OPUS#207 Forgotten World

OPUS: #207
Title: Forgotten World
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1946
Type: novelette
“Star-sick Laird Carlin is ordered back to Earth for a rest cure – and there on the ancient, ancestral planet, his love for a girl lures him into the toils of a weird conspiracy!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 28, no. 1, Winter 1946, (Feb 1946, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Standard Magazines, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: THM
  • The Giant Anthology of Science Fiction, (1954, ed. Leo Margulies, Oscar J. Friend, publ. Merlin Press, $3.95, 580pp, hc, anth)
  • Fantastic Story Magazine, Vol. 7, no. 3, Fall 1954, (Oct 1954, ed. Samuel Mines, publ. Best Books, Inc., $0.25, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Jack Coggins
  • Race to the Stars, (Oct 1958, ed. Leo Margulies, Oscar J. Friend, publ. Crest Books / Fawcett Publications, #s245, $0.35, 224pp, pb, anth) Cover: Stanley Meltzoff

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v28n01_1946-01-Winter/page/n11/mode/2up?view=theater

OPUS#202 Deconventionalizers, The

OPUS: #202
Title: The Deconventionalizers
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1945
Type: short story
“Nobody cared anything about public opinion, so -“–TOC
“When people stopped giving a hang about public opinion, they just went ahead and said and did the very strangest things!”


  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 27, no. 2, Summer 1945, (Aug 1945, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Standard Magazines, Inc., $0.15, 100pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: Marchioni

ebook: https://archive.org/details/ThrillingWonderStoriesV27N021945Su

OPUS#187 Through Invisible Barriers

OPUS: #187
Title: Through Invisible Barriers
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1942
Type: novella
“Doctor Percival Withers, the Caspar Milquetoast of Physics, Asserts Himself with an Atomic Vengeance When Dastardly Foreign Agents Plot Death to the United Nations!”


  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 23, no. 1, October 1942, (Oct 1942, ed. Oscar J. Friend, $0.15, 132pp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: MUR

ebook: https://archive.org/details/ThrillingWonderStoriesV23N01194210

OPUS#175 Son of Two Worlds

OPUS: #175
Title: Son of Two Worlds
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1941
Type: novella
Note: The Two Thousand Centuries
“Young Stephen Drew Crosses Space to Visit an Earth. He Has Never Seen – and Finds that His Destination Proves the Planet of the Double Cross! Follow the Adventures of as Earthman Who Views a Futuristic World of Wonder – and Longs for Another Sphere.”–TOC
“Young Stephen Drew crosses space to visit and Earth he has never seen – and finds that his destination proves the planet of the double cross!”


  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 21, no. 2, August 1941, (Aug 1941, ed. Oscar J. Friend, $0.15, 132pp, magazine) Cover: Rudolph Belarski; Illust: Finlay
  • 3 from Out There, (Mar 1959, ed. Leo Margulies, publ. Crest Books / Fawcett World Library, #s282, $0.35, 192pp, pb, anth) Cover: Richard Powers
  • 3 from Out There, (1959, ed. Leo Margulies, publ. Pyramid Books) ???
  • 3 from Out There, (Jun 1964, ed. Leo Margulies, publ. Panther, #1057, 3/6, 207pp, pb, anth)

ebook: https://archive.org/details/ThrillingWonderStoriesV20N03194108

OPUS#168 Gift from the Stars

OPUS: #168
Title: Gift from the Stars
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: novelette
“Human zero” Padgett never had the nerve to fight for his rights – till the mighty science of Vega showed him how to change a decimal point of a man to an important figure!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 18, no. 3, (December 1940, (Dec 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: MUR

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v18n03_1940-12/page/n89/mode/2up?view=theater

OPUS#162 Night the World Ended, The

OPUS: #162
Title: The Night the World Ended
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: short story
“Voss’ Cyclotron Can Settle Earth’s Fate – But Earth’s Doom Settles the Fate of His Cyclotron!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 17, no. 3, September 1940, (Sep 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 82-86. Cover: E. K. Bergey; Illust: Marchioni

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/ThrillingWonder-1940sep-00082

OPUS#160 Isle of Changing Life, The

OPUS: #160
Title: The Isle of Changing Life
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: short story
“Evolution suddenly chooses a path in reverse-and man descends the ladder of civilization!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 16, no. 3, June 1940, (Jun 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Howard V. Brown; Illust: MCH

OPUS#156 Dictators of Creation

OPUS: #156
Title: Dictators of Creation
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: novelette
“Gold was the God of Adam Hall’s enemies-and he returned from his death in the void to turn that God into a Demon of destruction!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 16, no. 2, May 1940, (May 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Howard V. Brown; Illust: Paul
  • OPUS#152 Doom Over Venus

    OPUS: #152
    Title: Doom Over Venus
    Author: Edmond Hamilton
    Year: 1940
    Type: novelette
    “Clark Stanton hurtles from the make-believe world of a Venusian dream palace to the grim reality of a fobbiden citadel of science!

    • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 15, no. 2, February 1940, (Feb 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Howard V. Brown; Illust: Paul

    ebook: https://archive.org/details/Thrilling_Wonder_Stories_v15n02_1940-02/page/n85/mode/2up?view=theater

    OPUS#135 Cosmic Hiss, The

    OPUS: #135
    Title: The Cosmic Hiss
    Author: Edmond Hamilton
    Year: 1938
    Type: short story
    “From the Nethermost Regions of Space Visitors by Proxy Search for Earth’s Most Priceless Possession!”


    • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 12, no. 6, December 1938, (Dec 1938, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Howard V. Brown; Illust: Morey

    ebook: https://archive.org/details/ThrillingWonderStoriesV12N03193812