Hors de l'Univers (Interstellar Patrol)

Hors de l’Univers / Les Voleurs d’étoiles
(Interstellar Patrol) Outside the Universe + Crashing Suns ( Col. )
Translator: Bruno Martin
Publisher: Paris : Opta, 1975.
Page: 457 p.
Series: Club du Livre d’Anticipation ; 56
Illust: Philip Caza
1 – Hors de l’univers (Outside the Universe), p. 3-193 IP#3
2 – Conflit de soleils (Crashing Suns), p. 199-267 IP#1
3 – Les Voleurs d’étoiles (The Star Stealers), p. 271-322 IP#2
4 – Au sein de la Nébuleuse (Within the Nebula), p. 325-374 IP#4
5 – Les Meneurs de comètes (The Comet Drivers), p. 377-420 IP#5
6 – Le Nuage cosmique (The Cosmic Cloud), p. 423-456 IP#7

Peut-être êtes-vous de ceux qui sont venus à la science-fiction au début des années 50, à bord des astronefs d’or des Barons de la Grande Ourse. Le triomphe sur la lumiére, vous l’avez partagé avec les Princes des Nébuleuses. Sous des cieux violets ou amarantes, dans les jungles de fleurs carnivores, vous avez désintégré ou rayonneur les effroyables entités venues des Mondes Noirs.

En est-il bien ainsi ? Etes-vous prêt a venir prêter serment dans la Grande Salle des Etoiles de Canopus II ?

S’il subsiste le moindre doute en votre esprit de Terrien du Second Millénaire, ne vous lancez pas dans le cosmos spatio-féerique d’Edmond Hamilton, dans l’univers de la Patrouille Interstellaire où chaque soleil est un orage d’énergie qui cache les nefs ennemies.

Mais si vous gardez ce “sense of wonder” qui caractérisait le lecteur des space-operas de l’Age d’Or, cet amour du merveilleux cosmique qui ne connait pas l’incrédulité, venez rejoindre les armadas de vaisseaux prodigieux qui montent la garde entre les planètes et les soleils de la Fédération des Humanités.

Book Review

  • Boulier, Philippe, Bifrost, no. 90, avril 2018, p. 160.

I Soli che si Scontrano (Collection: Crashing Suns)

I Soli che si Scontrano (Collection: Crashing Suns)
Translator: Ugo Malaguti
Publisher: La Tribuna, 1967.3
Pagination: 190 p.
Series: Galassia ; 75
I Soli che si Scontrano (Crashing Suns) IP#1
I Ladri di Stelle (The Star-Stealers) IP#2
Il Popolo della Nebulosa (Within the Nebula) IP#3
Tutto il fascino di un’epopea indimenticabile ritorna in uno dei più celebrati classici della più epica fantascienza avventurosa. La Pattuglia dello Spazio vigila sulla sicurezza dei mondi della Galassia, da Canopo, possente capitale della Federazione Stellare, alle frontiere del Grande Nulla. Volontari di migliaia di mondi combattono nella solitudine infinita degli spazi interstellari.

Ombre sulle stelle (Doomstar)

Ombre sulle stelle (Doomstar)
Editor: Corridore A., Malaguti U.
Elara, 2011, 294 p. – (collana Libra Fantastica ; 001), euro 13,50
ISBN: 8864990283
ISBN-13: 9788864990286
Ombre sulle stelle, è l’opera più matura e introspettiva di Edmond Hamilton, uno degli scrittori di Fantascienza classica: l’opera unisce alla suggestione dei maestosi paesaggi planetari e della libertà degli spazi sconfinati, una profonda comprensione dell’interiorità umana. Una vena malinconica e autobiografica percorre tutto il romanzo, rendendolo il vero e proprio testamento morale di un autore che, maestro dell’avventura spaziale classica, apre con questo lavoro la stagione della space opera moderna.
Il protagonista John Kettrick, dopo un lungo esilio, ritorna alla sua terra, la costellazione delle Iadi, dove è chiamato a risolvere il mistero della Stella della Morte. Durante la sua ricerca John Kettrick rivedrà i luoghi più importanti della sua vita, quei pianeti dagli scenari alieni e bizzarri, incontrerà i suoi vecchi amici, gli avversari irriducibili e la donna un tempo amata e da tempo perduta. Dovrà affrontare un nemico peggiore di tutti gli altri; l’ombra desolata e meschina che un potere come quello che avvelena le stelle riesce a gettare nel cuore degli uomini.

Crashing Suns (Collection)

Crashing Suns
New York : Ace Books, 1965. –
192 p. ; 17 cm. – (Ace F-319) pbk
Cover: Valigursky NUC: 70-71186
Crashing Suns (IP#1)
The Star Stealers (IP#2)
Within the Nebular (IP#3)
The Comet-Drivers (IP#5)
The Cosmic Cloud (IP#7)
“Red alert for the Interstellar Patrol” — Cover
From mighty Canopus, capital of the Federated Stars, to the outer fringes of our great galaxy, the Interstellar Patrol was on the watch. Rogue suns, marauding alien intelligences, man-made comets driven by their makers for the conquest of unsuspecting worlds, diabolical conspiracies hatched in the depths of unmapped nebulae – it was the business of the Patrol’s mighty spaceships to guard against such cosmic dangers.
Crashing Suns is the epic account of this future space legion, where volunteers from a thousand worlds man the mighty starcraft of a hundred thousand years to come. It’s interplanetary adventure on the classic scale, by the master hand of Edmond Hamilton.

The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Horror

The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Horror
While primarily known for his adventures of terrestrial doom and interstellar peril, Edmond Hamilton also wrote a number of tales of mystery and horror. The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Horror collects nine stories from pulp magazines such as Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, Thrilling Mystery, and Weird Tales.
Included are Hamilton’s four tales of supernatural terror that appeared in Weird Tales under the nom de plume Hugh Davidson. Two of these stories feature the psychic detective, Dr. John Dale.
An introduction by Hugh B. Cave, recipient of the World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement, provides a personal glimpse at the bygone days of writing for the pulp magazines.
Included as an afterword is an essay by Hamilton reflecting on the halcyon days of writing for Weird Tales.
Publisher: Haffner Press, 2000.5
Pagination: 360 p.
ISBN: 1893887065
Cover: Jon Arfstrom; Introduction: Hugh B. Cave
Dead Legs
Vampire Village (as Davidson)
Snake-Man (as Davidson)
The Vampire Master (DD#1)(as Davidson)
House of the Evil Eye (DD#2)(as Davidson)
Beasts That Once Were Men
Children of Terror
The Earth Dwellers
Woman From the Ice

Звездные короли (Original Anthology)

Звездные короли (Original Anthology) / comp. by Виктор Котляров
in: Нальчик: Изд. центр “Эль-Фа”, 1993, 432 p. – (Фатум. Фантастика-1. Вып. 10) 30.000 экз.
ISBN: 5-88195-017-8
Note: Cover by М. Горлова
Звездные короли (The Star Kings) / tr. by В.Котляров (SK#1), pp. 3-155
Пришельцы с Земли / Роберт Силверберг (Robert Silverberg), pp. 156-295
Ди Гриз спасает мир / Гарри Гаррисон (Harry Harrison), pp. 296-431
Первую книгу раздела “Фантастика” в серии “Фатум” составили произведения американских писателей – своего рода классиков данного жанра. Это “Звездные короли” Эдмонда Гамильтона – о том, какие чудеса увидел молодой счетовод из страховой компании в Нью-Йорке Джон Гордон, мысленно переместившийся во времени на две тысячи веков вперед – когда человечество расселилось по всей Галактике, превратившись в великое звездное королевство. Как и Э. Гамильтон, автор другого представленного в серии романа.

Хранители звезд (Original Collection)

Хранители звезд (Original Collection) / tr. by С.Сухинова
М.: Изд.-произв. фирма “Зевс”, 1994, 446 p. 25.000 экз.
Хранители звезд (The Haunted Stars) pp. 5-156
Город на краю света (City at World’s End) pp. 157-330
Долина создания (The Valley of Creation) pp. 331-447
В книге представлены ранее не публиковавшиеся на русском языке произведения американского писателя-фантаста Эдмонда Гамильтона.

Звездный Волк; Долина Создания: Романы

Звездный Волк
Translator: С.Сухинова
Publisher: М.: ЭКСМО-Пресс, 1998
Pagination: 398 p.
Series: Стальная Крыса
10.000 экз. ISBN: 5-04-000511-3
Cover: И. Варавина
Звездный Волк (The Weapon From Beyond) / tr. by С.Сухинова, pp. 7-202 (SW#1)
Долина Создания: Романы (The Valley of Creation) / tr. by С.Сухинова, pp. 205-397

Picture from http://fantlab.ru/edition92286