Hardy Kettlitz. – Berlin : Shayol, 2012, 206 p. – (SF Personality ; 13). ISBN: 9783943279016 ; ISBN: 978-3-944720-77-7 (Golkonda Verlag) ; eISBN: 978-3-944720-78-4 (Golkonda Verlag). [info]
  • Bifrost n.90. Dossier Edmond Hamilton : le roi des étoiles / Michael Rheyss. – Le Bélial’, 2018, 190 p. ; 21 cm. [info] ISBN: 978-2-913039-87-2, ISBN ePub: 978-2-84344-832-4, ISBN PDF: 978-2-84344-831-7. Contents: Le Berceau de la création de Edmond HAMILTON. Les Torches de Michael RHEYSS. Comment c’est là-haut ? de Edmond HAMILTON. Histoiresd’hommes, par Francis Valéry. Cinquante ans d’émerveillement, par Leigh Brackett. Capitaine Futur : ad astra ! par Philippe Boulier. Le sense of wonder avec une cape : Edmond Hamilton, scénariste de bande dessinée, par Laurent Queyssi. Une pluie d’étoiles : un guide de lecture hamiltonien. Bibliographie des œuvres de Edmond Hamilton, par Alain Sprauel
  • The Origin of Captain Future
  • Es lebe Captain Future – 40 Jahre Kult in Deutschland / Thorsten Walch, Reinhard Prahl, in Farbe und Bunt, 2020, 273 p. ISBN:9783959361866. Contents: Vorwort – Prolog – Teil 1: Die TV-Serie – Teil 2: Die Hörspiele – Teil 3: Die restlichen Romane – Teil 4: Wissenswertes für Nerds – Teil 5: Nachwirkungen – Epilog – Danksaungen – Anhang.
  • Alter Ego #187, May 2024, Cadigan, Glen, Writer Of Two Worlds : the science-fiction and comicbook careers of the great Edmond Hamilton, p. 3-41; Edmond Hamilton Checklist, p. 42. 

Bibliographies of Edmond Hamilton

Printed Matters

  • Index to STF and Fantasy Stories by Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Fanscient, vol.1, no. 2, Winter, 1948, pp. 18-23 .
  • Arbur, Rosemarie, Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne McCaffrey : a primary and secondary bibliography, Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, c1982, pp. 1-65.
  • Ashley, Mike & William G. Contento, “Edmond Hamilton (1904-1977)“, in: The Supernatural Index, Westport: Greenwood, 1995, pp. 278-279.
  • Benson, Gordon Jr., Leigh Douglass Brackett and Edmond Hamilton: a Working Bibliography, Albuquerque : Galactic Central, 1986. 16 p. – (Galactic Central Bibliographies for the Avid Reader ; vol. 26) 
  • Benson, Godon Jr., Leigh Douglass Brackett & Edmond Hamilton: the Enchantress & the World Wrecker, a Working Bibliography, 2nd rev. ed., Albuquerque : Galactic Central, 1986. 25 p. – (Galactic Central Bibliographies for the Avid Reader ; vol. 26) * Updated 1987,1988
  • Benson, Gordon,Jr., Leigh Brackett & Edmond Hamilton: the Enchantress & the World Wrecker, a Working Bibliography, 2nd rev. ed., San Bernardino : Borgo Press, [1995]. 25 p. – (Galactic Central Bibliographies for the Avid Reader ; vol. 26) Note: Same as Galactic Central ed.
  • Bourgoin, Stéphane, “Bibliographie,” in: Le Dieu Monstruex de Mamurth, Paris: NéO, 1986, pp. 7-8, [204]
  • “Crime Club selections: Captain Future in paperbacks,” in: Collecting Paperbacks, 2(5), 1982, p.  *Captain Future checklist
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, Detroit: Gale Research, 1981, pp. 201-203
  • Currey, L.W. “Edmond Moore Hamilton (1904-1977),” in: Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors : A Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction and Selected Nonfiction, Boston : G.K. Hall, 1979. pp. 217-219. [1st ed. info]
  • ”Hamilton, Edmond (Moore), 1904-1977,” in: Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature : a checklist, Detroit: Gale Research, 1979, pp. 236.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond (Moore), 1904-1977,” in: Lexikon der Science Fiction Literatur, München: Heyne, 1988, pp. 517-520.
  • Juzek, Chuck, “Captain Future Index,” in: The Captain Future Handbook, New Port Richey : C. Juzek, [1998], No Pagination
  • Kankowski, Joseph ,”Fiction by Edmond Hamilton,” Xenophile, No.30 (1977), pp.14-15.
  • Körber, Joachim & Uli Kohnle, “Edmond Hamilton (Bibliographie),” Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch phantastischen Literatur, Meitingen : Corian-Verlag, 1984-, (2. Erg.-Lfg. Juni 1985)
  • Newmann, Hans-Peter, “Bibliographie,” in: Edmond Hamilton : Weltenzerstörer und Autor von Captain Future, by Hardy Kettlitz, Shayol, [2003], p. 133-147.
  • Newmann, Hans-Peter, “Bibliographie,” in: Edmons Hamilton : Autor von Captain Future, by Hardy Kettlitz, Shayol, 2012, p. 177-201.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers,  Macmllan/St. Martin’s Press, 1981, p.  243-244.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers,  2nd ed., Chicago: St. James, 1986, p. 315-317.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers, 3rd ed., Chicago: St. James, 1991, pp. 354-355.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: St. James guide to science fiction writers, 4th ed., St. James Press, 1996, p. 413-414.
  • Pilo, Gianni, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Catalogo Generale della Fantascienza in Italia, Roma: Fanucci, 1980, p. 96
  • Reginald, Robert, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Science Fiction Authors, Unicorn, c1970, p. 120-121.
  • Sprauel, Alain, “Bibliographie des œuvres de Edmond Hamilton”, in: Bifrost, n°90: Edmond Hamilton : Les Rois des étoiles, Le Bélial’, 2018, p. 168-179.
  • Versins, Pierre, “Bibliographie,” in: Les Rois des Etoiles & Retour aux Etoiles, Paris: Opta, 1968, pp. xxiii-xxvii.
  • Villemur, A.M., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: 63 Auteurs : Bibliographie de Science Fiction, Paris : Temps Futurs, 1976, pp. 83-84.
  • Weinberg, Robert, comp., “A Checklist of Edmond Hamilton’s Stories”, Return to Wonder, No. 9, 1970, pp. 14-19.
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Edmond Hamilton in Weird Tales,” in: The Weird Tales Collector, No. 1 (1977), pp. 9-12.
  • 「キャプテン・フューチャー書誌便覧」 in:『キャプテン・フューチャー・ハンドブック』 <SFマガジン> Vol. 24, no. 8 (通巻302号1983年 7月臨時増刊号), p. 344-345.
  • 「エドモンド・ハミルトン作品リスト」 in: 『星々の轟き』 安田均編, 大阪 : 青心社, 1982, pp. 220-230.
  • 宮壁定雄, 「Weird Tales インデックス」, in: 『ウィアード・テールズ』, 東京 : 国書刊行会, 1988, pp. i-lxvii

Articles on Hamilton in Magazines & Newspapers


  • Ackerman, Forest J., “Edmond Hamilton”, Xenophile, Vol 3, No 6, #30  (Mar. 1977), pp. 13.; Reprint in: A guide to the Fanzine Pulp, Xenophile, Nemesis, Inc. and Golden Perils, James Van Hise, 1997, p. 11.
  • Alexander, Jerry, “Edmond Hamilton , Published Books And Unreprinted Longer Works,” LOCCs (Lettered Observation and Cosmic Comments),   no. 2, 1980.
  • Alexander, Jerry, “Captain Future,” LOCCs (Lettered Observation and Cosmic Comments), no. 4, 1980
  • Andrews, Graham, “An Appendix to Lyall’s Law,” in: Foundation : the International Review of Science Fiction. Vol. 56 (Autumn 1992), p. 99-100. *City at World’s End (1951).
  • Anonymous, “No title,” in: Infinite, vol. 1, issue 1 (1941), p. 24. *”It is with the deepest regret that INFINITE announces the suicide of one of the outstanding present day science-fiction authors, Edmond Hamilton. The body, when discovered, was lying in a litter of manuscript paper, and a battered typewriter was nearby.
    The coroner reports that death was due to poisoning, heartbreak, and writers cramp. There were also two bullet holes in his forehead and a knife in his heart.
    On the floor beside the body the following note was found.
    “I can’t stand it any longer! The strain of continually saving the universe is too much for me after all these years! No one appreciated my efforts! Good bye, cruel world!”
  • Anonymous, “Amazing stories: 60 years of the best science fiction,” in: Publishers Weekly, vol. 228, no. 6, Aug. 9, 1985, pp. 71-72.
  • Anonymous, “Spalten,” in: Aftonbladet (Feb. 26, 1977)  , p. 5. Note: A short paragraph about Captain Future and the death of Edmond Hamilton on the cultural page of the Swedish daily. [Swedish]
  • Anonymous, “Hamilton, cont.,” in: Book West, (), p. 22.
  • Anonymous, “Edmond Hamilton, Writer, Dies in West,” in: Youngstown Vindicator, (2 Feb. 1977), p. 1,58.
  • Anonymous, “Youngstown’s Jules Verne,” in: Youngstown Vindicator, (Feb. 3, 1977), p. 14.
  • Anonymous, “,” in: East Fanglian Times, Vol. 2, no. 4 (March 1964), p. 9.
  • ansvarig, “Kapten Frank och jultomten,” in: DAST Magazine, Dec 25th, 2012.
  • “,” in: Polarity, no. 1, Oct. 1957. *Report on the MidWestCon
  • Arellano, Paco, “Unas palabras acerca de Edmond Hamilton,” in: Delirio. Ciencia ficción y fantasía, no. 12, 2013, p. 88-89.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “Capitán Futuro, el hombre del mañana, ” in: Barsoom, t. 2, 2007, pp. 56-61 [Spanish]
  • Bates, David, “Wizard of Science, The Man Who of Tomorrow : Captain Future,” in: LOCCs (Lettered Observations and Cosmic Comments), vol. 2, no. 1, Spring 1981, p. 11.
  • Bergier, Jacques, ” Ici, on désintègre !,” in: Fiction #22, 1955, p. 121; Translated into Spanish:  “Edmond Hamilton,” translated by  Francisco Arellano, in: Delirio. Ciencia ficción y fantasía #23, abr 2019, p. 26.
  • Bennett, Ron, “Saturday Afternoon’s surprise item, ” in: Skyrack #65, April 2, 1964, p. 3.  *”took the shape of Mr & Mrs Edmond Hamilton answering questions fired by the audience. Ed Hamilton said that the pace of Battle for the Stars was much slower than, say, The Universe Wrecker because it had been expanded from a short story. Leigh Brackett – yes, Mrs Edmond Hamilton (we, too, have neo-fan readers) – mentioned that Planet Stories was thought to be a poor magazine while it was running; the moment it folded people began to praise it. EH said that the pocket book is taking the place of the magazine. Both EH and LB felt that the pulp would never return. Asked about their first interest in sf, Ed said that he began to imitate Merritt’s style through admiration and found that it sold. Leigh said that at school she was good at expressive work, tried pro writing at 13, didn’t sell for ten years. Ed felt that more factual work will be written. Jim Groves pointed out that more scientists are now writing sf. Ed answered a question from Ethel Lindsay, that his favourite self-written story was What’s It Like Out There? which was written in 1933 and sold thirty years later. Leigh likes The Long Tomorrow. Of each other’s stories, Ed likes Leigh’s The Fall of the Free Winds and Leigh likes Ed’s What’s It Like Out There and The Star Kings. Sid Birchby told of being given a copy of The Star Kings by Ted Carnell only to find that the book was the French edition. He bought a French dictionary so that he could read it and had thoroughly enjoyed it! John Roles asked about a Hamilton anthology which had appeared in the UK, The Horror on the Asteroid. Ed said that there was no US edition and that the book must be pretty rare by now. This collection of stories from Weird Tales had been his first hard cover book, though the royalties had been so small that he had been paid in postage stamps.” [info]
  • Boulier, Philippe, “Capitaine Futur : ad astra!,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, avril 2018, p. 148-152.
  • Brackett, Leigh, “No Title,” in: Return to Wonder, No. 9 (1970), p. 8.
  • Brackett, Leigh, “[obituary],”  in Youngstown Vindicator, Youngstown, Ohio, March 19, 1978, Reprint at Xenophile combined with the Fantasy Collector [un-numbered issue, #38, March-April 1978] .
  • Brahe, Tycho, in: “Kapten Frank vände Bertil Falks tillvaro “190 grader“”, in: Cassiopeiabloggen, Nr 154 2011
    fredag, 24 juni, 2011.
  • Bridges, Lynn, “Captain Future, Wizard of Science, Superman in prose,” in: Inspiration, vol. 4, issue 1 (April, 1946), p. 25.
  • Briney, Robert E., “He That Hath Wings”,” in: Destiny, no. 7, Winter 1953, p. 32.
  • Brooks, Rick, “Books by Brooks,” in Nargothrond, no. 2 (August 1968), p. 39-40. *The Closed Worlds & The Children of the Sun [fulltext]
  • Brooks, Rick, “The Captain Future Series,” in: Nargothrond #3/4 (Jan. 1969) , pp. 26-35.
  • Brown, Brian Earl, “Captain Future, Man of Tomorrow,” HIDALGO, No. 28 (Jan. 1994), pp. 16, 17-23.
  • Brown, Brian Earl, “The Early Edmond Hamilton,” in: Hidalgo, no. 49 ( for PEAPS, mailing no. 47), April 1999, p. 6-15.
  • Brown, Brian Earl, “Edmond Hamilton’s Strange Invaders,” in: Hidalgo, no. 49 (for PEAPS, mailting no. 47), April 1999, p. 16-20.
  • Brown, Brian Earl, “Edmond Hamilton’s Strange Weird Tales,” in: Hidalgo, no. 49 (for PEAPS, mailing no. 47), April 1999, p. 21-24.
  • Bull, Terry. “World Saver Returns : Edmond Hamilton in Focus,” Vector, No. 31(Mar.1965),pp. 3-8.; Reprint in: Ackermansion Memories, no. 7 (Summer 2018)
  • Burger, Joanne, “(June 15 1969),” in: SF Commentary, no. 5, August 1969, p. 19. *”Edmond Hamilton … mentioned that the Popular Library reprints of the Captain Future series are being published without his permission… since Mr Hamilton didn’t want them published, feeling they are too juvenile for today’s audience.”
  • Burt, Jonn M., “Captain Future in the Comics,” in: Golden Perils, no. 30 (Sept. 2003), p. 3-5.
  • Cadigan, Glen, “Writer of Two Worlds: The Science-Fiction & Comicbook Careers of Edmond Hamilton,” in: Alter Ego, no. 187, p. 3-44. [Sample]
  • “Captain Future,” in: Golden Perils, no. 7, Nov. 1986
  • “Captain Future : the Novelettes,” HIDALGO, No. 36, (Jan. 1996), pp. 4.
  • “”Captain Future Annual” This Fall?,” Fantasy Times, Vol. 7, No. 13 (1st July 1952), p. 1.
  • “Captain Future Index,” with commentary, Pulp (produced for PEAPS), PEAPS, no. 30 (April 1994), p.
  • Castellari, Bert F. & Veney, William D., “Other pro news!,” in: Futurian Observer, no. 2, Jan. 29, 1941, p. 1.
  • Cervon, Bruce, “Captain Future, Paperback Readers Guide & Checklist,” Collecting Paperbacks, Vol. 2, no. 5 (Nov. 1980), p. 17
  • Chomko, Mike, “Some Speculations on the Captain Future Novelettes,” Purple Prose, No. 5 (July 1996), pp. 11-15.
  • Chomko, Mike, “Some Speculations on the Captain Future Novelettes : Part 2,” Purple Prose, No. 8 (April 1997), pp.
  • Cidoncha, Carlos Saiz, “Edmond Hamilton, Hacedor de Reyers,” in: Fan de Fantasía, No. 8 (1983), pp. 40-50. [Spanish]
  • Cook, Fred, “Edmond Hamilton : the World Saver in Ohio”, Pulp Vault, No. 6 (1989), pp. 66, 87
  • de la Ree, Gerry and Gaetz, Rod, “Call for Captain Past,” in: Snide, issue 2 (February 1941), p. 8-12.; Reprint in: Fantasy Post, vol. no. 1 (October 1941)
  • de la Ree, Gerry, “Introduction,” in: Hamilton, Edmond.  The Horror on the Asteroid.  Boston: Gregg, 1975.  pp. v-ix.
  • De Vore, Howard, “Edmond Hamilton: a Recollection,” in: Lan’s Lantern, No. 6 (Autumn 1977), p. 3.
  • Dziemianowicz, Stefan, “Weird Science : an Overview of Weird SF Stories in the Horror Pulps,“ The Scream Factory, No. 13 (Spring 1994), pp. 28-40.
  •  “edmond hamilton : science fiction pioneer,” in: Firsts : the book collector’s magazine, vol. 7, 1997, no. 10, p. 50-54.
  • “Edmond Hamilton Dies,” Locus, Vol.10, No. 1 (Jan. 30, 1977), p. 1-2.
  • Ellis, Doug, “The Great Pulp Gathering: That Time Jack Williamson, L. Sprague de Camp, Frank Belknap Long, Edmond Hamilton, John W. Campbell, Manly Wade Wellman, Otis Adelbert Kline and others met at Mort Weisinger’s House in 1937,” in: Black Gate February 11, 2016. ( Accessed 15.February.2016.
  • Emerson, Jim, “Profile : Edmond Hamilton,” Futures Past, No. 4 (April 1994), pp. 47-49.
  • Engholm, Ahrvid, “Sf-författarna förutsåg inte Internet eller persondatorn,” in: Svenska Dagbladet, 4 januari 1998.
  • Falk, Bertil, “Linnë, Tarzan och kapten Frank,” in: Future Fan, No. 4, January 1970, p. 19-21. Note: Linnaeus, Tarzan and Captain Future. [Swedish]
  • Falk, Bertil, “Leigh Brackett : Much More Than the Queen of Space Opera!,” in: Bewildering Stories, issue 250, June 25, 2007,; Reprint, “Leigh Brackett: Much More Than the Queen of Space Opera,”
  • Falk, Bertil, “Dödförklarad men odödlig: Kapten Frank,” in: DAST Magazine, Sep. 2nd 2009.
  • Franson, Donald, “,” in: The National Fantasy Fan TNFF Science Fiction Fanzine, April 1966. *Captain Future Bibliography, p. 16
  • Franson, Robert W., “,” in: Science Fiction Review, no. 20, May 25, 1964.
  • Friend, Oscar?, “Looking forward, Captain Future!,” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 15, no. 1, Jan. 1940, p. 117-118.
  • Friend, Oscar, “Realm of Wonder,” in: Writer’s Digest, December 1941, p. 37-39. *Discusses Standard Magazines’ with references to Captain Future, Thrilling Wonder Stories and Startling Stories
  • Fuchs, Werner, and Powitz, Lothar, überarbeitet von F. Frust, “Materialien zur frühen Space Opera : Captain Future”, Science Fiction Times, 18. Jahr, Nr. 138, Jan. 1976, p. 4-7.
  • Gardner, Thomas S., “From Fan-tods : It’s Fiction, but is it science?,” in: Fantasy Aspects, issue 2 (Nov. 1947), p. 9.
  • Gardner, Thomas S., “Recent Trends in Science Fiction III. Thrilling Wonder Stories, Startling Stories and the Ghost of Captain Future,” in: Horizons, vol. 7, issue 4 (June 1946), p. 10-11.
  • Garrett, Randall, “Leigh Brackett Hamilton: A Memior,” in: Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine  2(4): 192.  July/August 1978.
  • Gay, Bob, “Edmond Hamilton : esquisse biographique,” tr. by Michel Vannereux in: Le Météore, no. 13, nov. 2012, p. 33-34.
  • Gibbs, Angelica, 1943, February 13. “Inertrum, Netronium, Chromaloy, P-P-P-Proot!,” in: The New Yorker, vol. 43, no. 52, pp. 42–53; Reprint in: Readings for Citizens at War / edited by Theodore Morrison …[et. al], Harper c1943, p. 35-44.
  • Green, Joseph, “Three Days with Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton,” in: New York Review of Science Fiction, no. 255=  22(3). Nov. 2009, p. 13-15.
  • Hamil, Edmonton, “Captain Creature and the Physician of Mars,” in: Infinite, vol. 1, issue 1, [1941?], p. 15-17.
  • Hamilton, Esther, “Around Town,” in: Youngstown Vindicator, vol. xlviii, no. 105, Dec. 16, 1936, p. 1. *Horror on the Asteroid, P. Allan
  • Hamilton, Esther, “Around Town,” in: The Youngstown Vindicator, vol. lxv, no. 359, August 25, 1954, p. 13.
    *Hamilton – Kinsman now has two Edmond Hamiltons, …
  • Hamilton, Esther, “Esther Reports on Brother’s New Novel – and Gires Him None the Worst of It,” in: Youngstown Vindicator, vol. lxi, no. 135, Jan. 15, 1950, p. A-5. *The Star Kings
  • Hamilton, Esther, “Around Town,” in: The Youngstown Vindicator, (Feb. 27, 1977), p. B1.
  • Hamilton, Peter F., “The Reality Dysfunction, ” in: Foundation, Fall 1997, p. 122.
  • Hurter, Fred, “Stars,” & “The Story Behind the Story Behind the Story, Celestial luminaries“,”in: Snide, issue 1 (May 1940), p. 5-6, 28.
  • Hartwell, David G., “Nine Ways of Looking at Space Operas,Part 1” : New York Review of Science Fiction  18(12): 17-21.  August 2006.  (No. 216)
  • Hopkins, Howard, “The Youth Makers,” Echoes, No. 50 (Aug. 1990), pp. 27.
  • Hopkins, Howard, “Captain Future Discovered,” Golden Perils, No. 2 (Nov. 1985)
  • Hopkins, Howard, “Space Maiden,” & “Joan Randall, Covergirl,” Golden Perils, No. 20 (Summer 1992), pp. 20.
  • Hull, John, “Gold in them thar thrills, Comic books: a very serious business,” in: Chula Vista Star-News (Chula Vista, California), 09 May 1968, p.15. *John Hull’s interview. Captain Future magazine is favorites from his youth.
  • Hutchison, Don, “Edmond Hamilton,” Captain George’s Penny Dreadful, No. 419 (March 4, 1977), pp. 2.
  • Hutchson, Don, “The Pulp File : Man of Tomorrow,” in: Wordsmith, No. 8, (Feb. 1987), pp. 26.
  • Hutchson, Don, “Calling Captain Future”, Pulp Vault, No. 5 (1989), pp. 21-26.; Reprint in: THE GREAT PULP HEROES, Oakville : Mosaic Press, 1996. pp. [169]-184.
  • Include Edmond Hamilton In Science Fiction Book,” in: Youngstown Vindicator, vol. lxxvii, no. 272, May 30, 1966, p. 11. *Sam Moskowitz’ Seekers of Tomorrow.
  • Jiménez Barco, Javier, “Captain Future y otros heroes de la era Campbell,” in: Galaxia (pub. by Equipo Sirius), no. 6, p. 68-70. [Castellano]
  • Johansson, Ulf R. “Aniara (4): Harry Martinsons många inspirationskällor inom sf-litteraturen,” in: Cassiopeiabloggen, Nr 105, september 22, 2016. [URL] *Edmond Hamilton and Bertil Falk
  • Jonsson, Carl-Olof, “Romanserien KAPTEN FRAMTIDs tillkomsthistoria,” in: Future Fan, No. 4 (1970) , p. 42. Note: The History of the Coming into Being of the Novels about CAPTAIN FUTURE, Part 1 [Swedish]
  • Jonsson, Carl-Olof, “STARWOLF. Edmond Hamiltons nyaste berättarteknik,” in: Future Fan, No. 4, 1/2, July 1970, p. 11-14, 20. Note: STARWOLF. The Newest Narrative Technique of Edmond Hamilton [Swedish]
  • Jonsson, Carl-Olof, “Romanserien KAPTEN FRAMTIDs tillkomsthistoria,” in: Future Fan, No. 5 (Feb. 1971), p. 25-29. Note: The History of the Coming into Being of the Novels about CAPTAIN FUTURE, Part 2 [Swedish]
  • Jonsson, Carl-Olof, “Romanserien KAPTEN FRAMTIDs tillkomsthistoria,” in: Future Fan, No. 6 (Nov. 1971), p. 29-33. Note: The History of the Coming into Being of the Novels about CAPTAIN FUTURE, Part 3 [Swedish]
  • Juzek, Chuck, “YesterYear’s Heroes : There Was A Time,” in: Golden Perils, No. 7 (Dec. 1986), pp. 5.; Reprint as “There Was A Time : (A Nostalgic Reflection on the Heroes of Youth),” in: YESTERDAY’S HEROES, 1994, pp. 1-8.; Reprint also in: PULP HEROES OF THE THIRTIES, 1994, pp. 4-10.
  • Kankowski, Joseph, “Fiction by Edmond Hamilton,” in: Xenophile, No. 30 (1977), pp. 14-15.
  • Kruse, Alfred,”Über ber Space Operas,” in: Phantast #16, Sept. 2016, p. 37-77.
  • Lavigne, Pierre, “Edmond Hamilton & Leigh Brackett : Fantasy et Science-Fiction à tous les étage,” in: Sensationnel!, no. 6, jan 1994, p. 12-17.
  • Lay, WiIly, “‘Captain Future’ of Germany,” Science Fantasy Review, Vol. 3, No. 16 (Autumn 1949)
  • Lovisi, Gray, “Comet Kings : From Pulps to Paperbacks,” in: Paperback Parade, no. 1 (Oct. 1986), pp. 16-18.
  • Lovisi, Gray, “The Paperback Collctor Column #46 Edmond Hamilton,” in: Pulpdom, no. 12 (June 1998) .
  • Lupoff, Richard A., “Long Ago and Far Away,” in: The Cimmerian, vol. 3, no. 5, May 2006, p. 23-27; Reprint in: The Collected Captain Future: Wizard of Science, Volume One, Haffner Press, 2009, p. xiii-
  • “Multiples splendeurs : Iain M. Banks & Edmond Hamilton & Gérard Klein,” in: La Science-fiction – Une fenêtre sur l’avenir, no. 715, mai 1996, p. 30-31.
  • Mines, Samuel, “Inside Hamilton,” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 41, no. 2, p. 69.
  • Mitchell, Steve, “The Weird Corner,” in: Echoes, #57 (October 1991), pp. 31-38. *スチュアート・メリック・シリーズの記述多し。用語集もあり
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Why ‘The Man Who Evolved’ is My favourite story,” in: Startling Stories, vol. 4, no. 3 (Nov. 1940), p. 113.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Introduction to ‘The Man Who Saw the Future,” in: Amazing Stories, vol. 35, no. 2 (Feb. 1961), p. 85.
  • Moskowitz, Sam. “SF Profile : Edmond Hamilton,” in: Amazing Stories, vol. 37, no. 10 (October 1963), pp. 107-115; Rewrite with revised and expanded as “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Moskowitz, Sam.  Seekers of Tomorrow.  New York: Ballantine, 1967.  pp. 73-89.
  • Murray, Will, “Six: the new apprentice,” of the secret Kenneth Robesons, in: Duende, vol. 1, no. 2, Winter 1976-77, p. 20. *Lester Dent approached veteran pulp writer Edmond Hamilton with and offer to let him ghost some Doc [Savage] novels. As Hamilton related in a letter to Steve Riley …”
  • Murray, Will, “Captain Future vs. the Old Ones,” in: Fantasy Mongers, No. 8 (Fall 1983), pp. 3-; Reprint in: Astro-Adventure, No. 2 (Aug. 1987), pp. 41-43, 13. [fulltext]
  • Murray, Will, “Captain Future : Yesterday’s Man of Tomorrow,” in: The Comics Buyer’s Guide, No. 521 (Nov. 11, 1983), pp. 60.; Reprint in: Astro-Adventure, No. 6 (Nov. 1988), pp. 53-57. Note: A slightly revised reprint
  • Murray, Will, “Is The Pulp Hero Revival Over?,” (Part 2), in: The Pulp Collector, Vol. 4, no. 1 (Fall 1988), p. 9.
  • Murray, Will, “Myth Maker,” in: Comics Scene, No. 54 (Jan. 1996), pp. 14-. Note: An Interview with Mort Weisinger
  • Nelson, Chris, “One Hundred Small Wonders: An annotated index to Australian and New Zealand fan content in the Wonder magazines,” in: Mumblings From Munchkinland, no. 28 (February 2010), p. 4-10.
  • Nelson, Dale, “Is Lewis’ Ransom Trilogy Indebted to Yank Magazine Science Fiction?,” in: CSL: The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society  37(4):18-19.  May/June 2006.
  • “No Hope Seen for “Capt. Future Annual,” in: Fantasy Times, vol. 7, no. 18, Second September 1952, p. 1.
  • “Obituaries on Edmond Hamilton, Bob Brown, John Rosenberger, and James Childress,” in: The Comic Reader #141, March 1977, published and edited by Jerome Sinkovec (Menomonee Fall, WI)
  • Page, Jerry, “The Writers of Captain Future,” in: Echoes, no. 52 (Dec. 1990), p. 34-36.
  • Page, Jerry, “Pulp Flavors : Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Fantastic Collector, no. 235-236 (Oct.-Nov. 1991), pp.
  • Page, Jerry, “Planets in Peril,” in: Aces, no. 10 (May 1998)
  • Pak, Chris, “Terraforming and Proto-Gaian Narratives in American Pulp SF of the 1930s-1940s,” in: Eaton Journal of Archival Research in Science Fiction 1(1): 38-55. April 2013. (
  • Palm, Anders, “Edmond Hamilton är död – men kapten Frank lever,” in: Dagens Nyheter (Swedish daily newspaper) (Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1977) Note: Edmond Hamilton is dead- but Captain Future is alive.
  • Parker, E.A., “HWYL JNR.,” in , Cry, no. 173 1/2 (April 1964), p. 6.
  • Patten, Fred, “TV Animation in Japan,” in: Fanfare, No. 3 (Spring 1980), pp. 8-18. *Captain Future is referred to in p. 12.
  • Perelman, S.J., “Captain Future, Block That Kick!” in: New Yorker, Vol. 15, no. 49(Jan. 20, 1940), pp. 23-24.; Reprinted in: The Most of S.J. Perelman, Simon & Schuster, 1958, pp. 71-75; Reprinted also in Heinemann, 1959; Methuen, 1978; Mandarin, 1991; Reprinted also in: Crazy Like a Fox, Random House, 1944, p. 210-216; Heinemann, 1945;Penguin, 1951; Vintage, 1973.
  • Perrin, Steve, Edmond Hamilton, in Voice of Comicdom : Comicdom’s first newspaper, no. 3, Jan. 1965, p. 1.
  • Porcius, M. “Three Weird Tales Winners by Edmond Hamilton,” M Porcius Fiction Log (mporcius., July 31, 2017).
  • Price, E. Hoffman, ” A Memoir (Edmond Hamilton),” in The Weird Tales Collector, no. 1, 1977, p. 4-6.
  • Price, E. Hoffman, “Edmond Hamilton : in Memoriam,” in: Eldritch Leanings, No. 6 (1st May 1977), p. 2-4. ; Reprinted in: The Diversifier, Vol. 3, no. 4(May 1977), pp. 6-8.; Reprinted also in: Sword & Fantasy, no. 12 (Sept. 2016), p. 49. *This issue prints a memorial of Edmond Hamilton by E. Hoffmann Price.
  • ”Profile, Edmond Hamilton,” in: Future Past 1929 (No. 4) Write Answer 1994 with Bibliography. pp. 47-49.
  • Queyssi, Laurent,  “Le Sense of wonder avec une cape : Edmond Hamilton scénariste de bande dessinée,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, 2018, p. 153-159.
  • Ramirez, Francisco Canales, “Una Breve Historia del Space Opera,” in: Nucleo Ubik, No. 2/3 (Oct. 1995), pp. 26-37 [Spanish]
  • Rapoport, Barnaby,“Captain Future’s Superlative Adventures,”LET’S FANAC no. 3, 1992. *an excerpt from “The Comet Kings” by Edmond Hamilton
  • Rey, Philippe, ”Captain Future in Europe,” in: Paperback Pulp and Comic Collector, No. 6(1992), pp. 85-91. Contents: 1. The Captain Future Animated Series — 2. The Audio Adventure — 3. The Stickers Collection — 4. The Comic-Book –5. Captain Future on Video — 6. A Conclusion –7. Call for Information
  • Rey, Philippe, “Role of women in Hamilton’s work,” Future Past 1929 (No. 4) Write Answer 1994, p. 50.
  • Rey, Philippe, “Pardon His Iron Nerves,” Echoes, #92 (April 1997),  pp. 40-47
  • Ringberg, B.-O., “Edmond Hamilton och naturlagarna artikel,” in: Future Fan, No. 1 (sommar 1968), pp. 12-15. [Swedish]
  • Ringberg, B.-O., “Edmond Hamilton och naturlagarna,”in: Future Fan, No. 1 (Summer 1968), p. 12-15. Note: Edmond Hamilton and theNatural Law [Swedish]
  • Ringberg, B. -O., “De sista av de oöversatta kapten Frankäventyren,”, in: Future Fan, No. 1 (Summer 1968), p. 25. Note: The last of the untranslated adventures of Captain Future [Swedish]
  • Ringberg, B. -O., “Lagens och fredens väktare,” in: Future Fan, No. 2 (Feb. 1969), p. 13-21. Note: The The Guardians of Law and Peace [Swedish]
  • Ringberg, B. -O., “Något om robotar,” in: Future Fan, No. 3 (August 1969), p. 5-14. Note:Something about Robots
  • Ringberg, B. -O., “Novellerna,” in: Future Fan, No. 3 (August 1969), p. 28-34. Note: The Short Stories [Swedish]
  • Rosenblum, J. Michael, “Captain Future,” in: Futurian War Digest, vol. 2, no. 9 (July, 1942), p. 4. *”the poor man’s Grey Lensman”
  • Russell, Benjamin. “Hamilton, Edmond, et al. Superman/Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told.” School Library Journal, Sept. 2007, p. 223.
  • Silverberg, Robert, “Reflections: the Audience Grows Older,” in: Asimov’s Science Fiction,(Oct. 1995), pp. 4-8.; 「深刻化するSF読者の高齢化問題」和久井博人訳. <SFマガジン>. Vol. 37, no. 5 (May 1996),pp. 204-207.
  • Smith, David C., “A Remembrance of Edmond Hamilton,” in: Outre, Vol. 2, no. 1=No. 5 (May 1977), p. 2.
  • “Sobre Los reyes de las estrellas,” in: Barsoom 7 (2009), pp. 65−68.; reprint: Regreso a las estrellas (Barsoom Recopilatorio ; no. 1), La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2010, p. 2
  • Sparatore, Alessandro, “Edmond Hamilton: il papà di Batwoman e di Capitan Futuro,” in: Nerdface, 6 Nov. 2020. [URL]
  • Speer, Jack, “Dear Weisinger,” in: Sustaining Program, no. 16, Dec. 1942, p. 11-12.
  • Stableford, Brian M., “The Best of Hamilton and Brackett,” in: Vector, no. 90, November/December 1978, p. 21-28; Reprint as “Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett: An Appreciation,” in: Stableford, B. M.  Masters of Science Fiction.  San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1981.  pp. 3-14.
  • Stenfors, Bo, “Om en rymdhjälte och ett magasin,” in: Future Fan, No. 1 (Summer 1968), p. 7-9. Note: On a Space Hero and a Magazine [Swedish]
  • Stenfors, Bo, “Kapten Frank och mänsklighetens ursprung,” in: DAST MAGAZINE, Sep 2nd, 2009.
  • Suvin, Darko, “H. G. Wells and earlier SF,” in: SF Studies  1(3): 221-222.  Spr. 1974.  Comment (A. Eisenstein) & reply  1(4):305-307.  Comments, A. C. Clarke, T. N. Hamilton & R. D. Mullen.  2(2):195-196.  July 1975.
  • Swartz, Jon D., “SerCon-Edmond Hamilton Bio-Bibliography,” in: Tightbeam, no. 319, April 2021, p. 18-21.
  • Unger, Julius, “Their Own Petard by H. C. Koenig,” in: Science Fiction Weekly, vol. 1, no. 4 (March 10, 1940), p. 3. “The name of this, the latest stf magazine, will be Captain Future and will contain a complete novel in every issue about Captain Future –. The novels of Captain Future, by the way, are written by Edmond Hamilton.” (That plan was made-to-order for our old friend Hamilton. Now, he won’t even have to change the names of his characters.)”
  • “Une pluie d’étoiles : un guide de lecture hamiltonien,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, avril 2018, p. 160-167.
  • Valéry, Francis, “Edmond Hamilton et la Bande Dessinée,” in: A & A : le magazine des survivants, no. 149, Septembre 2005, p. 4-8.
  • Valéry, Francis, “Edmond Hamilton : histoires d’hommes,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, 2018, p. 116-139.
  • Van Hise, James and Robert Weinberg, “ Pulps, An Era of Adventure : Captain Future,” in: Rocket Blast Comicollector, No. 88 (Jan. 1972), p. 28.
  • Vannereux, Michel, “Captain Future et l’Empereur de l’Espace,” and “Captain Future l’homme de demain,” in: Le Météore, no. 13, nov. 2012, p. 35-42, 43-44.
  • Verrecchia, Juan Carlos, “Edmond Hamilton. El valle de la creación,” in:  Cuásar 48, 2009, pp. 34-35.
  • Vial, Eric, “Les Loups des Étoiles,” in: Galaxies, No. 16 (Spring 2000), pp.
  • Wagner, Roland C., “Les Loups des Étoiles,” in: Bifrost, No. 18 (May 2000)
  • Walders, Joe, “Is There Intelligent Life in Kinsman, Ohio?,” in: Cleveland Magazine, (Oct. 1976), pp. 70-74.; “Protege Bradbury,” p. 73.
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Some Lost Stories of Edmond Hamilton,” in: Return to Wonder, No. 9 (1970), pp. 9-11.
  • Weinberg, Robert, ”Pulp Gallery,” in: Pulp, Vol. 1, no. 6 (Summer 1974), pp. 22-23. *野田昌宏氏がロバート・ワインバーグに寄贈した日本(早川文庫)版のCF4作の表紙が紹介されている。
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Weird Tales Collector, No. 1 (1977), pp. 7-9; Reprint as “Edmond Hamilton on Weird Tales, ”  in:  Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds.  Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle.  Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009. p. 510-511.
  • Weisinger, Mortimer, “A Eulogy of a Sort,” in: Astounding Stories, vol. 11, no. 2, Nov. 1932, p. 283. *The Reader’s Corner. “Eulogy to Mr. Hamilton”; ; Reprint in: Gosh! Wow!, Bantam Books, 1982, p. 65-66.; also in: Sense of Wonder Science Fiction, Sirius Science Fiction, 1993, p. 59.
  • Who is Science Fiction’s Sherlock Holmes?,” in: Mumblings from Munchkinland 27, April 2009, p. 2-5, 15.
  • Wilber, Ron, “Joan Randall Centerfold,” in: Golden Perils, No. 15 (Winter 1990)
  • Williamson, Jack, “Edmond Hamilton: an Appreciation”, in: Locus, Vol. 10, no. 1(Jan. 30, 1977), pp. 2.
  • Williamson, Jack, “Edmond Hamilton : As I Knew Him, in: New York Review of Science Fiction, Vol. 12, No. 5=No. 137 (Jan. 2000), pp. 1, 4-5. Note: Jack Williamson, whose reminiscences have been all over the magazines of late, appears here with a remembrance of Edmond Hamilton.

In Japanese

  • 編集部F「老兵は消えず」<SFマガジン> Vol. 1, no. 5  (005, June 1960), pp. 7.
  • 編集部F「現役最古参」<SFマガジン> Vol. 2, no. 4 (015, April 1961), pp. 59.
  • 編集部U「世界の破壊者」<SFマガジン> Vol. 4, no. 7, (044, July 1963), pp. 157.
  • 野田昌宏「SF英雄群像③キャプテン・フューチャー」<SFマガジン> Vol. 4, no. 12 (049, Nov.-63), pp. 197-115.
  • 編集部U「作者紹介」<SFマガジン> Vol. 5, no. 4 (054, April 1964), pp. 55.
  • い「SFでてくたあ」<SFマガジン> Vol. 5, no. 13 (063, Dec. 1964), pp. 95. *『虚空の遺産』の紹介あり
  • 伊藤典夫「マガジン走査線」<SFマガジン> Vol. 6, no. 1 (064, Jan. 1965), pp. 148-151. *「星空の王国」(Kingdom of the Stars); 「プロ」(The Pro)
  • 編集部F「作品解説」<SFマガジン> Vol. 6, no. 5 (068, May 1965), pp. 36. *「何が火星に?」
  • 石川喬司「SFでてくたあ」<SFマガジン> Vol. 6, no. 12 (076, Dec. 1965), pp. 114. *『百万年後の世界』
  • 石川喬司「SFでてくたあ」<SFマガジン> Vol. 7, no. 6 (082, June 1966), pp. 111. *『太陽系7つの秘宝』
  • 編集部F「作品解説」<SFマガジン> Vol. 7, no. 12 (088, Oct. 1966), pp. 61. *『謎の宇宙船強奪団』
  • 大伴昌司 構成; さいとう・たかお 絵 「宇宙大探検画報」 「少年マガジン」 45=8(48) 1966年11月13日号, p. 5-19. ※ 「くるったロボットにたちむかう宇宙戦士」 (p. 16-17) (「鉄の神経お許し」から)
  • 石川喬司「SFでてくたあ」<SFマガジン>Vol. 8, no. 4 (093, April 1967), pp. 95. *『時のロストワールド』
  • 野田昌宏「連載コラムSF実験室(39)SF解剖学のすすめ(その3)宇宙賛歌SF」<SFマガジン> Vol. 9, no. 12 (114, Nov. 1968), pp. 6-10, 162-163.; Reprint: 「宇宙讃歌」in:『科学小説神髄』東京創元社, 1995. pp. 39-49. *キャプテン・フューチャーの巻
  • 荒俣宏「WT時代のハミルトン」<宇宙塵> No. 128 (Nov. 1968), p. 55.
  • 福島正実「月とSF よみがえる迫真の舞台」<讀賣新聞> 1969.4.24(木)
    全国版, 朝刊, p. 23. *『虚空の遺産』
  • 野田昌宏 文・資料 「SFカラー特集 宇宙大侵略」 『週刊少年キング』 7(26) 1969年6月22日号, p. 3-13. ※水氣隆義 え 「宇宙探偵キャプテン・フューチャー」(p. 12-13)
  • 福島正実「新・SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 10, no. 9 (124, Sept. 1969), pp. 110-111. *『天界の王』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 11, no. 2  (130, Feb. 1970), pp. 184-. *『スター・キング』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> vol. 11, no. 13 (141, Dec. 1970), pp. 120- *『さすらいのスターウルフ』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 12, no. 4 (145, April 1971), pp. 120- *『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』; 『透明惑星危機一髪!』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 12, no. 10 (151, Oct. 1971), pp. 120- *『さいはてのスターウルフ』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 12, no. 12 (153, Nov. 1971), pp. 120- *『挑戦!嵐の海底都市』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 13, no. 2  (156, Feb. 1972), pp. 70- *『暗黒星大接近!』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 13, no. 3  (157, March 1972), pp. 120- *『望郷のスターウルフ』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 13, no. 6 (160, June 1972), pp. 120. *『太陽強奪』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 13, no. 13 (167, Dec. 1972), pp. 120- *『フェッセンデンの宇宙』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 14, no. 5  (172, May 1973), pp. 120- *『スター・キングへの帰還』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 14, no. 8 (175, Aug. 1973), pp. 120- *『輝く星々のかなたへ!』
  • 野田昌宏「キャプテンたずねて三光年<スペースオペラ豪傑譚序章>」<SFマガジン> Vol. 14, no. 11 (178, 1973年10月増刊), pp. 4-16, 231-235.
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 14, no. 13  (180, Dec. 1973), pp. 120- *『宇宙囚人船の反乱』
  • 野田昌宏(企画・構成), クリスタル・アート・スタジオ, 加藤直之(イラスト)「新春特別企画, 完全図解構成, 天翔けるスターウルフ」<SFマガジン> vol. 15, no. 2 (182, 1974年2月号) p. 193~224.
  • 荒俣宏「世界幻想文学作家名鑑7 エドモンド・ハミルトン」<幻想と怪奇> No. 8 (1974年6月号), p. [117-118]. *後に『世界幻想作家事典』荒俣宏 国書刊行会 1979. pp. 176-177.
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 15, no. 9 (189, Sept. 1974), pp. 120- *『恐怖の宇宙帝王』
  • スタジオぬえ (竹川公訓 ; 加藤直之 ; 宮武一貴)「キャプテン・フューチャー・ニューモード」<SFマガジン> Vol. 16, no. 4 (197, 1975年4月号)  p. 113~119. [info]
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン> Vol. 16, no. 8 (201, Aug. 1975), pp. 120- *『脅威!不死密売団』
  • 福島正実「SFでてくたあ:海外」<SFマガジン>Vol. 16, no. 10 (203, Oct. 1975), pp. 120- *『最後の惑星船の秘密』
  • 大藤亜一 [岡田正也]「キャプテン・フューチャー誌」に見る、ジョオン・ランドールの素顔は? <ALDEBARAN>  第8号 (1976.2.15); Reprint in: 『SF雑誌 : 99の謎』ネオ・ベム 2014.3, p. 7-11.
  • 加藤弘一 「手作りの宇宙:エドモンド・ハミルトン」 <フェニックス> 第83号 (1977.3.29) *特集-私の好きなSF・ミステリ
  • 「世界SF情報:エドモンド・ハミルトン氏逝く」<SFマガジン> Vol. 18, no. 4 (221, April 1977), pp. 135.
  • 「世界SF情報:故ハミルトン氏を偲ぶ」<SFマガジン> Vol. 18, no. 5 (222, May 1977), pp. 136.
  • 野田昌宏「ハミルトン追悼ハミルトンへのレクイエム」<SFマガジン> Vol. 18, no. 5 (222, May 1977), pp. 129-132.
  • 鏡明「ハミルトン追悼特集解説」<SFマガジン> Vol. 18, no. 8 (225, Aug. 1977), pp. 38-41; Reprint:<SFマガジン> Vol. 55, no. 7 (July 2014), pp. 106-109.
  • ブラケット,リイ(Brackett, Leigh) 「夫を偲ぶ」 野田昌宏訳 ; 真鍋博イラスト <SFマガジン> Vol. 18, no. 8 (225, Aug. 1977), pp. 42-46.
  • 山本孝一「テレポート 無題」<SFマガジン> vol. 18, no. 9 (226, 1977年9月号), p. 110. *ハミルトン追悼。スターウルフの第4作をブラケットが書き継ぐことの情報が掲載されている。
  • 野田昌宏「「SF英雄群像」は死なず」『文藝春秋デラックス』Vol. 5, no. 2 (1978年2月号) , pp. 95-101.  ※副題『宇宙SFの時代:スペースオペラ』、『Captain Future』誌の表紙10作品 (p. 60-61)、鏡明による「20人の海外SF作家」の項目でハミルトン (p. 141)
  • 鏡明, LEO ; ill. by H. Kato「キャプテン・フューチャー “生きている脳”が友人なのだ!!」<ポパイ> No.29 (1978年4月25日号) *Amazing Worlds of SF
  • 「今月のブックガイド:2月25日~3月25日」<SFマガジン> Vol. 19, no. 5 (234, May 1978), pp. 204. *『彗星王の陰謀』
  • 野田昌宏「追悼リイ・ブラケット逝く」<SFマガジン> vol. 19, no. 7 (236, 1978年7月号), p. 111.
  • 武田昇次「無題」<SFマガジン> vol. 19, no. 7 (236, 1978年7月号),  p. 214.
  • 「今月のブックガイド:6月25日~7月25日」<SFマガジン> vol. 19, no. 9 (238, Sept. 1978), pp. 215. *『惑星タラスト救出せよ!』
  • 辻真先「ぼくはハミルトンをどう読んでいただろう」<月刊バルーン> No. 2 (Oct. 1978), p. 24-25.
  • 「今月のブックガイド:10月25日~11月25日」<SFマガジン> Vol. 20, no. 1 (243, Jan. 1979), pp. 180. *人工進化の秘密
  • 「今月のブックガイド:6月25日~7月25日」<SFマガジン> Vol. 20, no. 9 (251, Sept. 1979), pp. 181. *『宇宙艦隊の奇襲』
  • 今泉昌子「お便りコーナー, ヒーローへの手紙, キャプテン・フューチャーへ」<SFマガジン> vol. 20, no. 11 (253, 1979年10月号臨時増刊号), p. 311.
  • 浜洋「特集 スペースオペラの巨匠 E.ハミルトンは今…」<月刊バルーン> No. 4 (Dec. 1979), p. 14-23.
  • 野田昌宏「広告, キャプテン・フューチャー・ファンのかたに!」<SFマガジン> vol. 21, no. 2 (1980年2月号), p. 411. *野田昌宏氏が読者からの6つの質問に答えている。
  • 「今月のブックガイド:2月25日~3月25日」<SFマガジン> vol. 21, no. 5  (260, May 1980), pp. . *『フューチャーメン暗殺計画』
  • 「今月のブックガイド:5月25日~6月25日」<SFマガジン> vol. 21, no. 8  (263, August 1980), pp. . *『月世界の無法者』
  • スペース・オペラ事典『ザ・ワールド・オブ・キャプテン・フューチャー』発売中!」<SFマガジン> vol. 21, no. 11 (266, 1980年11月号)p. 196.
  • 「今月のブックガイド:1月25日~2月25日」<SFマガジン> vol. 22, no. 4 (272, April 1981), pp. . *『危機を呼ぶ赤い太陽』
  • 星敬「今月のブックガイド」<SFマガジン> vol. 22, no. 11 (279, Nov. 1981), pp. . *『異次元侵攻軍迫る!』;『滅びの星』
  • スペース・フォース「われらファングループ「スペース・フォース」」<SFマガジン> vol. 22, no. 13 (281, 1981年12月号臨時増刊号)p. 232-233.
  • 星敬「今月のブックガイド」<SFマガジン> vol. 23, no. 3 (284, March 1982), p. 194. *『虚空の遺産』
  • 星敬「今月のブックガイド」<SFマガジン>  vol. 23, no. 9 (290, Sept. 1982), pp. . *『ラジウム怪盗団現わる!』
  • 「[よみもの]E・ハミルトン著「星々の轟き」」<讀賣新聞>  1982.09.06(月),  朝刊, p. 8.
  • 坂本慶子「無題」<SFマガジン> vol. 23, no. 9(1983年9月号) p. 196
  • 星敬「今月のブックガイド」<SFマガジン> vol. 23, no. 10 (291, Oct. 1982), pp. . *『星々の轟き』
  • 「特集:宇宙軍大元帥 野田昌宏のSF世界」<月刊スターログ>日本版 no. 61 (1983年11月号)
  • 星敬「SFブックガイド」<SFマガジン> vol. 26, no. 6 (326, 1985年6月号) p. 120. ※『スターキング/銀河大決戦』
  • 星敬; 米田裕(イラスト)「SF読書教室」<SFマガジン> vol. 28, no. 3(349, 1987年2月号) p. 80-81. ※『時果つるところ』
  • 伊東岳彦 文; 幡池裕行 絵「悪の尖兵 : キャプテン・フューチャー」<Paradox> 29号 (July 1990) p. 22-23.
  • 藤田雅美「キャプテン・フューチャーについてあれこれ」<Paradox> 29号 (July 1990) p. 24-25.
  • 牧眞司「牧流SF作家評伝7エドモンド・ハミルトンと宇宙を駆ける翼」<SFマガジン> Vol. 37, no. 8 (482, Aug. 1996), pp. 218-219.
  • 野田昌宏「「スターウォーズ特別篇」公開記念エッセイ わが青春の宇宙冒険SF キャプテン・フューチャー境界領域」<SFマガジン> Vol. 38, no. 8  (494, Aug. 1997), pp. 4-7,36-39.
  • 「SFの“市民権”獲得へ   ~スペース・オペラからのテーク・オフ~」in: NHK人間大学 : 1998年7月~9月期, p. 71~80. Note: 宇宙を空想してきた人々 : SF史に見るイメージの変遷,  第7回(1998年8月20日放送/8月24日再)
  • 書評「創元SF文庫『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』」『Death-Volt』vol. 39, 2007.
  • 小林泰三「【ブックレビュー】 私の一冊『恐怖の宇宙帝王/暗黒星大接近! キャプテン・フューチャー全集1』エドモンド・ハミルトン」『ミステリーズ!』 vol. 27  (Feb. 2008)
  • 多崎礼「【ブックエッセイ】私の一冊『反対進化』エドモンド・ハミルトン」『ミステリーズ!』vol.74 (Dec. 2015)
  • 小林泰三「思い出の<<キャプテン・フューチャー>>」<SFマガジン> vol. 61, no. 1 (737, 2020年2月号), p. 332.

Articles on Hamilton in Books

  • Ackerman, Forest, “Edmond Hamilton : the World-Saver,” in: Weird Heroes, No. 6, New York : Pyramid Press, 1977, pp. 142-143.
  • Ackerman, Forest, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Gosh! Wow (Boy-oh-Boy)! : Science Fiction, Bantam, 1982, p. 65-66.;  also in: Sense of Wonder Science Fiction, Sirius Science Fiction, 1993, p. 58.
  • American Authors and Books, 1640 to Present Day. 3rd rev. ed. by M.J. Burke and Will D. How ; Rev. ed. by Irving & Weiss and Anne Weiss. Crown, 1972, p. 272.
  • Andrevon, Jean-Pierre, [short review of L’Arme de Nulle Part], in: L’Année 1977-1978 de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique, ed. by Jacques Goimard, Paris : Julliard, 1978, p. 168.
  • Andrevon, Jean-Pierre, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Le Monde de la Science-fiction, M.A. éditions, juin 1987, p.; as ” Unas palabras acerca de Edmond Hamilton,” translated by Paco Arellano, Delirio. Ciencia ficción y fantasía #12 (Sep 2013), p. 88-89.
  • Ash B., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Ash B., Who Is Who in Science Fiction. – London: Elm Tree Books, 1976, P. 109-110.
  • Ashley, Mike & Ewald, Robert,” Captain Future,” in: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines, Westport : Greenwood, 1985, pp. 155-157.
  • Ashley, Mike, “How the World-Saver  Saved Science Fiction,” in: The Reign of the Robots: The Collected Edmond Hamilton, v. 4, Haffner Press, 2013, p.xiii-xxiii.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “Edmond Hamilton y la fascinación de las estrellas,” in: El embrujo de las estrellas, La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2012, pp. 7-8.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “Star Trek en los años 20: La Patrulla Interestelar de Edmond Hamilton,” in: Hyperspace, no. 1, Pulpture, 2018, p. 104-114.
  • Barco, Javier Jiménez, “El mundo del “destructor de mundos,” in: Kaldar, Mundo de Antares, Costas de Carcosa, 2018, p. 7-16.
  • Bennett, Ron, “no title,” in: Repetercon – The 1964 Eastercon, Saturday 28th March, “Saturday afternoon’s surprise item took the shape of Mr & Mrs Edmond Hamilton answering questions fired by the audience. Ed Hamilton said that the pace of Battle for the Stars was much slower than, say, The Universe Wrecker because it had been expanded from a short story. Leigh Brackett – yes, Mrs Edmond Hamilton (we, too, have neo-fan readers) – mentioned that Planet Stories was thought to be a poor magazine while it was running; the moment it folded people began to praise it. EH said that the pocket book is taking the place of the magazine. Both EH and LB felt that the pulp would never return. Asked about their first interest in sf, Ed said that he began to imitate Merritt’s style through admiration and found that it sold. Leigh said that at school she was good at expressive work, tried pro writing at 13, didn’t sell for ten years. Ed felt that more factual work will be written. Jim Groves pointed out that more scientists are now writing sf. Ed answered a question from Ethel Lindsay, that his favourite self-written story was ‘What’s It Like Out There?’ which was written in 1933 and sold thirty years later. Leigh likes ‘The Long Tomorrow’. Of each other’s stories, Ed likes Leigh’s ‘The Fall of the Free Winds’ and Leigh likes Ed’s ‘What’s It Like Out There’ and ‘The Star Kings’. Sid Birchby told of being given a copy of The Star Kings by Ted Carnell only to find that the book was the French edition. He bought a French dictionary so that he could read it and had thoroughly enjoyed it! John Roles asked about a Hamilton anthology which had appeared in the UK, ‘The Horror on the Asteroid’. Ed said that there was no US edition and that the book must be pretty rare by now. This collection of stories from Weird Tales had been his first hard cover book, though the royalties had been so small that he had been paid in postage stamps.”
  • Bleiler, Everett F., “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Science-Fiction : the early years, Kent State University Press, 1990, p. 331-338.
  • Bleiler, Everett F., “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Science-Fiction : the Gernsback years, Kent State University Press, 1998, p. 160-168.
  • Bloch, Robert, “Memoir on Edmond Hamilton,” in: Weird Heroes, No. 6, New York : Pyramid Press, 1977, pp. 144-145.
  • Böttcher, Hans-Ulrich, “Edmond Hamilton, (USA), 1904-1977,” in:Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch phantastischen Literatur, Meitingen : Corian-Verlag, 1984-, (2. Erg.-Lfg. Juni 1985)
  • Bourgoin, Stéphane, “Edmond Hamilton ou l’Âge d’Or de la Littérature d’Imagination,” in: Le Dieu Monstrueux de Mamurth, by Edmond Hamilton, Paris : NéO, 1986, pp. 5-7
  • Bracket, Leigh, “Fifty Years of Wonder,” in: The Best of Edmond Hamilton, New York : Ballantine, 1977, p. ix-xviii; Garden City : N. Doubleday, 1977, p. ix-xvii.; as “Vorwort,” in: Die Besten Stories / von Edmond Hamilton, München : Moewig, 1980, pp.7-16.; as “Cinquante ans d’émerveillement”, par Leigh Brackett, Bifrost, no. 90, 2018, p. 140-146.
  • Bradbury, Ray, “Ed Hamilton,” in: Kaldar, World of Antares, by Edmond Hamilton, Royal Oak : Haffner Press, 1998, p. [i]-iv.
  • Cave, Hugh G., “Introduction,” in: The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Horror, by Edmond Hamilton, Royal Oak : Haffner Press, 2000, pp. ix-xii.
  • Chandler, Raymond & Finné, Jacques, “Les Émancipés des Pulps : En vrac, Raymond Chandler, Frank Gruber, Edmond Hamilton, Henry Kuttner,” in: Panorama de la littérature fantastique américaine, Jacques Finné, Terre de Brume, 2018, p. 321-325.
  • Clute, John, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, ed. by Peter Nicholls, London : Granada, 1979, pp.270-271.; also: The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, Garden City : Doubleday, 1979, pp. 270-271.; as 「ハミルトン,エドモンド」 <SFマガジン> vol. 24, no. 4 (April 1983), pp. 259-255.
  • Clute, John, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. by Peter Nicholls & John Clute, New York : St. Martin’s, 1993, pp. 538-539.; also: Orbit (London), 1993; St. Martin’s Griffin (New York), 1995., pbk.
  • D.A.W., “On Guard for the Galaxy!,” in: Crashing Suns, Ace Books, c1965, p. [i-iii].
  • De la Ree, Gerry, “Introduction,” in: The Horror on the Asteroid, by Edmond Hamilton, Boston : Gregg, 1975. pp. v-ix.
  • D’Ammassa, Don, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Encyclopedia of science fiction, Facts On File, 2005, p. 176-177.
  • Duvic, Patrick, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: L’Année 1977-1978 de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique, ed. by Jacques Goimard, Paris : Julliard, 1978, p. 17. Note: Obituary)
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in: Who’s Who in Science Fiction, by Brian Ash, London : Elm Tree, 1976, pp. 109-110.
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Authors, 1st rev., v. 1-4. Detroit : Gale Research, 1967, pp. 416.
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series. v. 3. Detroit : Gale Research, 1981, pp. 259-260.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2000. [Online]
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Literary Criticism, v. 1, Book Tower : Gale Research, 1973, pp. 137.
  • ”Edmond Hamilton,” in: The World Encyclopedia of Comics, ed. by Maurice Horn, New York : Chelsea House, 1976, pp. 117, 642.
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in:  A Readers Guide to Science Fiction, Searles, Baird, gen. ed., New York: Avon Books, 1979, pp. 76-77.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Paaralitérature, by Yvon Allard, Montréal : La Centrale des Bibliothèques, 1979, (Sélections Documentaires ; 2), pp. 457, 496-497.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Catalogue des Âmes et Cycles de la S.F., by Stan Barets, Paris : Denoël, 1981, (Présence du Futur ; no. 275), pp. 147-149.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Le Science-Fictionnaire, by Stan Barets, Paris : Denoël, 1994, (Présence du Futur ; no. 548-549), t. 1, pp. 197-199.
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Guide to Supernatural Fiction, by Everett F. Bleiler, [] : Kent State Univ. Press, 1983, pp. 225-226.
  • “Edmond Hamilton,” in: La Science-Fiction, ed. by Guiot, Denis … [et al.], Paris : MA Editions, 1987, (L’Encyclopédia de Poche), pp. 104-105.
  • Edmond Hamilton,” in: The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, ed. by James Gunn, New York : Viking (Penguin), 1988, p. 216.
  • Edwards, Malcolm J., “Captain Future,” in:The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, ed. by Peter Nicholls, London : Granada, 1979, pp. 103; also: The Science Fiction Encyclopedia, Garden City : Doubleday, 1979, pp. 103.; as 安田均訳「キャプテン・フューチャー誌」<SFマガジン> vol. 22 no. 12 (Dec. 1981), p. 269.
  • Eller, Jonathan R., “Early Mentors: Hamilton, Williamson, and Brackett,” in: Becoming Ray Bradbury, University of Illinois Press, 2011, p. 64-69.
  • Fuller, Buckminster [as by Fuller, R. Buckminster], ” Spaceship Earth,” in: Science Fact/Fiction, ed. by Edmund J. Farrell, [et al.], Scott, Foresman, 1974, p. 369-377.  Original ed. in 1969?
  • Garmon, Gerald, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers, ed. by David Coward, Part 1:A-L. Detroit : Gale Research, 1981, (Dictionary of literary biography ; vol. 8), pp. 201-203.
  • Goulart, Ron, “Captain Future,” in: Cheap Thrills : an Informal History of Pulp Magazines, New York : Arlington House, 1972. pp. 168-169.; reprinted as: An Informal History of Pulp Magazines, New York : Ace Books, 1973, pp. 168-169.
  • Goulart, Ron, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Great History of Comic Books, Chicago : Contemporary Books, 1986, pp. 278.
  • Gunn, James E., “The World-Wrecker on Mars“, in: The Road to Science Fiction, vol. 2 The Road to Science Fiction: From Wells to Heinlein, Scarecrow Press, 2002, p. 325-327.; also published, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Tuck D.H., compl, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Through 1968, Vol. 1, Chicago: Advent, 1974, P. 202-204.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond Moore,” in: Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary of Pseudonymous Literature in the Fields of Fantasy and Science Fiction / comp. by J.A. Rock. -Bloomington, Indiana: James A. Rock & Co., 1979, p. 63-64.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: The Lincoln Library of Language Arts. 3rd. ed. Ohio : Frontier, 1978, p. 538.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur, München: Heyne, 1980, p. 353-355.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Science Fiction Source Book. ed. by David Wingrove. Van Nostraand, Reinhold, 1984. p. 36-41.; 「ハミルトン,エドモンド」『最新版SFガイドマップ』(サンリオSF文庫) デイヴィッド・ウイングローブ編,安田均[ほか]訳 1985. pp. 273-276.
  • “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Lexicon der Science Fiction Literatur, München: Heine, 1988, p. 517-520.
  • Hamilton, Frank, and Link Hullar, “Captain Future,” in: Amazing Pulp Heroes, [] : Gryphon Publications, 1988.2, pp. 44-
  • Hamilton, John, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Final Frontier, ABDO, 2007, p. 12-13.
  • Hawk, Pat, “Hamilton Edmond,” in: Hawk’s Author’s Pseudonyms II :a Comprehensive Reference of Modern Authors’ Pseudonyms, 2nd edition, [] : Pat Hawk, 1995, p. 261.
  • Keith, Booker, M., “Hamilton, Edmond (1904-1977),” in: Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature, Rowman & Littlefield, 2014, p. 128.
  • “Leigh Brackett et Edmond Hamilton,” in: Les Maîtres de la Science Fiction, by Lorris Murail, Paris : Bordas, 1993, (Les Compacts ; 35), pp. 91-92.
  • Lewis, Linda K, “Hamilton, Edmond”, in: The Reader’s Guide to Twentieth-Century Science Fiction, ed. by Marilyn P. Fletcher, Chicago : American Library Association,1989, pp. 263-267.
  • McKinstry, Lohr, and Weinberg, Robert, and  “Captain Future,” in: The Hero-Pulp Index, R. Weinberg, 1970,  pp. 18.
  • Malaguti, Ugo, “Presentazione,” in: I Sovrani delle Stelle, by Edmond Hamilton, Milano : Nord, 1989, pp. i-v.
  • Malaguti, Ugo, “Introduzione al Ciclo di Morgan Chane,” in: Il Lupo dei Cieli, by Edmond Hamilton, Milano : Nord, 1999, pp. i-v.
  • Meyers, W.E., “Short Fiction of Edmond Hamilton, The,” in: Survey of Science Fiction Literature, ed. by Frank N. Magill, Vol. 4, Englewood Cliffs : Salem Press, 1979, pp.1939-1943.
  • Montanari, Gianni, “Hamilton, edmond,” in: La fantascienza gli autori e le opere, Longanesi & C., c1978, p. 67-68.
  • Morrison, Theodore, and Burnham, Philip Edward, “,” in: Readings for Citizens at War, Harper & brothers, 1943, p. 37. *refer to Captain Future magazine
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Seekers of Tomorrow, by Sam Moskowitz, Cleveland, Ohio : World, 1966, pp. 73-89.; reprinted also: Ballantine (New York), 1967 ; Hyperion (Westport), 1974. pp. 73-89.; as “Sobre Edmond Hamilton,” in: La ciudad en el fin del mundo, translated by Francisco Arellano, La Bibliotheca del Laberinto, 2012, pp. 7-22.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “No Title,” in: Immortal Storm : a History of Science Fiction Fandom, Atlanta : Atlanta SF Organization Press, 1954; reprinted also: Westport : Hyperion, 1974. p. 219.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Pacificon II program book, 1964, p. [8]-[10] from title page.
  • Moskowitz, Sam, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Strange Horizons : the Spectrum of Science Fiction, New York : Scribner’s, 1976, pp.82-83.
  • Navarro, Pedro Cañas, “Eric John Stark: Un bárbaro en los caminos de las estrellas,” in: La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2007, p. 7−16.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Writers, 2nd ed. London : St. James, 1986, pp.243-244.
  • Oliver, Chad, “Edmond Hamilton,” in: St. James Guide to Science Fiction Writers, 1996, p. 413-314.
  • Panshin, Alexei and Cory, “Part 3: Modern Science Fiction: “Chapter 10,:Mastery of Time and Space” and “Chapter 11: The Lasw of Chance,”,” in: The World Beyond the Hill : Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence, Los Angeles : J.P. Tarcher, c1989, p. 189-301.
  • Post, J.B., “The Worlds of Captain Future,” in: An Atlas of Fantasy, Baltimore : Mirage Press, 1973, pp. 264-277.
  • Preiss, Byron. ”Introduction to Fifty Years of Heroes, the Edmond Hamilton Papers, a Memoir,” in: Weird heroes, #6, New York : Pyramid Press, 1977, pp. 109-110.
  • Price, E. Hoffman, “Edmond Hamiltion,” in: Price, E. Hoffman. Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others. (Memories of the Pulp Fiction Era). Sauk City, WI: Arkham House, 2001. p. 296-328.
  • Pringle, David, “No Title,” in: Imaginary People : A Who’s Who of Modern Fictional Characters, New York : World Almanac, 1987, pp. 173-; Reprint: as “Future, Captain ,” in: Imaginary People: A Who’s who of Fictional Characters from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day, Book News, 1996, p. 91.
  • Reginald, R., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Contemporary Science Fiction Authors. Comp. & ed. by Robert Reginald. New York : Arno, 1975, p. 120-121.
  • Reginald, R., “Edmond Hamilton,” in: Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature : Contemporary Science Fiction Authors II, Detroit : Gale Research, 1979. v. 2, pp. 929.
  • Rheyss, Michael, “Les Torches,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, p. 34-47.
  • Rovin, Jeff, “No Title,” in: The Fantastic Almanac, New York : E.P. Dutton, 1979, pp. 54-
  • “Sobre los autores,” in:  Regreso a las estrellas (Barsoom Recopilatorio ; no. 1), La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2010, p. 2.
  • Stableford, B. M., “Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett: an Appreciation,” in: Masters of Science Fiction, Brian M. Stableford, San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1981, pp.3-14. (Reprinted from Vector, Nov./Dec., 1978); Reprint: Stableford, B. M., “Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett: an Appreciation,” in: Outside the Human Aquarium : Master of Science Fiction, Brian M. Stableford, San Bernardino, 2nd ed., rev. and expanded., CA: Borgo, 1995, pp.7-17. (Reprinted from Vector, Nov./Dec., 1978)
  • Stableford, B.M., “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Historical dictionary of science fiction literature, Scarecrow Press, 2004, p. 149.
  • Steele, Allen, “Afterword,” in: Avengers of the Moon, Tor Books, 2017, p. 297-300.; Hallmann, Maike, tr., “Nachwort,” in: Die Rache von Captain Future, Golkonda, 2018, p. 337-; 中村融訳「著者あとがき」『キャプテン・フューチャー最後の事件』東京創元社, 2020, 441-447.
  • Steele, Allen, “Introduction: Overture for a Space Opera,” in: Captain Future in Love, Experimenter Publishing, 2019, p. 4-5.; “Publisher’s Introduction,” p. 6-7.; “Who is Captain Future,” p. 8-9.
  • Steranko, Jim, “No title,” in: The Steranko History of Comics, Vol. 1, [] : Supergraphics, 1970. pp. 31-
  • Stine, Jean-Marie, “Introduction,” in: The Star Kings, PageTurner, July 20, 2011, p.
  • “To Honor Hamilton, Brackett,” in: Metrocon : Metropolitan Science Fiction Convention, Progress report, New York Oct. 23-24, 1954, p. 1, 3.
  • Trube, Robert C., “Growing Up in Working Class Youngstown—Esther Hamilton,” (, Jan. 26, 2019).
  • “Une pluie d’étoiles : un guide de lecture hamiltonien,” in: Bifrost, no. 90, 2018, p. 160-167.
  • Urbanek, Hermann, “Die Rückkehr von Captain Future,” in: Das Science Fiction Jahr 2011 , herausgegeben von Sascha Mamczak, Wolfgang Jeschke und Sebastian Pirling, Heyne, München 2011, p. 1044–1047. ISBN 978-3-453-53379-0
  • Versins, Pierre, “Hamilton, Edmond,” in: Encyclopedie de l’Utopie, des Voyages Extraordinaires, et de la Science Fiction. Rev. ed., Lausanne, Switzerland : L’Age d’Homme, 1984, pp. 406-407.
  • Weinberg, Robert, and McKinstry, Lohr, “Captain Future Index,” in: The Hero Pulp Index, [revised and enlarged], Opar Press, 1971.6. pp. 4-
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Captain Future Reprints,” in: The Hero Pulp Index, [revised and enlarged], Opar Press, 1971.6, pp. 33-
  • Weinberg, Robert, “Captain Future Guide,” in: The Hero Pulp Index, [revised and enlarged], Opar Press, 1971.6, pp. 37-
  • Wolheim, Donald A., “Headquarters: Canopus,” in: The Universe Makers, New York : Harper & Row, 1971, pp. 30-32.; Reprinted also: London : Gollancz, 1972.
  • Zeno, Eddy, “The Plot master and the Editor,” in: Eury, Michael, ed., The Krypton Companion, TwoMorrows, 2006, p. 21-28.

In Russian

  • Сухинов, Сергей, “Звездный скиталец,” in: Звездные короли, ЭКСМО, 1997, pp. 27-42. *Suhinov, Sergey, ” The Star Wanderer”
  • Гакова, В. “Звездный король Эдмонд Гамильтон,” in: Звездный Волк, Армада, 2000, pp. 7-18. *Gakova, V., “Zvezdnyi korol'[Star Kings] Edmond Gamil’ton,” in: Zvezdnyi Volk, Armada, 2000, pp. 7-18. ISBN: 5-93556-063-1
  • [Б.а.], “HAMILTON, Edmond,” in: Библиография фантастики. – М.: Келвори, 1996. p. 222-224.
  • Вл. Г., “Гамильтон Эдмонд (Мур)” in: Энциклопедия фантастики: Кто есть кто /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. – Минск: ИКО “Галаксиас”, 1995. С. 156-157. [Портрет]
  • Вл. Г., “Гамильтон, Эдмонд (Мур)” in: Энциклопедия фантастики /Под ред. Вл. Гакова. – М.: ООО “Международный центр фантастики”, 1997. CD-ROM (HTML).

In Japanese (Chronological Order)

  • 野田昌宏「フューチャーメン出動」  『SF英雄群像』 by 野田昌宏, 早川書房, 1969, pp. 225-248.
  • 森優「すばらしきアイデアマン」 『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』(ハヤカワ文庫SF15)深町真理子訳 1971. pp.
  • 森優「名誉回復されるべき短編作家」  『フェッセンデンの宇宙』(ハヤカワSFシリーズ3296) 1972. pp. 227-231.
  • 南山宏「エドモンド・ハミルトンその人と作品」  『時果つるところ』(世界SF全集11)南山宏訳 早川書房 1976. pp. 405-416.
  • スタジオぬえ『SFワンダーランド』広済堂, 1978.5. Contents: 「17 コメット号: 太陽系の危機を救う正義の宇宙船」 (p. 42-43),「銀河大戦の宇宙船: 外宇宙から侵入する武装宇宙船団」(p. 74-75), 「フェッセンデンの宇宙」(p. 100), 「93 グラッグ: ノイローゼになる鉄人ロボット」(p. 214-215), 「94 オットー: 自由自在に変身できるプラスチック製アンドロイド」(p. 216-217), 「98 サイモン・ライト: フューチャーメンの参謀: 生きている脳」(p. 226-227)
  • スタジオぬえ「Chapter 2 宇宙と地球の関係: フューチャーメンからの出題」『宇宙でパズル』広済堂, 1978.12, p. 25-38.
  • 根岸依里子「フューチャーメンと私」  『惑星タラスト救出せよ!』野田昌宏訳(ハヤカワ文庫SF298) 1978. P. 281-286.
  • 「ハミルトン,エドモンド」  『世界幻想作家事典』荒俣宏 国書刊行会 1979. pp. 176-177.
  • 野田昌宏「フューチャーメン出動」  『SF英雄群像』 by 野田昌宏, 早川書房  (ハヤカワ文庫 ; JA119), 1979, pp. 295-323.
  • 青木邦夫「図解<コメット>号」   『フューチャーメン暗殺計画』(ハヤカワ文庫SF384)野田昌宏訳 1980. P. 241-247.
  • 川合康雄「(コメット号)フライト・マニュアル」   『月世界の無法者』(ハヤカワ文庫SF394)野田昌宏訳 1980. pp. 249-260.
  • 山本孝一「キャプテン・フューチャーと素晴らしき悪党たち」  『異次元進行軍迫る!』(ハヤカワ文庫SF440)野田昌宏訳 1981. pp. 217-224.
  • 安田均「(虚空の遺産)訳者あとがき」  『虚空の遺産』(ハヤカワ文庫SF459)安田均訳 1981. pp. 289-294.
  • 安田均「(星々の轟き)解説」  『星々の轟き』安田均編 青心社 1982. pp. 214-219.
  • 山本孝一「ハミルトン・ファンのためにとっておきの話しをひとつ」   『惑星壊滅サービス』 (創元推理文庫SF) 1987. 巻末
  • 長瀬唯「キャプテン・フューチャーとその時代」  『<C.F.CON1990>プログラムブック』Space Force 1990. pp. 5-14.
  • 野田昌宏「本当に懐かしいあの頃・・・・・・」   『望郷のスターウルフ』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF46) 野田昌宏訳 1994. pp. 245-252.
  • 尾之上俊彦 「『さすらいのスターウルフ』解説」 『さすらいのスターウルフ』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF1) 野田昌宏訳 1994. pp. 243-249.
  • 堺三保 「『さいはてのスターウルフ』解説」  『さいはてのスターウルフ』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF29) 野田昌宏訳 1994. pp. 255-260.
  • 堺三保 「カーティス・ニュートンの現役時代」  『挑戦!!嵐の海底都市』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF31) 野田昌宏訳 1995. pp. 309-314.
  • 喜多哲士 「『星間パトロール/太陽強奪』解説」  『星間パトロール/太陽強奪』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF53) 深町眞知子訳 1995. pp. 305-311.
  • 高橋良平 「『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』解説」   『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』新装版(ハヤカワ文庫SF15) 深町眞知子訳 1995. pp. 239-252.
  • 野田昌宏 「新装版への訳者あとがき」   『透明惑星危機一髪!』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF13) 野田昌宏訳 1995. pp. 279-283.
  • 野田昌宏 「第3章 ロボットとアンドロイド:キャプテン/フューチャー出動!」『図説ロボット:野田昌宏コレクション』河出書房新社, 2000.11, p. 52-70.
  • 高橋良平 「星海の王者、エドモンド・ハミルトン」『スター・キングへの帰還』新装版 東京創元社, 2001(16刷), p. 261-270.(創元SF文庫ハ-6-2)
  • 編訳者あとがき あなたの知らないハミルトン / 中村融 pp. 339-354『フェセンデンの宇宙』河出書房, 2004.4, pp. 339-354; Reprint: as「単行本版編訳者あとがき」『フェッセンデンの宇宙』 p. 435-451.
  • 野田昌宏「ついに – 夢は現か幻か キャプテン・フューチャーの半世紀」『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』第1巻(創元SF文庫)東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 579-587
  • 牧眞司「ヒーロー・パルプとしての<キャプテン・フューチャー>」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第2巻, 東京創元社,2004.9,  pp. 565-581
  • 山本孝一「キャプテン・フューチャー楽屋話」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第3巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 483-497
  • 堺三保「フューチャーメンと連続活劇のヒーローたち」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集(創元SF文庫)』第4巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 493-507
  • 鏡明「キャプテン・フューチャーを待ちながら」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第5巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 445-459
  • 永瀬唯 「ジュヴナイル」  『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』第6巻, (創元SF文庫)東京創元社, 2005.3, pp. 467-475
  • 中村融「編者あとがき SF作家としてのハミルトン」 『反対進化』(創元SF文庫)東京創元社,  2005.3, pp. 389-398
  • 川合康雄「<キャプテン・フューチャー>を彩ったイラストレーターたち」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第7巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,    pp. 461-475
  • 金子隆一「ガジェットの宝庫<キャプテン・フューチャー>シリーズ 」  『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第8巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 477-489
  • 辻真先「ぼくの<フューチャー>体験記」   『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第9巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 459-466
  • 中村融「編者あとがき 幻想怪奇作家としてのハミルトン」『眠れる人の島』(創元SF文庫)東京創元社,  2005.12, pp. 395-405
  • 南山宏(森優)「野田宇宙軍大元帥、若かりし頃」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第10巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 421-431
  • 「<キャプテン・フューチャー全集>完結!」 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』(創元SF文庫)第11巻, 東京創元社, 2004.8,  pp. 549-566
  • 森川由浩「原典「キャプテンフューチャー」との比較!」『誕生40周年記念 宇宙特撮シリーズ「キャプテンウルトラ」全書』森川由浩, 2007.12.
  • 野田昌宏「あとがき」『風前の灯! 冥王星ドーム都市』(創元SF文庫 . 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』別巻, 東京創元社, 2008.6, p. 311-313.
  • 日下三蔵「解説」『風前の灯! 冥王星ドーム都市』(創元SF文庫 . 『キャプテン・フューチャー全集』別巻, 東京創元社, 2008.6, p. 314-325.
  • 中村融「文庫版編訳者あとがき」 『フェッセンデンの宇宙』(河出文庫)河出書房, 2012.9, p. 453-457
  • 牧眞司「解説」『太陽系無宿/お祖母ちゃんと宇宙海賊』(創元SF文庫)東京創元社, 2013.1, p. 561-571.
  • 中村融「訳者あとがき キャプテン・フューチャーの新生」『キャプテン・フューチャー最初の事件』東京創元社, 2020.4, p. 449-458.
  • 堺三保「エドモンド・ハミルトン『スター・キング』解説」『スター・キング』東京創元社, 新版 2020.11, p. 335-341.


  • (07)Who’s Hugh? : an SF reader’s guide to pseudonyms. By Roger Robinson. Harold Wood : Beccon, 1984.

Nonfiction by Hamilton, chronological Order

  • To the editor,” in: All-Story magazine, June 19, 1919 *fan letter by Hamilton
  • Letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 11, no. 1 (January 1928), p. 136.; reprint in: H. P. Lovecraft in “The Eyrie,” Necronomicon Press, 1979, p. 27.
  • “Edmond Hamilton by the author,” in: Fantasy Magazine, Vol. 2, no. 5 (Jan. 1934), pp. 15-16, 29; Reprint as “Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Weird Tales Collector, No. 2 (1977), p. 10-11;13; Reprinted in: Kaldar, World of Antares, by Edmond Hamilton, Royal Oak : Haffner Press, 1998, pp. [211]-219; Reprint as “Edmond Hamilton on Science Fiction,” in:  Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds.  Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle.  Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009, p. 506-509
  • letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 28, no. 2 (Aug/Sept. 1936), p. 255. [text]
  • “More Realism in Science Fiction,” in: International Observer (fanzine), vol. 2, no. 7 (Jan. 1937), p. nonfic1
  • letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 29, no. 1 (Jan. 1937), p. 123.
  • letter,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 30, no, 1 (July 1937), p. 123.; reprint in: H. P. Lovecraft in “The Eyrie,” Necronomicon Press, 1979, p. 45.
  • The Story Behind the Story [Murder in the Void],” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol.11, no. 3 (June 1938), p. 6, 126.
  • “The Excitements of Science,” in: Tales of Wonder, no. 5 (Winter 1938), p. 126.
  • letter,” in: Amazing Stories, vol. 13, no. 1 (Jan. 1939), p. 139-140.
  • “The Future of Captain Future,” in: Captain Future, Vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter 1940), p. 127.
  • “The Story Behind the Story [Dictators of Creation],” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 16, no. 2 (May 1940), p. 122.
  • “The Story Behind the Story [The Isle of Changing Life],” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 16, no. 3 (June 1940), p. 127.
  • The Story Behind the Story [Gift from the Stars],” in : Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 18, no. 3 (Dec. 1940), p. 120.
  • “Meet the Author,” in: Startling Stories, vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1941), p. 127.
  • “The Story Behind the Story: Through Invisible Barriers,” in: Thrilling Wonder Stories, vol. 23, no. 1 (Oct. 1942), p. 122.
  • “Letter: We’ve Come of Legal Age,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 38, no. 1 (September 1944), p. 90.
  • “Letter: A Mixture of Wonder and Horror,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 38, no. 3 (January 1945), p. 92.
  • “Letter: What Napoleon Would Say to Hitler!,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 38, no. 6 (July 1945), p. 95.
  • “Letter: What Napoleon Would Say to Hitler!,” in: Weird Tales (Canadian edition), vol. 38, no. 3 (September 1945), p. 3.
  • “Letter: The Shining Land Found Again,” in: Weird Tales, vol. 39, no. 2 (November 1945), p. 91.
  • “Letter: The Shining Land Found Again,” in: Weird Tales (Canadian edition), vol. 38, no. 3 (Jan. 1946), p. 2.
  • “,” in: Stellarite, no. 3 (Dec. 1946) *a brief memoir written prior to Lovecraft’s death?
  • “Meet the Author,” in: Startling Stories, Vol., no. (Jan. 1947), p. 108-109.
  • Author, Author: Edmond Hamilton,” in: The Fanscient, No. 2, Winter 1948, pp. 14-16.
  • Why I selected The Inn Outside the World,” in MY BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORY, ed. by Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend. Merlin Press, 1949, p. 80; Reprinted in: Pocket, 1954.; Reprint also:  Pocket, 1954.「自選の言葉」, in: 『マイ・ベストSF』, 中村能三訳, 東京創元社, 1969.09.26. – (創元推理文庫 ; 806), pp. 141-142.
  • Introducing the Author,” in: Imagination Science Fiction, Vol. 7, no. 2 (April 1956), p. 2, 121.
  • “Time-travelling [i.e. traveling] in Ohio,” in: Inside & Science Fiction Advertiser,  no. 50 (no. 16), Sept. 1956, p. 44-57.; Reprint in: Ackermansion memories, no. 7 (Summer 2018)
  • “Coments [i.e. Comments] from Edmond Hamilton,” in: Fadaway, vol. 3, no. 2, May 1962, p. 8-10. +”Completed Indexes,” by Bob Jennings.; “Comments from Edmond Hamilton,” in: Captain Future : Man of Tommorow, Fadeaway, c1961; reprint in c1967 with John-Henri Holmsberg’s preface, published by Bengt-Olof Ringberg ; printed by ATLAPress, c1967, p. 46-48.; 山本孝一「ハミルトン・ファンのためにとっておきの話しをひとつ」   『惑星壊滅サービス』 (創元推理文庫SF) 1987. 巻末
  • “An Appreciation of Murray Leinster,” in: DisCon Program Book / Dick Eney, DisCon, August 31, 1963, p. [2].
  • “Leigh Brackett,” in: People of the Talisman / The Secret of Sinharat, Ace Books, 1964, p. [2].; Reprint in: Ace Books, 1971, p. [2].
  • Tribute to ‘Doc Smith,” in: Vector, No. 36 (November 1965), pp. 9-10. 「スミスのなした最大の偉業は異星人の精神性の探求にあった(中略)。個的存在としての非・人間とその思考過程をあくまでもリアルに表現しえた人物は、(おそらくハル・クレメントを除いては)まずいない(後略)」(『SF百科図鑑』より)
  • Letter from Edmond Hamilton,” in: Harpies, no. 4 (1966) , p. 18-19. *his favorite books he’s written and half page letter from Leigh Brackett describing her career
  • with Brackett, “Letter,” in: Forry! : a special publication presented to Forrest J. Ackerman, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his birthday, and the 40th anniversary of his discovery of Science-Fiction, ed. by Fred Patten, Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, 1966, p. 20.
  • “Avant-propos de l’auteur,” in: Les rois des étoiles ; Retour aux étoiles, OPTA, Feb. 1968, p. xxxi.
  • “He that hath words,” in: Deeper than you think…, Vol. 1, no. 2 (July 1968), pp. 10-12.; Reprint in: WT50: A Tribute to Weird Tales, Robert Weinberg, 1974, p. 88-89.; Reprint also as “memoir [Recollections of Weird Tales] ,” in: The Weird Tales Story, FAX Collector’s Editions, 1977, p. 52-53.; Reprint also as “memoir [Recollections of Weird Tales],” in: The Weird Tales Story, Wildside press, 1999, p. 52.; 「寄稿者、愛読者にとって<ウィアード・テールズ>は”クラブと呼ぶにふさわしものですらあった」 那智史郎、宮壁定雄編『ウィアード・テールズ』第4巻 国書刊行会, 1985. pp. 244-246.
  • Space Flight Is No Longer Something To Dream About As Famed Science Fiction Writers See Apollo Launch.” in: Youngstown Vindicator, vol. 81, no. 80 (Nov. 19, 1969), p. 2-3.
  • “[Answers,] in: Double: Bill Symposium, by Bill Bowers & Bill Mallardi, Arkon. Ohio : D:B Press, 1969, p. 24, 34, 52, 65, 83, 91, 105.
  • “Look Forward, Look Back,” in: Return to Wonder, #9 (September 1970), pp. 6-9.; Reprint in: Fantasy Crossroads no. 8 (May 1976), p. 3, 42.
  • Mr. Hamilton responds to questions,” in: Contemporary Science Fiction Authors, ed. by Robert Reginald, Unicorn, c1970, p. 120-121. *short version; ”Hamilton writes,” in: SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY LITERATURE : A CHECKLIST, Detroit : Gale Research,1979. pp. 928. *long version
  • “Jack Williamson,” in: Westercon 23 Program Book, July 1970, p. 8-9.  [info]
  • “John W. Campbell,” in: Locus, No. 91 (July 22, 1971), p. 8.
  • “Writing the Pseudo-Scientific Story,” in: Different (editor, Sam Moskowitz), vol. 3, no. 6, 1971, p. 2-8,15. *Hamilton wrote around 1932, but it was never published.
  • An inside look at Captain Future,” in: Pulp, Vol. 1, no. 3 (Summer 1971), pp. 3-27. *キャプテン・フューチャーの誕生秘話等の裏話と没になったCF第1作”Horror on Jupiter”(Captain Future and the Space Emperor)の最初の2章を掲載。
  • “Fifty years of heroes: the Edmond Hamilton papers”, in: WEIRD HEROES, vol. 6, ed. by Byron Preiss, New York: Pyramid, 1977. pp. 111-136.;  高橋良平「『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』解説」『星間パトロール/銀河大戦』新装版 (ハヤカワ文庫SF15) 深町眞知子訳 1995. pp. 239-252.*星間パトロールについての部分訳あり。
  • “Story teller of many worlds,” Brackett, Leigh, in: THE BEST OF LEIGH BRACKETT, New York: Del Rey, 1977. pp. xi-xix.; Repr. in: New York : Balantine, 1977. P. 378-381.; ”Une jeune femme bronzée,” tr. by Brian Hester, in: Ocean de Vénus (Heroic Fantasy) , by Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury ; tr. by Mary Rosenthal et Brian Hester, Paris : Temps Futurs, 1982, p. 9-18.[French]; also in: Stark et les rois des étoiles, BÉLIAL’, 2014, p. 15-21. [French]; “Рассказы о многих мирах (предисловие),” in:  Исчезнувшая Луна / by Ли Брэкетт, СПб.: Северо-Запад, 1993. [Russian]
  • “Afterword,” in: THE BEST OF EDMOND HAMILTON, New York : Ballantine, 1977. p. 378-381.; Reprint in: Garden City : N. Doubleday, 1977. p. [331]-334.
  • “My Friend, Henry Kuttner, ” in: Etching & Odysseys, No. 4, 1984, p. ; Reprint in:  Pelan, John and Walters, Jerard, eds.  Conversations with the Weird Tales Circle.  Lake Wood, CO: Centipede Press, 2009. p. 434.
  • With Jack Williamson, “The Crimson World,” in: Seventy-Five: The Diamond Anniversary of a Science Fiction Pioneer, Haffner Press, 2004, p. 156-181.
  • “no title,” in: Stark and the Star Kings, Haffner Press, 2005, p. 415.
  • “Terror in Installments,” in: Unknonw


  • Hayden, Patrick Nielsen, Interview with Edmond Hamilton, Twibbet, no. 7 (Mar 1975), p. 4-11. Reprint in:; “Interview mit Edmond Hamilton,” in: Edmond Hamilton: Weltenzerstörer und Autor von Captain Future, 2003, p. 125-132 (tr. by Anita Winkler); also in: Edmond Hamilton: Autor von Captain Future, 2012, p. 159-168 (tr. by Anita Winkler)
  • Truesdale, David and Paul McGuire, “Tangent Interviews: Leigh Brackett and Edomond Hamilton,” in: Tangent ( Oshkosh, Wis.), No. 5 (Summer 1976), pp. 7-25; Reprinted also in: Science Fiction Review (Portland, Ore.). Vol. 21, no. 6-2 (May 1977), pp. 6-15; Reprinted also in: Tangent 2, Vol. 1, no. 4 (Jan.-Feb. 1994), pp.4-10; 『ハミルトン夫妻へのインタヴュー』朝倉久志訳. SFマガジン, No. 225=Vol. 18, No. 7 (August 1977), p. 129-149.Tangent5
  • Walker,Paul G., “Edomond Hamilton: an Interview,” in: Luna Monthly (Oradell,N.J.), No. 60 (1975), pp.1-4, 12; Reprinted on pp.363-369 in Paul Walker, ed.: SPEAKING OF SCIENCE FICTION, Oradell, NJ: Luna, 1978. pp. 361-369.; “Intervista con Edmond Hamilton,”[Italian], in: La Valle degli Dei (Galassia ; 225),Piacenza : Casa Editrice la Tribuna, 1977. pp. 121-128.$(KGrHqUOKnIFJWF6MQwPBS,oobhzgg~~60_57
  • Schweitzer, Darrell, “The Amazing Interview : Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett,” in: Schweitzer, Darrell. Amazing Stories, Jan., 1978, p. 116-123; as “Orbit Interview: Leigh Brackett & Edmond Hamilton,” in: Orbit [Dutch], Nr. 7, Lente 1979, p. 10-13.; Reprinted in SCIENCE FICTION VOICES. No. 5. San Bernardino: Borgo, 1981., pp.35-41.; Reprinted as “Brackett, Hamilton reflect on SF,” in The Pulpster, No. 29, p. 38-43.


  • Interview conducted by person(s) unknown. Interview of Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, Bertil Falk, Kathleen J. Prestwidge and Ulf R. Johnson. Conducted in the office of Hans Stefen Santesson, February 23, 1974.
  • Interview with Edmond Hamilton conducted by Paul Walker,
    June 1974.
  • Interview with Edmond Hamilton conducted by Patrick Hayden, 22 Feb. 1975. *Patrick Nielsen Hayden wrote ( about interviewing Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton at Desert Con. [info]
  • Interview with Edmond Hamilton conducted by Bertil Falk,
    15 Nov. 1975. [photo]
  • Interview with Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton conducted by David Truesdale and Paul McGuire, 18 April 1976.
  • Interview with Leigh Brackett and Edmond Hamilton conducted by Joe Walders, Oct. 1976.


  • Pacificon II (1964) Worldcon – Hugos & Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton Guest of Honor Speeches


Comic Scripts by Hamilton, 1980-1998


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