OPUS#258 Star Hunter, The

OPUS: #258
Title: The Star Hunter
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1958
Type: novella
Note: The Last of The Star Kings
Note: The Two Thousand Centuries
“Interplanetary science fiction novel”–TOC
“Certain death faced Mason if he ventured into the untracked Outer Marches of the galaxy; yet if he didn’t go the galaxy itself would die!”


  • Space Travel, Vol. 5, no. 5, September 1958, (Sep 1958, ed. William L. Hamling, publ. Greenleaf Publishing Company, $0.35, 132pp, Digest, magazine) Cover: Paul E. Wenzel
  • The Star Hunter & The Alien, (Jan 2012, ed. Edmond Hamilton, Raymond F. Jones, publ. Armchair Fiction (Armchair Fiction Double Novel #45), 978-1-61287-067-0, $12.95, 216pp, tp, anth)

ebook: http://bookre.org/reader?file=1204514&pg=1
ebook: https://archive.org/details/Space_Travel_v05n05_1958-09_cape1736

OPUS#246 Tattooed Man, The

OPUS: #246
Title: The Tattooed Man
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1957
Type: novella
Note: The Last of The Star Kings
Note: The Two Thousand Centuries

“Legend said that somewhere in the depths of space was a world of wealth and power beyond imagination. It was also a world of danger and -”


  • Imaginative Tales [v4 #2, March 1957] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Malcolm Smith), pp. 6-65.

ebook: http://comicbookplus.com/?cid=2569

OPUS#232 Earthmen No More [CF#26]

OPUS: #232
Title: Earthmen No More
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1951
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 26
“When the Futuremen revived John Carney from his deep freeze, he wanted to go home – but where in space was home?”
「洗練と技巧をもって、カーティス・ニュートンの冒険に取り組んだ。新しい作品はオリジナルの長編よりもよくできており、もし<<キャプテン・フューチャー>>の冒険がこれだけだったら、登場人物たちも通常思われているよりも、もっと立派な存在として記録されることになっただろう。物語の広がりも地球規模となり、最後の三篇(中略)では、人類、生命、大宇宙の起源と本質に関する秘密が解明されてゆく」 – マイク・アシュリー著 ; 牧眞司訳『SF雑誌の歴史:黄金期そして革命』(東京創元社, 2015)p. 26.

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 23, no. 1, March 1951, (Mar 1951, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc.; Springfield, MA, $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust : Orban
  • Thrilling Novels, No. 39, 1996


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 70. “Probably the most serious in tone of all the Captain Future stories, either the early novels or the later novelettes, concerning a man of the late twentieth century revived from a deep freeze in space to face the mind-boggling marvels — and difficulties — of the far future, Well-written and thought provoking.”

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Startling_Stories_v23n01_1951-03.Better_c2c_ufikus-DPP

OPUS#233 Birthplace of Creation [CF#27]

OPUS: 233
Title: Birthplace of Creation
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1951
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 27
“In their final adventure the Futuremen are called on to save the Universe itself from a madman’s destructive whim!”
「洗練と技巧をもって、カーティス・ニュートンの冒険に取り組んだ。新しい作品はオリジナルの長編よりもよくできており、もし<<キャプテン・フューチャー>>の冒険がこれだけだったら、登場人物たちも通常思われているよりも、もっと立派な存在として記録されることになっただろう。物語の広がりも地球規模となり、最後の三篇(中略)では、人類、生命、大宇宙の起源と本質に関する秘密が解明されてゆく」 – マイク・アシュリー著 ; 牧眞司訳『SF雑誌の歴史:黄金期そして革命』(東京創元社, 2015)p. 26.

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 23, no. 2, May 1951, (May 1951, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc.; Kokomo, IN, $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Ill : Orban
  • Startling Stories (UK), No. 8, August 1952. Ill : Michael Jones
  • Starwind : Science Fiction and Fantasy. Vol. 2, No. 1, Fall, August 1976
  • Thilling Novels, No. 39, 1996


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 71. “Last of the Captain Future series, more or less of a sequel to the earlier novel, The Quest Beyond the Stars (Captain Future, Winter, 1942), wherein the Futuremen first discovered the wondrous Birthplace from whence all matter in our universe comes into being, and to which they now return to keep a power-hungry madman from subjecting it to his destructive whims. Better written than the earlier novel, but not nearly as much fun.”

ebook: https://archive.org/details/StarwindV02n011976Autumn/page/n47

OPUS#231 Moon of the Unforgotten [CF#25]

OPUS: #231
Title: Moon of the Unforgotten
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1951
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 25
“Curt Newton and Otho plumb the perilous secrets of the Jovian Moon Europa- where Ezra Gurney, friend of the Futuremen, has fallen prey to a mystic cult!”
「洗練と技巧をもって、カーティス・ニュートンの冒険に取り組んだ。新しい作品はオリジナルの長編よりもよくできており、もし<<キャプテン・フューチャー>>の冒険がこれだけだったら、登場人物たちも通常思われているよりも、もっと立派な存在として記録されることになっただろう。物語の広がりも地球規模となり、最後の三篇(中略)では、人類、生命、大宇宙の起源と本質に関する秘密が解明されてゆく」 – マイク・アシュリー著 ; 牧眞司訳『SF雑誌の歴史:黄金期そして革命』(東京創元社, 2015)p. 26.

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 22, no. 3, January 1951, (Jan 1951, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc.; Springfield, MA, $0.25, 164pp, pulp, magazine), pp. 118-134. Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: Orban
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 22, no. 3, January 1951
  • Thrilling Novels, No. 39, 1996

Chapter 1 The Second Life 118
Chapter 2 The Inn of the Three Red Moons 122
Chapter 3 The House of Returning 126
Chapter 4 The Unforgotten 130

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 70. “Another well-written entry in this series of shorter pieces in the long-enduring sage of Curt Newton and the Futuremen, wherein the intrepid quarter attempt to utilize a the secret humanity’s ultimate origins that lie hidden within the human brain itself.”

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1951jan-00118
ebook: https://archive.org/details/StartlingStoriesV22N03195101

OPUS#230 Pardon My Iron Nerves [CF#24]

OPUS: #230
Title: Pardon My Iron Nerves
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 24
“If you think Grag’s an insensitive robot, read his own account of getting psychoanalyzed and repairing to Pluto’s forth Moon!”

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 22, no. 2, November 1950, (Nov 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 78-96. Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust : Orban
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 22, no. 2, November 1950
  • Thilling Novels, No. 49, 1996

Chapter 1 Metal Man 78
Chapter 2 Mission to Pluto 84
Chapter 3 The Machs 87
Chapter 4 Crazy Moon 92

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 68. “Amusing story of Captain Future’s robot pal, Grag, and the nervous breakdown he imagined he was about to suffer, caused from being in intimate contact with humans so much of the time. How he quells the revolt of the “free” mining machines on Dis, remote satellite of Pluto, is a riot.”

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1950nov-00078

OPUS#229 Harpers of Titan, The [CF#23]

OPUS: #229
Title: The Harpers of Titan
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 23
“Again Simon Wright, the “Brain” lives in a human body, and in that guise contends with the most hideous peril he has ever faced – a menace driving a planet to madness!”

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 22, no. 1, September 1950, (Sep 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 22, no. 1, September 1950
  • Startling Stories (UK), No. 4, December 1950
  • Dr. Cyclops, (1967, ed. uncredited, publ. Popular Library, #445-02485-060, $0.60, 127pp, pb, anth) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 68. “Excellent Captain Future story of the people of Saturn’s largest moon and the strange cult of the Harpers that obsessed them almost to madness, and of how Simon Wright, the bodiless brain and long-time mentor of Curt Newton, had to take on full human guise once more in order to combat this bizarre menace.”

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Startling_Stories_v22n01_1950-09.Better (lack of many pages)

OPUS#227 Children of the Sun [CF#22]

OPUS: #227
Title: Children of the Sun
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 22
“Curt Newton, in quest of a friend lost inside Vulcan, faces the most insidious dangers he has ever known in his entire galactic career!”

  • Startling Stories, Vol. 21, no. 2, May 1950, (May 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 98-116.  Ill : Orban
  • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 21, no. 2, May 1950
  • Thrilling Novels. No. 39, 1996

Chapter 1 Quest of the Futurmen 98
Chapter 2 Citadel of Mystery 104
Chapter 3 Dread Metamorphosis 108
Chapter 4 The Bright Ones 111

  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 66-67. “The Futuremen attempt to save their friend, Philip Carlin, guest hero of Red Sun of Danger, from a strange and poetic destiny within the heart of fiery Vulcan.”

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1950may-00098

OPUS#226 Return of the Captain Future, The [CF#21]

OPUS: #226
Title: The Return of Captain Future
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1950
Type: novelette
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 21
“The Man of Tomorrow Clashes in Fierce Combat with Mankind’s Deadliest Enemy – the Linid!”

    • Startling Stories, Vol. 20, no. 3, January 1950, (Jan 1950, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.25, 164pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
    • Startling Stories (Canada), Vol. 20, no. 3, January 1950
    • Fantastic Adventure Stories, No. 2, Pulp Tales Press, 2008.7


  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 65. “First in a series of novelettes featuring the further exploits of Curt Newton and the Futuremen, probably better written but not quite as much fun as the original novels. In this one the Futuemen return from another galaxy, bearing with them a living survivor of the Linid, the non-human race that once ruled the Universe before the rise of mankind and its contemporaries.”

OPUS#217 Star Kings, The [SK#1]

OPUS: #217
Title: The Star Kings
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1949
Series: Star Kings
Series Number: 1
Series: Chronology of the Two Thousand Centuries and the Kingdoms of the Stars
“It’s certainly glamorous to be called a “King of the stars,” but when you get right down to it, it’s the hardest title to maintain in the universe!”
“He was a man of two Eras, summoned through the veil of Time to save the Star-Kingdoms from the pollid-skinned Aliens. He was John Gordon, New York insurance clerk and Galactic Prince, the most dangerous man in the Universe … for locked in his mind was the secret of the Great Destroyer”–TOC of Two Complete Science-Adventure

「『スター・キング』で、一九四七年九月号に掲載された。このスペース・オペラは、一九三九年五月にスタートリング・ストリーズ誌上に発表された短めの長編「火星の囚人」”The Prisoner of Mars”の中ですでに利用したシチュエーションの焼き直しであった。(中略)ハミルトンの膨大な作品群の中で、このスペースオペラ叙事詩を大量生産尾の作品だと考えたなら、それは間違いであろう。ハミルトンが同じテーマを二度も取り上げ、『スター・キング』が一九四九年にハード・カヴァーの単行本として刊行される(当時としてはきわめて稀なことだった)栄誉にあずかった事実は、著者はこのテーマに対して抱いた関心のほどを示すと同時に、この小説の質のほどをも示している。 – ジャック・サドゥール著; 鹿島茂,鈴木秀治訳『現代SFの歴史』(早川書房, 1984.12) p. 187-188
「豪華スペースオペラの登場である。すでに百万語ものスペースオペラを書いてきたハミルトンは、それを芸術の域にまで磨きあげていた。スミスやウィリアムスンの品格と奥行こそないが、この作品は超弩級の冒険潭で、バローズのスタイルに近いものだった。(中略)読者からの反応は上々だったが、この作品は、パーマ配下のサイエンス・フィクションが、彼の就任以来、一歩も進歩していないことを示していた」 – マイク・アシュリー著; 牧眞司訳『SF雑誌の歴史 : パルプマガジンの饗宴』(東京創元社, 2004.7) p. 227-228

  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 21, no. 9, September 1947, (Sep 1947, ed. Raymond A. Palmer, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.25, 180pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 8-43.  Cover: Malcolm Smith; Ill. by Malcolm Smith
  • Amazing Stories Quarterly (Reissue), Spring 1948,  (ed. The Editor, Ziff-Davis, $0.50), pp. 8-43.
  • The Star Kings, (Oct 1949, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Frederick Fell, $2.50, 262pp, hc)
  • Beyond the Moon, (Sep 1950, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Signet / New American Library, #812, $0.25, 167pp, pb) Cover: Stanley Meltzoff
  • The Star Kings, (1951, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Museum Press, 8/6, 219pp, hc)
  • Two Complete Science-Adventure Books, Spring 1951, (Apr 1951, ed. Jerome Bixby, publ. Wings Publishing Co, Inc., $0.25, 148pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Allen Anderson
  • Beyond the Moon, The Bombay Chronicle [Indian], (October 27, 1954, p. 5-????) *Serialized
  • The Star Kings, (Aug 1967, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Paperback Library, #53-538, $0.60, 190pp, pb) Cover: Jack Gaughan
  • The Star Kings, (Nov 1970, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Paperback Library, #64-472, $0.75, 190pp, pb)
  • The Star Kings, (Sep 1975, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Warner Books, 0-446-76942-8, $1.25, 190pp, pb) Cover: FMA
  • The Star Kings, (Nov 1981, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Warner Books, 0-446-30109-4, $2.25, 190pp, pb)
  • Chronicles of the Star Kings, (Apr 1986, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Arrow (Venture SF #10), 0-09-947860-9, £2.50, 190+207pp, pb, omni)
  • Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-16-2, $45.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
  • Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-17-0, $125.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
  • The Star Kings, (Feb 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 1-4191-8343-5, $4.00, ebook)
  • The Eric John Stark Saga, (Feb 2008, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni)


  • Review by uncredited (1949) in The Arkham Sampler, Autumn 1949
  • Review by The Editor (1950) in Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1950
  • Review by P. Schuyler Miller (1950) in Astounding Science Fiction, December 1950
  • Review by D. R. Smith (1950) in Science-Fantasy review, vol. 4, no.18, Spring 1950 [full text]
  • Review by Robert W. Lowndes (1951) in Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories, May 1951
  • Review by Joseph H. Crawford, Jr. and James J. Donahue and Donald M. Grant (1953) in ‘333’: A Bibliography of the Science-Fantasy Novel
  • Review by Frederick Patten (1975) in Delap’s F & SF Review, October 1975


ebook: https://drive.google.com/open?id=117RRdl3zhrUTDkHPrJ6HaWO7FagdC7sz