Patrulha Interstelar (Crashing Suns) Collection

Patrulha Interstelar (Crashing Suns) Collection
Translator: Eurico da Fonseca
Cover Artist: Lima de Freitas
Publisher: Livros do Brasil, 1968
Pagination: 185 p.
Series: Argonauta ; 133
Note: Abridged Translation (20%Cut); Not Includes The Cosmic Cloud
Uma Estrela vai Chocar Com o Sol (Crashing Suns) IP#1
Os Ladrões de Estrelas (The Star-Stealers) IP#2
Dentro da Nebulosa (Within the Nebula) IP#3
Os Condutoresde Cometas (The Comet-Drivers) IP#5


“Uma obra clássica de um apreciado autor. A «Patrulha Interstelar» en-contra-se alerta contra todas as ameaças. Aventura interplanetária, contra os sóis traiçoeiros, as interferências estranhas, os veículos espaciais guiados pelos seus construtores furtivos à conquista de mundos desconhecidos e insuspeitados. Patrulha Interstelar é a narrativa épica dos feitos da futura legião do espaço, composta de voluntários, e um admirável romance de aventura espacial…”–back cover of Colecção Argonauta, no. 132 – Revolta em 2100.

Luta Intergaláctica (Outside the Universe) IP#4

Luta Intergaláctica (Outside the Universe) IP#4
Translator: Jorge Fonseca
Cover Artist: Lima de Freitas
Publisher: Livros do Brasil, 1965
Pagination: 175 p.
Series: Argonauta ; 92
Note: On Cover: Edmund Hamilton
Apresentado em Portugal através da edição de “A Última Cidade da Terra”, Edmund Hamilton é um dos escritores de Ficção-Científica a que a Colecção Argonauta deve o seu prestígio relativamente aos leitores de língua portuguesa. Com a “Luta Intergaláctica”, o talento superior e a indiscutível qualidade da obra de Hamilton encontraria a confirmação decisiva, se acaso dela carecesse. Guerra no Espaço à escala intergaláctica , esta guerra envolve três galáxias gigantescas que se combatem numa luta de morte. Visão do futuro de poeta ou de visionário, este romance é, antes de mais, um livro clássico na Ficção-Científica.

A Última Cidade da Terra (City at World's End)

A Última Cidade da Terra (City at World’s End)
Translator: José da Natividade Gaspar
Cover Artist: Cândido Costa Pinto
Publisher: Livros do Brasil, 1954
Pagination: 234 p.
Series: Argonauta ; 3
Note: On Cover: Edmund Hamilton
“A Última Cidade Da Terra conta-nos a odisseia de um aglomerado populacional do nosso tempo que, devido a um catastrófico fenómeno, é projectado, com os seus cinquenta mil habitantes, para além da época presente, mergulhando no futuro longínquo, em que a Terra, envelhecida e moribunda, terá de ser abandonada pelo Homem, em consequência dos cataclismos naturais ou artificiais que hão-de transformá-la numa massa informe e sem vida. Edmund Hamilton antecipa, nesta obra de Ficção Científica, o choque que poderá vir a registar-se entre os seres humanos de hoje e as criaturas de um futuro longínquo e misterioso, senhores de uma civilização avançadíssima que se estende através dos mundos de mil e uma estrelas e planetas, ainda não atingidas pelo Homem actual”

Le Retour aux Étoiles (Return to the Stars) SK#2

Le Retour aux Étoiles (Return to the Stars) SK#2
Translator: Frank Straschitz
Publisher: Paris : J’ai Lu, 1974.12.
Page: 310 p.
Series: (J’ai Lu ; Science Fiction Fantasy ; 490)
Cover: Tibor Csernus
[Les Royaumes des Étoiles] (Kingdom of the Stars) SK#2-1
[Les Rivages de l’Infini] (The Shores of Infinity) SK#2-2
[Les Étoiles Brisées] (The Broken Stars) SK#2-3
[L’Horreur venue de Magellan] (The Horror from the Magellanic) SK#2-4
Dans Les rois des étoiles Edmond Hamilton racontait l’aventure fabuleuse de John Gordon, petit employé new-yorkais, qui a échangé son esprit avec Zarth Arn, prince des étoiles, et s’est trouvé conduire malgré lui une guerre galactique. Dans ce nouveau roman, de retour sur la Terre de notre époque, Gordon ne peut se réhabituer à la grisaille quotidienne. Il ne rêve que de vaisseaux cosmiques et, plus encore, de Lianna, l’enchanteresse princesse de Fomalhaut. C’est alors que Zarth Arn parvient à le transporter à travers le gouffre de temps et d’espace qui les sépare.
Mais Lianna, qui l’a aimé dans un autre corps, ne parvient pas à s’habituer à sa nouvelle apparence. Gordon doit la reconquérir, et d’abord il lui faut la protéger contre l’usurpateur qui veut lui ravir le trône de Fomalhaut.
Une aventure spatiale échevelée commence pour le petit employé new-yorkais, l’oiseau extra-terrestre Korkhann et le sinistre Shorr Kan dont les hasards de la lutte font des compagnons d’armes.


What's It Like Out There? and Other Stories

What’s It Like Out There? and Other Stories
New York : Ace Books, 1974. –
320 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Book ; 88065) NUC: 78-64696
007 What’s It Like Out There?
033 The King of Shadows
057  Castaway
066 Serpent Princess
097 The Stars, My Brothers
144 Dreamer’s World
184 Twilight of the Gods
227 Sunfire!
245 The Inn Outside the World
262 The Watcher of the Ages
280 Transuranic
304 The Isle of the Sleeper
“12 classics by one of science fiction’s most distinguished authors” — Cover
What’s it Like Out There?
is a collection of the best stories from Edmond Hamilton’s remarkable 40 year career of writing Science Fiction. Featuring:
The Stars, My Brother – where a scientist awakened from a century-long slumber in the depths of space had to make a choice between his own people and an alien race.
What’s It Like out There? – when Haddon returned from the expedition to Mars, everyone wanted t know what it was like … he could never let them know.
Twilight of the Gods – myth changed to reality around a man who sought to answer the mystery of his lost identity.
And many more …
Book Reviews:

  • Locus. 166:5. October 23, 1974.
  • New York Times Book Review. 10:50. 1974.
  • Publishers Weekly. 205(25):62. June 24, 1974.


Worlds of Starwolves (SW#3)

Worlds of Starwolves
New York : Ace Books, 1968
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Book ; G-766) pbk
Cover: Jack Gaughan
“Morgan Chane returns to Varna to lead the Starwolves to the galaxy’s greatest loot” — Cover
The Singing Suns
There were forty of them, forty jewels that represented the forty mightiest stars. They had been synthetically created long ago by a master craftsman, and they made natural gems look dull.
The jewels moved in an intricate star-dance, always changing, now one dark red star-jewel passing two golden ones, now an ethereal blue-white gliding above a greenish one. And they sang. From each came its individual note of pure sound, and the pattern changed perpetually, but it was always music. It was like seeing the whole changing, blazing galaxy in miniature, and hearing the music of the spheres.
The Singing Suns were the greatest treasure of mankind … but they were hoarded by cunning, subtle, immensely powerful aliens. Only the feared Starwolves of Varna could dream of stealing them … and that was just what they hoped to do ….

Starwolf (SW#1, SW#2, and SW#3)

New York : Ace Book, 1982.10
456 p. ; cm. – (Ace Science Fiction ; 78422-4) pbk $3.50
Cover: David Schleimkofer ISBN: 0-441-78422-4

The only mercy a starwolf could expect was death …
Morgan Chane is a Starwolf-a member of the most infamous band of interstellar pirates in the galaxy-basically meaning he was one of a band of nogoodnik more-than-human raiders. He had flown with the raind packs, rockets screaming, to plunder the rich and slaughter the helpless.
But Morgan Chane was also a Terran, adopted as a child into the Starwolf clan. And when a quarrel erupted, Chane discovered that the Starwolves weighed his alien birth more heavily than all the years of comradeship. Now he is cast out of the clan, and running for his life.
But where in all the galzxy, can a Starwolf expect to find refuge?.



The Weapon from Beyond (SW#1)

The Weapon from Beyond
New York : Ace Books, 1967
158 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Books ; G-369) pbk. $0.50 NUC: 70-71183
Cover: Gaughan
“A great new galactic-adventure series! Morgan Chane, the Starwolf, battles pirates and hostile space-cruisers to find the secret of the dark nebula.” — cover
The stars whispered: die, Starwolf! die!
Morgan Chane was an Earthman by parentage, but he had been born on the pirate-world Varna, whose heavy gravity had developed strength and incredibly quick reflexes in him. When he was old enough, he joined the raider-ships that looted the starworlds, and fought side by side with the dreaded Starwolves of Varna.
But then there was a fight among them. Chane killed their leader, and the other Starwolves turned on him. He barely got away alive – wounded near death, his Starwolf pursuers following him across the galaxy.
And there was nowhere he could seek refuge, for no world would lift a hand to save one of the hated Starwolves.