OPUS#230 Pardon My Iron Nerves [CF#24]

OPUS: #230
Title: Pardon My Iron Nerves
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 24
“If you think Grag’s an insensitive robot, read his own account of getting psychoanalyzed and repairing to Pluto’s forth Moon!”

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 22, no. 2, November 1950, (Nov 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 78-96. Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust : Orban
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 22, no. 2, November 1950
  • Thilling Novels, No. 49, 1996

Chapter 1 Metal Man 78
Chapter 2 Mission to Pluto 84
Chapter 3 The Machs 87
Chapter 4 Crazy Moon 92

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 68. “Amusing story of Captain Future’s robot pal, Grag, and the nervous breakdown he imagined he was about to suffer, caused from being in intimate contact with humans so much of the time. How he quells the revolt of the “free” mining machines on Dis, remote satellite of Pluto, is a riot.”

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1950nov-00078

OPUS#229 Harpers of Titan, The [CF#23]

OPUS: #229
Title: The Harpers of Titan
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 23
“Again Simon Wright, the “Brain” lives in a human body, and in that guise contends with the most hideous peril he has ever faced – a menace driving a planet to madness!”

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 22, no. 1, September 1950, (Sep 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 22, no. 1, September 1950
  • Startling Stories (UK), No. 4, December 1950
  • Dr. Cyclops, (1967, ed. uncredited, publ. Popular Library, #445-02485-060, $0.60, 127pp, pb, anth) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 68. “Excellent Captain Future story of the people of Saturn’s largest moon and the strange cult of the Harpers that obsessed them almost to madness, and of how Simon Wright, the bodiless brain and long-time mentor of Curt Newton, had to take on full human guise once more in order to combat this bizarre menace.”

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Startling_Stories_v22n01_1950-09.Better (lack of many pages)

OPUS#227 Children of the Sun [CF#22]

OPUS: #227
Title: Children of the Sun
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 22
“Curt Newton, in quest of a friend lost inside Vulcan, faces the most insidious dangers he has ever known in his entire galactic career!”

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 21, no. 2, May 1950, (May 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 98-116.  Ill : Orban
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 21, no. 2, May 1950
  • Thrilling Novels. No. 39, 1996

Chapter 1 Quest of the Futurmen 98
Chapter 2 Citadel of Mystery 104
Chapter 3 Dread Metamorphosis 108
Chapter 4 The Bright Ones 111

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 66-67. “The Futuremen attempt to save their friend, Philip Carlin, guest hero of Red Sun of Danger, from a strange and poetic destiny within the heart of fiery Vulcan.”

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1950may-00098

OPUS#226 Return of the Captain Future, The [CF#21]

OPUS: #226
Title: The Return of Captain Future
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 21
“The Man of Tomorrow Clashes in Fierce Combat with Mankind’s Deadliest Enemy – the Linid!”

    • Startling Stories, Vol. 20, no. 3, January 1950, (Jan 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
    • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 20, no. 3, January 1950
    • Fantastic Adventure Stories, No. 2, Pulp Tales Press, 2008.7


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 65. “First in a series of novelettes featuring the further exploits of Curt Newton and the Futuremen, probably better written but not quite as much fun as the original novels. In this one the Futuemen return from another galaxy, bearing with them a living survivor of the Linid, the non-human race that once ruled the Universe before the rise of mankind and its contemporaries.”

OPUS#206 Outlaw World [CF#19]

OPUS: #206
Title: Outlaw World
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1946
Type: novella
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 19
“On the trail of malevolent space pirates, Curt Newton and the Futuremen combat the evil machinations of the Uranian Ru Ghur, who plans the total destruction of the Universe!”


  • Startling Stories, Vol. 13, no. 1, Winter 1946, (Jan 1946, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc.; Chicago, $0.15, 100pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: Orban
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 13, no. 1, Winter 1946
  • Startling Stories (Canada), No. 1, June 1949
  • Outlaw World, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Popular Library, #60-2376, $0.60, 126pp, pb) Cover: Frank Frazetta


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 19. “Edmond Hamilton’s last Captain Future novel, though he wrote several excellent novelettes on the subject for Startling Stories a few years later. This one is a prettyfair entry in the series, concerning the Futuremen’s search for the location of the secret outlaw world whose unscrupulous overlord is plotting a monumental crime coup with the aid of the radium he has been stealing all over the Solar System. Reprinted in 1969 in paperback by Popular Library. “

OPUS#199 Red Sun of Danger [CF#18]

OPUS: #199
Title: Red Sun of Danger
Author: Brett Sterling (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1945
Type: novella
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 18
“From the archives of the mighty Ancients, Curt Newton brings back forgotten Denebian science to balk a greed-maddened schemer who seeks to loose unspeakable terror on the Universe!”

  • Startling Stories [v12 #1, Spring 1945] (15¢, 116pp, pulp, cover by Earle Bergey), pp. 11-71. Illustrated by Thomas.
  • Danger Planet, (1968, Brett Sterling, publ. Popular Library, #60-2335, $0.60, 128pp, pb) Cover: Frank Frazetta

1996 – Red Sun of Danger [vt Danger Planet] Retro Hugo Award, Novel (Nomination)

Book review:

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p.18. “Even though Captain Future’s own magazine had been dropped from publication, the character proved so popular that other novels were still written about him and appeared from time to time in the pages of Startling Stories. I understand this one was written by Edmond Hamilton, the originator of the series, under this house pseudonym for some unknown reason or other. This novel is typical of its kind, the usual fast-paced wild adventures among the inhabitants of various alien worlds, with a hint of mystery in this one, and even vaguely Lovecraftian overtones with the temporary revival in the final chapter of the Kangas, those mighty beings who once ruled the Universe before the rise of man or even man’s immediate predecessors. Reprinted in 1968 in paperback by Popular Library as Danger Planet. “

ebook: https://archive.org/details/StartlingStoriesV12N01Spring1945

OPUS#195 Magic Moon [CF#16]

OPUS: #195
Title: Magic Moon
Author: Brett Sterling (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1944
Type: novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 16
“A Cruel Plot to Seize the Satellite Styx, Third Moon of Pluto, and Enslave Peaceful Natives, Sends Captain Future and His Loyal Aides Out on the Most Dangerous Adventure of Their Careers!”


  • Captain Future [v6 #1, Winter 1944] (15¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Earle K. Bergey), pp. 15-92. Illustrated by Orban.


OPUS#193 Star of Dread, The [CF#15]

OPUS: #193
Title: The Star of Dread
Author: Brett Sterling (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1943
Type: novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 15
“The world’s greatest space-farers battle to expose a dangerous secret menacing mankind and face desperate risks as they pursue two scheming miscreants across the void!”–TOC


  • Captain Future [v5 #3, Summer 1943] (15¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Earle K. Bergey), pp. 13-90. Illustrated by Thomas.
  • Captain Future, Summer 1943, (Oct 2009, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Adventure House, 978-1-59798-242-9, $14.95, 128pp, tp, anth) Cover: Earle K. Bergey

OPUS#190 Face of the Deep, The [CF#13]

OPUS: #190
Title: The Face of the Deep (Complete Novel)
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1943
Type: Novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 13
“Carried Far Outside the Solar System, and Wrecked on a Volcanic Planetoid in Company with s Shipload of condemned Criminals, Captain Future Faces the Supreme Test of His Courage!”


  • Captain Future, Vol. 5, no. 1, Winter 1943, (Jan 1943, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine), Cover: Bergey Illust: Orban

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Captain_Future_v05n01_1942_-_Better

OPUS#186 Planets in Peril [CF#12]

OPUS: #186
Title: Planets in Peril
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1969
Type: Novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 12

“Through and Unguessable Abyss Fraught with Peril, Curt Newton and the Futuremen Set Out to ave the Remnants of a Great Civilization from Suicide and Destruction!”


  • Captain Future, Vol. 4, no.3, Fall 1942, (Oct 1942, ed. Oscar J. Friend, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Rudolph Belarski; Illust: Morey
  • Planets in Peril, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Popular Library, #60-2416, $0.60, 128pp, pb) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck