[Advertisement] Dear THRILLING WONDER reader


We introduce the most colorful planeteer in the Solar System in CAPTAIN FUTURE – America’s newest most scintillating scientifiction magazine. Here, for the first time in fantasy’s history, is a publication devoted exclusive to book-length novel featuring the explots of the greatest space-farer of all time! Get your copy of CAPTAIN FUTURE today AT YOUR FAVORITE NEWSSTAND – and please write and the us how you like it. Thanks! — THE EDITOR

Something new in "STF" "Captain Future"!

Fantasy-News vol. 3, no. a18, Thur Oct 19 1939
Something new in “STF” “Captain Future”!



(SPECIAL TO FN) Time and time again fans have asked the different Publishing Companies to publish a stf magazine devote entirely to a single character on the lines of THE SHADOW amd [i.e. and] others. A letter asking for this resulted in Jim Blish puting [i.e. putting?] out THE PLANETEER MAGAZINE, but as far as the professional magazine went the nearest they came to it was when FLASH GORDON MAGAZINE came out, but this was not a true stf magazine. BUT NOW comes the good news that STANDARD PUBLICATIONS, publishers of THRILLING WONDER STORIES, STARTLING STORIES and STRANGE STORIES are going to put out such a magazine.

The name of this, the latest stf magazine, will be CAPTAIN FUTURE & will contain a complete novel, in every issue, about CAPTAIN FUTURE. It is a regular size pulp magazine contain 198 pages and sell for 15 cent a copy. At first it will be published quarterly, but if it sells good, and we see no reason why it should not, it will become a bi-monthly & if the sales are very good, a monthly. The cover, a good one, is by Rozen, a new comer as far as stf goes, but a good artist who has done covers for ARGOSY and was at one time, cover artist for THE SHADOW MAGAZINE. The first CAPTAIN FUTURE novel entitled CAPTAIN FUTURE AND THE SPACE EMPEROR is illustrated by H W Wesso, and marvelous illustrations they are. Morey and Paul illustrate the other yarns in the first issue.

The main characters in the novel are, of course, our main hero CAPTAIN FUTURE himself, the Man of Tomorrow or the “Tarzan# of stf., his aids: GRAG, the metal robot; OTHO, the synthetic android; and SIMON WRIGHT, the living Brain. An unbeatable combination. The novels of CAPTAIN FUTURE, by the way, are written by EDMOND HAMILTON. There is also CAPTAIN FUTURE’s space ship, the COMET.

The format of this new magazine is super excellent and the departments very good and interesting. They are titled THE WORLD OF TOMORROW, THE FUTUREMEN, UNDER OBSERVATION, and THE MARCH OF SCIENCE. No doubt a readers’ column will be included in future issues.

Other yarns in the first issue are by Eric Frank Russell and O. Sarri. There is also a serial, THE HUMAN TERMITES by Dr. David H Keller.

We believe this magazine will be a big hit and a bi-monthly, if not a monthly before the year is out (1940). It is a type of magazine long wanted by the stf fans.

With this magazine, STANDARD takes the lead as the publisher of the largest number of stf magazines, WONDER, STARTLING and now CAPTAIN FUTURE.

ebook: http://fanac.org/fanzines/Fantasy_News/Fantasy_News03185.pdf

Future Fan Nr. 10 (augusti 1973)

Date: 1973.8.30
Omslag av Rudolof der Hagopian, p. 1
Rymdfosslilet novell av John E. Svensson, p. 4
Klubbspalten (böecker, fanzines, serier etc.), p. 8
Redaktionellt, p. 11
Djärvhet – finnas den? artikel om böcker av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 12
Galaktisk patrull novell av “Atom-Lasse” Johansson, p. 14
Himlakropparnas ytgravitation och flykthastighet artikel av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 22
Litet mer om detektivmagasin artikel av Isar Pavo, p. 25
Bob Moran – en av vär tids mindre hjältar artikel av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 29
Hur porten öppnades 2.a avdeln. av Hans Helgars långnovell, p. 32
Entropisternas bön av kjell Rynefors (reprint), p. 37
Mis Fina Q vetenskaplig kippspalt, p. 42
backover av Kluden, p. 48

In English:
Cover by Rudolof der Hagopian, p. 1
The space fossil novel by John E. Svensson, p
Club hall (books, fanzines, series etc.), p
Editorial, p
Boldness – Is It? article on books by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Galactic patrol novel by “Atom-Lasse” Johansson, p
The surface gravity of the celestial bodies and the velocity of the article by B.-O. Ringberg, p
A little more about the detective magazine article by Isar Pavo, p
Bob Moran – one of the lesser-known heroes article by B.-O. Ringberg, p
How the door was opened 2nd compartment. by Hans Helgars langnovell, p
Entropists’ prayer by Kjell Rynefors (reprint), p. 37
Mis Fina Q scientific kippspalt, p. 42
backward of the cloth, p. 48

Future Fan Nr. 9 (mars 1973)

Date: 1973.3.12
Omslag av KLUDDEN, p. 1
Ljushastigheten den ouppnåeliga artikel av “Atom -Lassee” Johansson, p. 4
VB 4 novell av Atom-Lasse Johansson, p. 6
Klubbspalten kort denna gång;övergår i en beskrivning av läget i USA på serie-fronten av B. Falk, p. 16
ERB och SF artikel av Magnus Megnusson, p. 20
Redaktionellt, p. 29
Hur porten öppnades novell av Hans Helgar (l.a avdeln.), p. 30
Detektivmagasinens vilda vetenskapsmän art. av Isar Pavo, p. 36
Brevspalten redigerad av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 42
Miss Fina Q klippspalt med mest astronomi, p. 47
backover (Kapten Frank) av Peter Jarbratt, p. 50

In English:
Cover of KLUDDEN, p. 1
Light speed the unattainable article by “Atom-Lassee” Johansson, p
VB 4 short story by Atom-Lasse Johansson, p
The club card card this time, turns into a description of the state of the United States on the series front by B. Falk, p.
ERB and SF article by Magnus Megnusson, p
Editorial, p
How the gate was opened short story by Hans Helgar (1st section), p
Detective magazine’s wild scientists art. by Isar Pavo, p
The letter column edited by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Miss Fina Q rock gap with most astronomy, p. 47
backover (Captain Frank) by Peter Jarbratt, p

Future Fan Nr. 8 (november 1972)

Date: 1972.11.20
Omslag, p. 1
Lucky Starr – trivsan rymodetektiv artikel av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 4
Redaktionellt, författarnotiser och en dikt om Joan Randall av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 8
Spöksolen novell av J.R. Fearn och S.J. Bounds, p. 9
Klubbspalten, p. 12
Världsrymdens “svarta hal” och vita dvärgar kort artikel av “Atom-Lasse” Johannson, p. 15
Hotet frän Mimas längnovell av “Atom-Lasse” J., p. 16
Mis Fina Q klippspalt med diverse populärv tenslap, p.28
Brevspalten i reäigering av Red.(som vanlight), p. 30
Gästande asteroid (om Toro m.m.) art. av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 35
Tarzan och yttre rymden av Hans-Olof Olsson, p. 36

In English:
Cover, p. 1
Lucky Starr – Pleasant space-detective article by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Editorial, author notes and a poem about Joan Randall by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Spöksolen novell by J.R. Fearn and S.J. Bounds, p
Club Hall, p
World Space’s “black hall” and white dwarfs short article by “Atom-Lasse” Johannson, p.
The threat of Mima’s long-run by “Atom-Lasse” J., p
Mis Fine Q rock gap with various popular screens, p.28
Letter column in the re-enactment of Red (as vanlight), p
Guest asteroid (if Toro m.m.) art. by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Tarzan and outer space by Hans-Olof Olsson, p

Future Fan Nr. 7 (juli 1972)

Date: 1972.7.19
Omslag (ille faciet Sixten kvist i H. Helgars pjas-novell), p. 1
Cordwainer Smith – space operans poet artikel av H.-O. 0lsson, p. 4
Megaparsec dikt av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 7
Den långa resan novell av “Atom-Iasse” Johansoon, p. 8
Redaktionellt, p. 12
Molnet novell av Per Stenström, p. 14
Klubbspalt, inklusive Om SF i Tyskland av H.-O. Olsson, och en kort dikt av samme av H.-O. Olsson, p. 16
Rätt steg mot morgondagen artikel av B.-O. Rineberg, p. 20
“Af sådandt stoff som drömaar väfvas af —” pjäs-novell av Hans Helgar, p. 22
Mer om Marsmänarna artikel av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 29
Lista på space opera – litteratur av B.O. Ringberg, p. 30
Brevspalt i Red.:s redigering, p. 36

In English:
Cover (bad facet Sixten twig in H. Helgars pjas-novell), p
Cordwainer Smith – Space Opera’s poet article by H.-O. 0lsson, p. 4
Megaparsec poem by B.-O. Ringberg, p
The long journey short story of “Atom-Iasse” Johansoon, p
Editorial, p
Cloud story by Per Stenström, p
Club Slam, including About SF in Germany by H.-O. Olsson, and a short poem by the same by H.-O. Olsson, p
The right step towards tomorrow’s article by B.-O. Rineberg, p
“Of such material as a dreamman is woven by —” play story by Hans Helgar, p
More about the Marmen article by B.-O. Ringberg, p
List of space opera – literature by B.O. Ringberg, p
Letter column in Red’s editing, p

Future Fan Nr. 6 (november 1971)

Date: 1971.11.30
Omslag (frånIMAGINATION denna gång), p. 1
Professor Jameson-den evige upptäckaren artikel av Magnus Magnusson, p. 4
Kometen novell av Hans Helgar, p. 8
Redaktionellt, p. 17
Klubbsualten, p. 18
Fission of tomorrow? artikel av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 22
Liten Mars-sektion: Anders Palm om sin nya bok, Marsmånarnas synlighet frän planetens yta ,artikel av B.-O. Ringberg, p. 24
Brevspalten redigerad av red. p.26
Kapten Framtids tillkomsthistoria av C.-O. Jonsson (3.e och sista avsnittet), p. 29

In English:
Cover (from IMAGINATION this time), p. 1
Professor Jameson-the Eternal Discoverer Article by Magnus Magnusson, p
Comet novel by Hans Helgar, p
Editorial, p
Club Lions, p
Fission of tomorrow? article by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Small Mars section: Anders Palm about his new book, Marmarsen’s visibility from the planet’s surface, article by B.-O. Ringberg, p
Letter column edited by red. p.26
Captain Future’s History of Access by C.-O. Jonsson (3rd and last section), p