OPUS#073 Carter Makes a Squeal

OPUS: #073
Title: Carter Makes a Squeal
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1935
Type: vignette

  • Popular Detective [v3 #1, May 1935] (15¢, 146pp, pulp), p. 35.

OPUS#067 Corsairs of the Cosmos [IP#8]

OPUS: #067
Title: Corsairs of the Cosmos
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1934
Type: novelette
Series: Interstellar Patrol
Series number: #8
“A stupendous story of interstellar space – an amazing weird-scientific tale”–TOC
“A stupendous story of the Interstellar Patrol – an amazing weird – scientific tale of an invasion from outside the universe.”


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 23, no. 4, April 1934, (Apr 1934, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: H.R. Hammond
  • The Star-Stealers: The Complete Adventures of The Interstellar Patrol, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Two, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-33-2, $40.00, 754pp, hc, coll) Cover: Hugh Rankin

ebook: https://archive.org/details/WeirdTales193404damagedIBCATLPM

OPUS#047 Conquest of Two Worlds, A

Title: A Conquest of Two Worlds
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1932
Storylen: novelette
“Earthmen prove that mass murder can be prevented only through universal law backed up by force! A classic reprinted by popular demand” – TOC
“In this outstanding Hall of Fame novelet, Earthmen prove once more that the only way to prevent the grim terror of mass murder is through universal law backed up by force!”
“Fame classic reprinted from Wonder Stories, February, 1932. Tragic account of Earthmen’s ruthless exploitation, brutalization and conquest of the less highly evolved inhabitants of Mars and Jupiter, obviously based upon historical treatment of the Indians” – Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 59
「主人公マーク・ホールキットが自らの信念に従い、温厚で子どものような木星人を搾取する貪欲な宇宙開発を阻止しようとする」 – マイク・アシュリー著; 牧眞司訳『SF雑誌の歴史 : パルプマガジンの饗宴』(東京創元社, 2004.7) p. 93

  • Wonder Stories, Vol. 3, no. 9, February 1932, (Feb 1932, ed. Hugo Gernsback, publ. Stellar Publishing, $0.25, 96pp, large, magazine) Cover: Frank R. Paul; Illust: Paul
  • Startling Stories, Vol. 16, no. 3, January 1948, (Jan 1948, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine),  pp. 70-83. Cover: Earle Bergey
  • Every Boy’s Book of Science Fiction, (1951, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, publ. Frederick Fell, $2.75, 254pp, hc, anth)
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Apr 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Nelson Doubleday / SFBC, #1561, $2.98, xvii+334pp, hc, coll) Cover: Don Maitz
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Aug 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Del Rey / Ballantine, 0-345-25900-9, $1.95, xviii+381pp, pb, coll) Cover: H. R. Van Dongen
  • The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Nov 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Phoenix Pick, 978-1-60450-489-7, $14.99, 348pp, tp, coll)


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/StartlingStories-1948jan-00070
ebook: BookReader
ebook: http://thenostalgialeague.com/olmag/hamilton-con2worlds.html
ebook: http://comicbookplus.com/?cid=2611

OPUS#044 Creatures of the Comet

OPUS: #044
Title: Creatures of the Comet
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1931
Type: novelette
“An utterly strange and blood-curdling tale about a weird world in the heart of a comet, and fearful adventures thereon”


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 18, no. 5, December 1931, (Dec 1931, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 144pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. C. Senf; Illust: Doolin

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v18n05_1931-12_sas

OPUS#036 Cosmic Cloud, The [IP#7]

OPUS: #036
Title: The Cosmic Cloud
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1930
Type: novelette
Series: Interstellar Patrol
Series Number: 7
“A cloud of blackness beat against the edges of our universe, threatening its crowded suns and worlds with annihilation”-TOC
“A voice whispered tensely in his ear in the tongue of the galaxy.”


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 16, no. 5, November 1930, (Nov 1930, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 144pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. C. Senf; Illust: Senf
  • Crashing Suns, (1965, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Ace, #F-319, $0.40, 192pp, pb, coll)
  • Crashing Suns, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 978-1-4014-0319-5, $4.00, ebook, coll)
  • The Star-Stealers: The Complete Adventures of The Interstellar Patrol, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Two, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-33-2, $40.00, 754pp, hc, coll) Cover: Hugh Rankin


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1991) in Science Fiction: The Early Years

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v16n05_1930-11_sas

OPUS#020 Cities in the Air

OPUS: #020
Title: Cities in the Air
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1929
Type: novel
“Our gunners, following the orders of the First Air Chief, were concentrating their fire on the European column’s head, there in the ocean’s green depth.” – Nov. 1929
“Now our line turned like a wheeling snake, high in the air and was rushing back upon the circle of our enemies. And as our long line of mighty cities whirled past them all our batteries were thundering.” – Dec. 1929
Magazine Appearances:

  • Cities in the Air (Part 1 of 2) (1929) – Edmond Hamilton
  • Cities in the Air (Part 2 of 2) (1929) – Edmond Hamilton


  • Air Wonder Stories, Vol. 1, no. 5, November 1929, (Nov 1929, ed. Hugo Gernsback, publ. Stellar Publications, $0.25, 96pp, magazine), pp. 390-411. Cover: Frank R. Paul; illustrated by Frank R. Paul and unsigned.
  • Air Wonder Stories, Vol. 1, no. 6, December 1929, (Dec 1929, ed. Hugo Gernsback, publ. Stellar Publications, $0.25, 96pp, magazine), pp. 534-554. Cover: Frank R. Paul; illustrated by Frank R. Paul and unsigned.
  • The Universe Wreckers, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Three, (Aug 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 978-1-893887-41-1, $40.00, 670pp, hc, coll)


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years

ebook: http://www.pulpmags.org/air_wonder_page.html
ebook: http://comicbookplus.com/?cid=2610
ebook of part 1: https://archive.org/details/Air_Wonder_Stories_v01n05_1929-11
ebook of part 2: https://archive.org/details/Air_Wonder_Stories_v01n06_1929-12.Stellar_bogof39-cape1736

OPUS#010 Crashing Suns [IP#1]

OPUS: #010
Title: Crashing Suns
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1965
Type: novella
Series: Interstellar Patrol
Series number: #1
“A two-part tale of a hundred thousand year in the future – when our universe is threatened with destruction”–TOC of part 1
“They had their fire-disks trained upon the engineer.”–Part 1
“Two-part story of a hundred thousand year in the future – our universe is threatened with fiery destruction”–TOC of part 2
“They whirled and struck and fell there in the great gulf between the coldly smiling stars.”–part 2

「アルトと呼ばれる赤い恒星が太陽と激突する危機を回避すべく、星間パトロール隊が調査に赴き、アルトの惑星に住む球状生物に捕縛されるも、この球状生物の途方もないが科学によって、太陽と激突するようアルトの進路が修正された事実をつきとめて脱出し、太陽系の運命をかけて球状生物と宇宙戦をまじえ、ついにアルトの進路を安全なものにかえるという、圧倒的なスケールを誇るスペース・オペラである。ハミルトンの描写がさらに洗練され、語りにスピード感がくわわったことが、本篇の完成度を高めているといえるだろう。ちょうど本篇とほぼ時期を同じくして、バック・ロジャースやスカイラークが発表されているのは、SF史上興味深いことだが、まだこの時期には冥王星が発見されていないことを思いおこせば、今昔の感がひとしお胸をうつ」 — 大瀧啓裕編 『ウィアード』 4 (青心社, 1990) p. 328-329
Magazine Appearances:
Crashing Suns (Part 1 of 2) (1928) – Edmond Hamilton
Crashing Suns (Part 2 of 2) (1928) – Edmond Hamilton


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 12, no. 2, August 1928, (Aug 1928, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., $0.25, 148pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. C. Senf; Illust: Rankin
  • Weird Tales, Vol. 12, no. 3, September 1928, (Sep 1928, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., $0.25, 148pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. C. Senf; Illust: Rankin
  • Crashing Suns, (1965, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Ace, #F-319, $0.40, 192pp, pb, coll)
  • Weird Tales, August 1928 (facsimile), (Nov 2007, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Girasol Collectables, $25.00, 148pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. C. Senf
  • Crashing Suns, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 978-1-4014-0319-5, $4.00, ebook, coll)
  • Starwolves and the Interstellar Patrol, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni) Cover: Doug Chaffee
  • The Star-Stealers: The Complete Adventures of The Interstellar Patrol, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Two, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-33-2, $40.00, 754pp, hc, coll) Cover: Hugh Rankin
  • Crashing Suns, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 978-1-4014-0319-5, $4.00, ebook, coll)


  • Review by Robert A. W. Lowndes (1958) in Future Science Fiction, No. 39, October 1958
  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1991) in Science Fiction: The Early Years

ebook of part 1: https://archive.org/details/WeirdTalesV12N02192808sasIfcIbc
ebook or part 2: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v12n03_1928-09_ATLPM-Urf

OPUS#008 Comet Doom, The

OPUS: #008
Title: The Comet Doom
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1927
Type: novelette
“For a moment he struggled frantically, then heard a hoarse cry, and wrenched his head up to see a dark shape, speeding across the plateau from the opposite edge. It was Coburn. Twisting in the remorseless grip of the two with whom he battled, he had a flashing glimpse of Coburn racing toward the machine, and then he uttered a cry of agony. From one of the hovering cones above, a shaft of the light-ray had flashed down and it struck Coburn squarely. A moment he was visible, aureoled in a hale of blinding light …”

  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 2, no. 10, January 1928, (Jan 1928, ed. Hugo Gernsback, publ. Experimenter Publishing Co., $0.25, 96pp, Bedsheet, magazine), pp. 64-100. Cover: Frank R. Paul; illustrated by Frank R. Paul
  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 40, no. 3, December 1965, (Dec 1965, ed. Joseph Ross, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 164pp, Digest, magazine) Cover: Castellon
  • Comets, (1986, ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, Charles G. Waugh, publ. Signet / New American Library, 0-451-14129-6, $3.95, 339pp, pb, anth)
  • The Metal Giants and Others: The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume One, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-31-6, $40.00, xx+693pp, hc, coll) Cover: Joseph Doolin


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years