The Horror on the Asteroid and Other Tales of Planetary Horror (Reprint)

The Horror on the Asteroid and Other Tales of Planetary Horror /
with a new introduction by Gerry De La Ree
Boston : Gregg Press, 1975.6. –
ix, 256 p. ; 21 cm. – (The Gregg Press Science Fiction Series)
ISBN: 0-8398-2304-5 LCCN: 75-5745

The Horror on the Asteroid p. 9
The Accursed Galaxy p. 59
The Man Who Saw Everything (The Man With the X-Ray Eyes) p. 99
The Earth-Brain p. 127
The Monster-God of Mamurth p. 185
The Man Who Evolved p. 219

Book Reviews:

  • Locus. 182(4). December 17, 1975. (C. Brown)
  • Science Fiction Review Monthly. 11:17. January 1976. (B. Rapoport)
  • Science Fiction Studies. 2(3):278. November 1975. (D. Mullen)
  • Whispers. (8):58. December 1975. (Stuart David Schiff)


The Horror on the Asteroid and Other Tales of Planetary Horror

The Horror on the Asteroid and Other Tales of Planetary Horror
London : Philip Allan, 1936
256 p. ; 20 cm.
“Starting with the story that provides the title of the book, Edmond Hamilton presents the reader with six tales of horror, each of which has its undercurrent of science. A space-ship is wending its way from Earth to Jupiter when it runs into an uncharted meteor swarm and is smashed. The survivors get away in the life-boats and make for the nearest asteroid where they hope to remain till rescue comes. But does it come in time? A young man gets a doctor to operate on his eyes so that he can see through walls, and everything except organic matter vanishes from his sight. Is he satisfied when by lip-reading he can tell what people are saying that they do not want strangers to hear? There is included the story of and accursed Galaxy; the reader is surprised to find that he is really living on the body of a vast pulsating creature; a monster God is found inhabiting the African Desert, and finally there is an inspired tale that tells how “the mad of man’s evolution is a circular one, returning to its beginning.”

 Title Page
1The Horror on the Asteroid009
2The Accursed Galaxy059
3The Man Who Saw Everything   (The Man With the X-Ray Eyes)099
4The Earth-Brain127
5The Monster-God of Mamurth185
6The Man Who Evolved219



Worlds of Starwolves (SW#3)

Worlds of Starwolves
New York : Ace Books, 1968
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Book ; G-766) pbk
Cover: Jack Gaughan
“Morgan Chane returns to Varna to lead the Starwolves to the galaxy’s greatest loot” — Cover
The Singing Suns
There were forty of them, forty jewels that represented the forty mightiest stars. They had been synthetically created long ago by a master craftsman, and they made natural gems look dull.
The jewels moved in an intricate star-dance, always changing, now one dark red star-jewel passing two golden ones, now an ethereal blue-white gliding above a greenish one. And they sang. From each came its individual note of pure sound, and the pattern changed perpetually, but it was always music. It was like seeing the whole changing, blazing galaxy in miniature, and hearing the music of the spheres.
The Singing Suns were the greatest treasure of mankind … but they were hoarded by cunning, subtle, immensely powerful aliens. Only the feared Starwolves of Varna could dream of stealing them … and that was just what they hoped to do ….

Starwolf (SW#1, SW#2, and SW#3)

New York : Ace Book, 1982.10
456 p. ; cm. – (Ace Science Fiction ; 78422-4) pbk $3.50
Cover: David Schleimkofer ISBN: 0-441-78422-4

The only mercy a starwolf could expect was death …
Morgan Chane is a Starwolf-a member of the most infamous band of interstellar pirates in the galaxy-basically meaning he was one of a band of nogoodnik more-than-human raiders. He had flown with the raind packs, rockets screaming, to plunder the rich and slaughter the helpless.
But Morgan Chane was also a Terran, adopted as a child into the Starwolf clan. And when a quarrel erupted, Chane discovered that the Starwolves weighed his alien birth more heavily than all the years of comradeship. Now he is cast out of the clan, and running for his life.
But where in all the galzxy, can a Starwolf expect to find refuge?.



Starwolf (SW#1, SW#2, and SW#3) UK edition

Cover illustration by Eddie Jones
Publisher: Hamlyn : London, July 1985
Pagination: 464 p. ; cm.
Series: Venture Science Fiction ; 5 (940030-8)
ISBN: 0099400308
Note: Paperback £2.50
The only mercy a Starwolf could expect was death…
Morgan Chane was a Starwolf – a member of the most infamous band of interstellar pirates in the galaxy. He had flown with the raiding packs, rockets screaming, to plunder the rich and slaughter the helpless.
But Morgan Chane was also a Terran, adopted as a child into the Starwolf clan. And when a quarrel erupted, Chane discovered that the Starwolves weighed his alien birth more heavily than all the years of comradeship. Now he is cast out of the clan – and running for his life.
But where, in all the galaxy, can a Starwolf expect to find refuge?
Book review

  • Lake, Ken, Paperback Inferno, Oct 1985

The Weapon from Beyond (SW#1)

The Weapon from Beyond
New York : Ace Books, 1967
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Books ; G-369) pbk. $0.50 NUC: 70-71183
Cover: Gaughan
“A great new galactic-adventure series! Morgan Chane, the Starwolf, battles pirates and hostile space-cruisers to find the secret of the dark nebula.” — cover
The stars whispered: die, Starwolf! die!
Morgan Chane was an Earthman by parentage, but he had been born on the pirate-world Varna, whose heavy gravity had developed strength and incredibly quick reflexes in him. When he was old enough, he joined the raider-ships that looted the starworlds, and fought side by side with the dreaded Starwolves of Varna.
But then there was a fight among them. Chane killed their leader, and the other Starwolves turned on him. He barely got away alive – wounded near death, his Starwolf pursuers following him across the galaxy.
And there was nowhere he could seek refuge, for no world would lift a hand to save one of the hated Starwolves.