Return to the Stars (Lancer) SK#2

Return to the Stars
New York : Lancer Books, 1970. –
207 p. ; 18 cm. – (Lancer Books ; 74612-075) NUC: 75-108253
Cover: Steranko
“One man of Earth battles a thousand stars to save our century from the far future!” — Cover
Kingdom of the Stars
John Gordon, twentieth century Earthman, is torn from his own time to a far distant future – a time when the entire galaxy is inhabited. But men do not rule the future; our race is only one among thousands, and many of those thousands are sworn enemies of humanity! Gordon, man of the past, is forced to form alliances with the men of the future in a desperate battle to save the human race from final annihilation…
Book Reviews:

  • Luna Monthly. 22:25. March 1971. (D. Paskow)
  • Science Fiction Review. 42:32. January 1971. (T. Pauls)
  • Vision of Tomorrow. 1(10):53-54. July 1970. (D. Malcolm)
  • World of IF. 20(6):150-151. July/August 1970. (L. del Rey)


Seyyareler Çarpışıyor (The Star Kings) SK#1

Seyyareler Çarpışıyor (The Star Kings) SK#1
Translator: A. Kahrman
Publisher: Çaglayan, 1954.11.21
Pagination: 156 p.
Series: Çaglayan Yeni Dünyalarda ; 2

Seyyareler Çarpışıyor, Edmond Hamilton’un John Gordon dizisinden “The Star Kings” adıyla 1949 yılında yayınlanan kitabıdır. Amazing Stories dergisinde yayınlanan eserin diğer adı “Beyond the Moon”dur.

Seyyareler Çarpışıyor adıyla Kasım 1954’de yayınlanan kitabın arka kapağındaki resim, “Planet Stories” dergisinin Ocak 1954 sayısında Ray Bradbury’nin “A Sound of Tunder” öyküsü için hazırlanmıştır. Bu öykü “Twilihght Zone” yani Alacakaranlık Kuşağı TV Dizisi’nde de yer almıştır.

Regreso a las estrellas

Regreso a las estrellas
Tr. or: Return to the Stars (1969)
Translation: Javier Jiménez Barco & Pedro Cañas Navarro (Stark …)
Publisher: La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2010
Pagination: 84 p. ; 29cm.
Series: Barsoom Recopilatorio ; 1
With: Nuevas ideas (2010)
Sobre los autores [Barsoom Recopilatorio 1] (2010)
Sobre Los reyes de las estrellas (2009)
Los reinos de las estrellas (The Kingdoms of the Stars)
Las orillas del infinito (The Shores of Infinity)
Las estrellas rotas (The Broken Stars)
El horror de Magallanes (The Horror from the Magellanic)
Y de propina:
Stark y los reyes de las estrellas (Stark and the Star Kings) *With Brackett