OPUS#117 World of the Dark Dwellers

OPUS: #117
Title: World of the Dark Dwellers
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1937
Type: novelette
“A thrilling weird-scientific story of the dreadful creatures that trannized over a distant world.”–TOC
“A thrilling weird-scientific tale of a distant world and the dreadful creatures that tyrannized over its human subjects – a story of the heroic Brotherhood of the Redeemeer”

  • Weird Tales, Vol. 30, no. 2, August 1937, (Aug 1937, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Finlay

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v30n02_1937-08_sas

OPUS#094 When the World Slept

OPUS: #094
Title: When the World Slept
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1936
Type: short story
“A thrilling weird-scientific story about a catastrophe that put the whole world to sleep.”–TOC
“A thrilling weird-scientific tale about a catastrophe that put the whole world into a strange sumber”


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 28, no. 1, July 1936, (Jul 1936, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Deloy
  • Weird Tales (Canada), Vol. 28, no. 1, July 1936

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v28n01_1936-07_sas

OPUS#064 War of the Sexes, The

OPUS: #064
Title: The War of the Sexes
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1933
Type: novelette
“A tale of 20,000 years in the future – a loveless world in which the Males and Females engaged in a war of extermination against each other”–TOC
“A tale of twenty thousand years in the future – a loveless world in which the Males and the Females are engaged in a war of extermination against each other”
“Many a person has spoken in jest of the war between the sexes. Thurber has produced some of his funniest cartoons on that subject: the inability of the male to comprehend the female and vice versa. Nobody can fail to notice the means by which each sex plots to ensnare the other; an intrigue which extends throughout every medium – dress, drama, conduct, arts, etc. There have been cultures in various places – semi-primitives in isolated lands still testify – where there exists and actual hostility between the sexes, where for instance women maintain secret codes and languages, live separately from the community of men. To this day, modern American males maintain lodges from
whose portals women are barred and whose affairs are conducted with codes and ceremonies no woman may hope to learn. There is therefore nothing at all impossible about Edmond Hamilton’s startling story of a period twenty thousand years from now. Nothing impossible, we repeat, but we certainly hope that it will always remain at least
improbable.” – Avon
“Love was treason in that astounding future – for women and men had divided into nations of their own – and they were at war! The maidenly charms, the manly virtues – they were but weapons to snare and slay the ones they attracted!” – Avon back cover


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 22, no. 5, November 1933, (Nov 1933, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 128pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Margaret Brundage; Illust: Wilcox
  • Avon Science Fiction Reader #1, 1951, (Apr 1951, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, publ. Avon Novels, Inc., $0.35, 132pp, Digest, magazine)

ebook: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4htl56msvDfZWU0MGM0YmQtMWU0Ni00ZmZkLWIyOTEtNzZmMTI0YzAwMjdl/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJDipboB&pli=1
ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v22n05_1933-11_ELPM-SliV

OPUS#056 Kaldar, World of Antares [SM#1]

OPUS: #056
Title: Kaldar, World of Antares
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1933
Type: novelette
“A mighty story of a strange world far removed from Earth”–TOC
“A stupendous novelette of a world far removed from Earth, of the Chan of Kaldar, and the spider-people from beyond the metal mountains”


  • The Magic Carpet Magazine, Vol. 3, no. 2, April 1933, (Apr 1933, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: M. Brundage; Illust: Wilcox
  • Swordsmen in the Sky, (1964, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, publ. Ace, #F-311, $0.40, 192pp, pb, anth) Cover: Frank Frazetta
  • Kaldar: World of Antares, (Nov 1998, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-01-4, $55.00, iv+219pp, hc, coll) Cover: Jon Arfstrom
  • The Magic Carpet Magazine, April 1933, (May 2007, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Girasol Collectables, $25.00, 132pp, Pulp, anth) Cover: M. Brundage
  • The Complete Magic Carpet Magazine, (Mar 2008, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Girasol Collectables, $120.00, 640pp, hc, anth) Cover: Neil Mecham
  • Swordsmen in the Sky, (date unknown, ed. Donald A. Wollheim, publ. Ace, #79276, $0.60, 192pp, pb, anth) Cover: Frank Frazetta

ebook: https://books.google.co.jp/books/about/The_Magic_Carpet_Vol_3_No_2_April_1933.html?id=TOYTP_S4DyQC&redir_esc=y

OPUS#037 Horror City, The

OPUS: #037
Title: The Horror City
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1931
Type: novelette
“Two aviators are drawn by the suction of the winds into a black-domed city of horror in the heart of the Arabian desert”–TOC
“In the heart of the great Arabian desert lay a vast, black-domed city of horror unspeakable, and into this city were drawn three aviators by the tremendous suction of the winds”


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 17, no. 2, February/March 1931, (Feb 1931, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 144pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. Barker Petrie, Jr.; Illust: Petrie
  • The Universe Wreckers, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Three, (Aug 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 978-1-893887-41-1, $40.00, 670pp, hc, coll)

ebook: https://archive.org/details/WeirdTalesV17N0219310203

OPUS#033 World Atavism

OPUS: #033
Title: World Atavism
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1930
Type: novelette
Note: Amazing Stories, August 1930, illustrated by Frank R. Paul.
“The Sun’s rays have been credited with many beneficial powers. It is a universally conceded fact that the sun is necessary to good health; not only because of its warmth-giving rays, but also because of some other element, directly a health-giving factor, which has since been more or less successfully duplicated in the laboratory – in the form of Alpine lamps and what not. It is also said, however, that there are certain properties in the rays of the sun which might be used as life^giving rays. As far as we know, nothing definite has been established on this score yet. Who knows what other helpful possibilities are hidden in the various ether vibrations produced by the sun? Edmond Hamilton has a brand new idea, which he elaborates and weaves into a fascinating story of scientific fiction Certainly it seems to us to be of absorbing interest.”

  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 5, no.5, August 1930, (Aug 1930, ed. T. O’Conor Sloane, publ. Experimenter Publications, Inc., $0.25, 96pp, Bedsheet, magazine) Cover: H. W. Wesso; Illust: Paul
  • Science Fiction Classics, No. 3, Winter 1967, (1967, ed. Ralph Adris, publ. Magazine Productions, $0.50, 130pp, digest, magazine) Cover: Leo Morey
  • The Universe Wreckers, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Three, (Aug 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 978-1-893887-41-1, $40.00, 670pp, hc, coll)


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years

ebook: https://archive.org/details/AmazingStoriesVolume05Number05
ebook: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v05n05_1930-08_-_Teck

OPUS#015 Within the Nebula [IP#3]

OPUS: #015
Title: Within the Nebula
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1929
Type: novelette
Series: Interstellar Patrol
Series Number: 3
“They whirled across the platform in wild conflict.”
“The great nebula expands, threatening to engulf the entire universe in fiery destruction”–TOC


  • Weird Tales, Vol. 13, no. 5, May 1929, (May 1929, ed. Farnsworth Wright, publ. Popular Fiction Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, $0.25, 144pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: C. C. Senf; Illust: Doak, aka Hugh Rankin
  • Crashing Suns, (1965, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Ace, #F-319, $0.40, 192pp, pb, coll)
  • Crashing Suns, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 978-1-4014-0319-5, $4.00, ebook, coll)
  • The Star-Stealers: The Complete Adventures of The Interstellar Patrol, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Two, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-33-2, $40.00, 754pp, hc, coll) Cover: Hugh Rankin


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1991) in Science Fiction: The Early Years

ebook: https://archive.org/details/WeirdTalesV13N05192905