Битва за звезды (Original Collection)

Битва за звезды  (Original Collection)
Эксмо, 2006, 768 p. ; 84×108/32 cm. – (Шедевры фантастики)
ISBN 5-699-15141-9; 978-5-699-15141-7
Note: Cover by Д. Харриса
p. 5-162, Звезда жизни Роман (The Star of Life) / tr. by
p. 163-332, Битва за звезды Роман (Battle for the Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 333-486, Хранители звезд Роман (The Haunted Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 487-650, Роковая звезда Роман (Doomstar) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 651-763, Беглец со звезды Роман (Fugitive of the Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
Созданные Эдмондом Гамильтоном яркие, романтические образы покорителей бескрайних просторов Вселенной, противопоставляющих отвагу и благородство злу и насилию, и по сей день будоражат умы и сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире…


Звездные короли (Original Collection)

Звездные короли
Publisher: M : Эксмо, 2004
Pagination: 352 p. ; 70×100/32
Series: Фантастика & фэнтези: The Best of
ISBN 5-699-08548-3 Тираж: 7000 экз.
Звездные короли (The Star Kings) / tr. by О. Артамонов, Зинаида Бобырь, М. Пухов, pp. 5-178 (SK#1)
Возвращение на звезды (Return to the Stars) / tr. by О. Артамонов, Зинаида Бобырь, М. Пухов, pp. 179-347 (SK#2)
Эдмонд Гамильтон – признанный основоположник жанра приключенческой фантастики.
Созданные им яркие, романтические образы звездных капитанов, покорителей бескрайних просторов Вселенной, противопоставляющих отвагу и благородство злу и насилию, и по сей день будоражат умы и сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире.

Звездные короли (Original Collection)

Звездные короли (Original Collection)
M.: ЭКСМО, 2002, 640 p. ; 11 cm. – (Мастера фантастики)
ISBN: 5-04-009159-1
Cover: Ф. Гамбино
p. 7-148: Звездные короли (The Star Kings) / tr. by З. Бобырь (SK#1)
p. 151-288: Возвращение на звезды (Return to the Stars) / tr. by О. Артамонова, М. Пухова (SK#2)
p. 292-410: Звездный волк (The Weapon From Beyond) / tr. by С. Сухинова (SW#1)
p. 413-526: Закрытые миры (The Closed Worlds) / tr. by С. Сухинова (SW#2)
p. 529-635: Мир звездных волков (World of the Starwolves) / tr. by С. Сухинова (SW#3)
Эдмонд Гамильтон – признанный основоположник жанра приключенческой фантастики.
Созданные им яркие, романтические образы звездных капитанов, покорителей бескрайних просторов Вселенной, противопоставляющих отвагу и благородство злу и насилию, и по сей день будоражат умы и сердца миллионов читателей во всем мире.

Звёздные короли (Original Collection)

Звёздные короли: Фантаст. произведения (Original Collection)
М.: ЗАО Изд-во ЭКСМО-Пресс, 1999, 702 p. – (SF-классика)
8.000 экз. ISBN 5-04-003128-9
Note: ill. by И. Варавин
p. 5-154: Звёдные короли (The Star Kings) / tr. by З. Бобырь (SK#1)
p. 165-318: Возвращение на звёзды (Return to the Stars) / tr. by О. Артамонова, М. Пухова (SK#2)
p. 319-452: Галактическое оружие (The Weapon From Beyond) / tr. by С. Сухинова (SW#1)
p. 453-580: Закрытые миры (The Closed Worlds) / tr. by С. Сухинова (SW#2)
p. 581-701: Мир звеёздных волков (World of the Starwolves) / tr. by С. Сухинова (SW#3)
Эдмонд Гамильтон родился в 1904 году в г.Йонгстауне, США. В четырнадцать лет поступил в Вестминстер – колледж в Нью – Уилмингтоне, штат Пенсильвания, но, проучившись три года, покинул его – учеба мешала его увлечению фантастикой. Профессионально заниматься литературным ремеслом начал с 1926 года, печатаясь в различных фантастических журналах. Первые же публикации выделили его как одного из наиболее талантливых и перспективных писателей жанра. Благодаря богатому воображению и масштабному полету мысли он сумел безгранично раздвинуть горизонты научной фантастики. Гамильтон по праву заслужил репутацию `Отца – основателя космической оперы`. Все любители этого жанра должны быть искренне признательны прекрасному писателю, который, несмотря на то что за всю свою жизнь не получил ни одной престижной литературной премии, оставил яркий след в истории мировой фантастики. Книги Гамильтона любимы и сейчас, спустя более двух десятилетий после его смерти в 1977 году.

Истребитель (Original Anthology)

Истребитель (Original Anthology) / comp. by А.Саяпин
Таллинн: Мелор, 1997, 528 p. – (Сокровищница боевой фантастики и приключений)
26.000 экз. ISBN 5-87005-049-9
Cover: К. Фосса ; ill: П.Э. Джонса.
pp. 3-50, Истребитель / Чандлер Бертран (not Hamilton, author: Bertram Chandler)
pp. 51-200, Последняя битва (The Star Kings) SK#1
pp. 201-350, Угроза (Return to the Stars) SK#2
pp. 351-464, Флибустьеры космоса (Outlaw World) CF#19
pp. 465-527, Вторжение (Outside the Universe) IP#4
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию фантастический роман Бертрама Чандлера “Истребитель” и ряд фантастических боевиков, принадлежащих перу знаменитого Эдмонда Гамильтона. Исходя из названия нашей серии, мы считаем, что данные романы должны быть включены в нее обязательно и занять в “Сокровищнице” достойное место.
…Торговый космический корабль совершает обычный рейс с грузом зерна, который он должен доставить в другую Галактику. Навигаторы занимаются своей повседневной работой и никто из них не подозревает, что в нескольких метрах от них происходит мутация отвратительных живых существ, с которыми им скоро предстоит вступить в смертельный поединок…

Звездные короли; Возвращение на звезды

Звездные короли; Возвращение на звезды
Publisher: М.: ЭКСМО-Пресс, 1997
Pagination: 494 p.
Series: Стальная Крыса
Cover: В. Варавина
ISBN: 5-04-000027-8 15.000 экз.
Звёздные короли (The Star Kings) / tr. by З. Бобырь, pp. 5-252 (SK#1)
Возвращение на звёзды (Return to the Stars) / tr. by О. Артамонова, pp. 253-493 (SK#1)

Picture from http://fantlab.ru/edition84984

Captain Future, Man of Tomorrow

Captain Future, Man of Tomorrow
Publisher: Pulpville Press, August 7, 2005 (Paperback edition)
Publisher: Pulpville Press, December 19, 2005 (Hardcover edition)
Publisher: March 12, 2013 (ePub edition)
Pagination: 298 p. ; 6 wide x 9 tall
ISBN: 978-1448633296 ()
ISBN: 9781257149667 (ePub)
The Return of Captain Future (CF#21)
Children of the Sun (CF#22)
The Harpers of Titan (CF#23)
Pardon My Iron Nerves (CF#24)
Moon of the Unforgotten (CF#25)
Earthmen No More (CF#26)
Birthplace of Creation (CF#27)
“Folks, you’ve all heard about Captain Future, the scientific wizard who lives up there on the Moon with his three queer Futuremen. You know he’s crushed dozens of super-criminals and scientific dangers that threatened us people of the nine worlds. You’ve never seen Future or his pals. Few people ever have. But you know that when danger threatens, they’re on the job. Well, you’re now going to learn all about Captain Future and the Futuremen.”

The Best of Edmond Hamilton (Garland)

The Best of Edmond Hamilton / ed. by Leigh Brackett
New York : Garland, 1983. –
xviii, 381 p. ; cm.
Reprint of 1977 ed. (Ballantine); LCCN: 81-47372
• Fifty Years of Wonder • (1977) • essay by Leigh Brackett
• The Monster-God of Mamurth • (1926) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Man Who Evolved • (1931) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• A Conquest of Two Worlds • (1932) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• The Island of Unreason • (1933) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Thundering Worlds • (1934) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• The Man Who Returned • (1934) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Accursed Galaxy • (1935) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• In the World’s Dusk • (1936) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Child of the Winds • (1936) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Seeds from Outside • (1937) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Fessenden’s Worlds • (1937) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Easy Money • (1938) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• He That Hath Wings • (1938) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• Exile • (1943) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Day of Judgment • (1946) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Alien Earth • (1949) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• What’s It Like Out There? • (1952) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• Requiem • (1962) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• After a Judgement Day • (1963) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Pro • (1964) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Castaway • (1969) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Afterword (The Best of Edmond Hamilton) • (1977) • essay by Edmond Hamilton

The Best of Edmond Hamilton (Ballantine)

The Best of Edmond Hamilton / ed. by Leigh Brackett
New York : Ballantine Books, 1977.8. –
xviii, 381 p. ; 18 cm. – (A Del Rey Book ; 25900)
LCCN: 77-574; ISBN: 0-345-25900-9
Cover: Van Dongen
• Fifty Years of Wonder • (1977) • essay by Leigh Brackett
• The Monster-God of Mamurth • (1926) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Man Who Evolved • (1931) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• A Conquest of Two Worlds • (1932) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• The Island of Unreason • (1933) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Thundering Worlds • (1934) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• The Man Who Returned • (1934) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Accursed Galaxy • (1935) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• In the World’s Dusk • (1936) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Child of the Winds • (1936) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Seeds from Outside • (1937) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Fessenden’s Worlds • (1937) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Easy Money • (1938) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• He That Hath Wings • (1938) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• Exile • (1943) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Day of Judgment • (1946) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Alien Earth • (1949) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• What’s It Like Out There? • (1952) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• Requiem • (1962) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• After a Judgement Day • (1963) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Pro • (1964) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Castaway • (1969) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Afterword (The Best of Edmond Hamilton) • (1977)
• essay by Edmond Hamilton
The Grandeur of Edmond Hamilton
These 21 superb stories display the full cosmic scope of a writer whose epics of galactic adventure on the heroic scale have enthralled generations of science fiction readers with their conflicts of men, strange beings, and entire planets.
“Thundering Worlds”
Fleeing a dying sun, mankind set out across space — not in starships but in an incredible armada made up of the very planets of the solar system!
“The Man Who Evolved”
He harnessed the energy of the Universe to reach man’s next, godlike stage — and them took the step after that.
“In the World’s Dusk”
The last survivor of the human race brought back the dead to people Earth — and, when that failed, tried an even more desperate way of making his planet live again.
He created a barbaric, nightmarish world — and then he had to live in it!
“Day of Judgment”
The last man and the last woman returned to Earth — to face a jury with a million-year grievance to avenge!
Plus the unforgettable “Requiem,” and fifteen other unique tales alive with a surging sense of wonder.
Book Review:

  • “The Best Of Edmond Hamilton,” in: Booklist 1 Nov. 1977, p. 462
  • “The Best Of Edmond Hamilton,” in: Publishers Weekly 4 July 1977, p. 74.
  • Stephensen-Payne, Phil, in: Paperback Parlour, Apr 1978

The Best of Edmond Hamilton (Book Club Edition)

The Best of Edmond Hamilton / ed. by Leigh Brackett
Garden City, NY : N. Doubleday, 1977.4. –
xvii, 334 p. ; 22 cm. – (Book Club Edition ; 1561) LCCN: 77-155163
Cover: Don Maitz
• Fifty Years of Wonder • (1977) • essay by Leigh Brackett
• The Monster-God of Mamurth • (1926) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Man Who Evolved • (1931) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• A Conquest of Two Worlds • (1932) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• The Island of Unreason • (1933) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Thundering Worlds • (1934) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• The Man Who Returned • (1934) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Accursed Galaxy • (1935) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• In the World’s Dusk • (1936) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Child of the Winds • (1936) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Seeds from Outside • (1937) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Fessenden’s Worlds • (1937) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Easy Money • (1938) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• He That Hath Wings • (1938) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• Exile • (1943) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Day of Judgment • (1946) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Alien Earth • (1949) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• What’s It Like Out There? • (1952) • novelette by Edmond Hamilton
• Requiem • (1962) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• After a Judgement Day • (1963) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• The Pro • (1964) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Castaway • (1969) • shortstory by Edmond Hamilton
• Afterword (The Best of Edmond Hamilton) • (1977)  • essay by Edmond Hamilton
High Adventure, heroism and great storytelling!
Edmond Hamilton’s remarkable career as a science fiction author spans half a century and is still going strong. His first story, “The Monster-God of Mamurth,” appeared in the August 1926 issue of Weird Tales and foreshadowed what was to become Hamilton’s trademark for years to come: the action-adventure story, strong on suspense and atmosphere, spiced with a delight in the alien and the strange. It was “World-Wrecker” Edmond Hamilton who, more than anybody, opened up the far horizons of science fiction, taking it beyond Earth out to the farthest stars, and still onward to other mysterious unexplored universes.
This mind-expanding collection, edited with an introduction by SF author Leigh Brackett (Hamilton’s wife), presents 21 of his fines works from that earliest 1926 story, through Hamilton’s acclaimed modern day writings. Some of the tales includes:
“The Man Who Returned.” A medical miracle brings John Woodford back from the dead. But there’s little happiness in store for him or his loved ones once he leaves the peace and safety of his crypt ….
“The Seeds from Outside.” Strange alien seeds take root on a hillside and begin growing into human-like creatures – one male, the other female. A roving artist discovers them and falls madly in love with the feminine plant … only to find he’s barking up the wrong tree!
“He That Hath Wings.” David Rand was a normal, handsome young man in every respect – save one. He was born with wings. Having grown up in isolation, his finally had to face the desperate choice of amputating his wings to live with society or soaring on the winds and living forever alone.
“Easy Money.” What are the consequences of beaming a professional prize fighter halfway across the galaxy to a planet of crazed little aliens? Old Dr. Murtha found out when slightly punchy Slugger Martin volunteered for the not-so-easy money.
“In the World’s Dusk.” The last man on Earth tries determinedly to find some company. He puts life into corpses, but they are just walking dead. He snatches people from the past, but the time voyage destroys their minds. Finally there’s only one thing left to do, but is it worth the fire price of failure?
Bound to excite and stir the imagination. THE BEST OF EDMOND HAMILTON is a fitting testimonial to one of science fiction’s founding fathers.
Book Reviews:

  • Analog. 97(8):170-172. August 1977. (L. del Rey)
  • A Book of Weird Tales. 74(5):462. November 1, 1977. (D. Miller)
  • Booklist. 74(1):462. 1977.
  • Kliatt Paperback Book Guide. 12(1):13. Winter 1978. (R.B.)
  • Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. 53(5):18-20. November 1977. (Budrys)
  • Publishers Weekly. 212(1):74. July 4, 1977.
  • Science Fiction Review. 23:76-77. November 1977. (D. Schweitzer)
  • Son of WSFA Journal. 90:R7-R10. May 1978. (M. Wooster)