Die Heimat der Astronauten (Battle for the Stars)
Translator: Wulf H. Bergner
Edition: Neuausg.
Publisher: Heyne
Year of Publication: 1968
Pagination: 154 p.
Series: Heyne SF ; 3167
Note: Frühere Aufl. erschien als Heyne-Bücher Nr. 3032
Vor 200 Jahren startete das erste Raumschiff zu den Sternen – jetzt kehren die Enkel der Sternfahrer zurück,um die Erde zu erobern… (cover)
Aus verschiedenen Sektoren des Alls kommen die Raumflotten. Sie rasen aufeinander zu und kämpfen um einen kleinen unbedeutenden Planeten am Rande der Milchstraße – die Erde.
Dort werden gerade alle Vorbereitungen für das 200jährige Jubiläum des ersten Sternenfluges getroffen. Man weiß aber noch nicht, dass die Astronauten, deren Vorväter einst hinausflogen ins All, als Eroberer der Sterne nun zurückkehren, um die Erde zu erobern. (back cover)
Category Archives: Alexander Blade
Die Heimat der Astronauten (Battle for the Stars)
Die Heimat der Astronauten (Battle for the Stars)
Translator: Wulf H. Bergner
Publisher: Heyne
Year of Publication: 1964
Pagination: 154 p.
Series: Heyne SF ; 3032
Vor 200 Jahren startete das erste Raumschiff zu den Sternen – jetzt kehren die Enkel der Sternfahrer zurück,um die Erde zu erobern… (cover)
Aus verschiedenen Sektoren des Alls kommen die Raumflotten. Sie rasen aufeinander zu und kämpfen um einen kleinen unbedeutenden Planeten am Rande der Milchstraße – die Erde.
Dort werden gerade alle Vorbereitungen für das 200jährige Jubiläum des ersten Sternenfluges getroffen. Man weiß aber noch nicht, dass die Astronauten, deren Vorväter einst hinausflogen ins All, als Eroberer der Sterne nun zurückkehren, um die Erde zu erobern. (back cover)
ebook: https://epdf.pub/die-heimat-der-astronauten.html
宇宙艦隊の奇襲 (Battle for the Stars)
Translator: 吉川純子 (YOSHIKAWA Junko)
Cover Design・AD たなべまこと
Illustrator: 池松均
Publisher: 久保書店, 1979.07.01
Pagination: 247 p. ; 19 cm
Series: SFノベルズ ; 1
解説: 宇宙英雄ハミルトン 宮田洋介 pp. 244-247
ISBN: 9784765901017
外惑星で激突する宇宙艦隊!! 無敵艦隊は地球へ。
- 「SF宝石」2号 1979.10 評者:鏡明
- 「SFマガジン」(1979年9月号) *「今月の新刊本」 [1979年6月25日~1979年7月25日]
OPUS#253 Cosmic Looters, The
OPUS: #253
Title: The Cosmic Looters
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1958
Type: novella
“Wyatt knew of the alien peril facing Earth – yet nobody listened to his warning!”-TOC
“Wyatt knew his situation was desperate; he couldn’t stop the alien invasion, and even if he warned Earth – nobody would believe him!”
- Imagination [v9 # 1, No.59, February 1958] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Malcolm Smith), pp. 6-65.
OPUS#249 Cosmic Destroyer, The
OPUS: #249
Title: The Cosmic Destroyer
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1957
Type: novella
“”Barron had two choices: he could leave the Pleiades peacefully, or stay to hunt a girl who – if he found her – would destroy the entire galaxy!”
- Imaginative Tales [v4 #5, September 1957] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Lloyd Rognan), pp. 6-59.
OPUS#247 Sinister Invasion, The
OPUS: #247
Title: The Sinister Invasion
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1957
Type: novella
“Birrell rebelled at the idea of becoming a cosmic counter-spy. But he was the one Earthman whom a quick of nature had fitted for the job …”
- Imagination [v8 # 3, No.55, June 1957] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Lloyd N. Rognan), pp. 6-60. illustrated by LNR.
OPUS#246 Tattooed Man, The
OPUS: #246
Title: The Tattooed Man
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1957
Type: novella
Note: The Last of The Star Kings
Note: The Two Thousand Centuries
“Legend said that somewhere in the depths of space was a world of wealth and power beyond imagination. It was also a world of danger and -”
- Imaginative Tales [v4 #2, March 1957] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Malcolm Smith), pp. 6-65.
OPUS#243 Cosmic Kings, The
OPUS: #243
Title: The Cosmic Kings
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1956
Type: novella
“Across the vast reaches of space Bryant fled from the Varkonid warships. There was one place of refuge, a forbidden planet rulled by -”
- Imaginative Tales [v3 #6, November 1956] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Lloyd Rognan), pp. 8-65.
OPUS#240 Battle for the Stars
OPUS: #240
Title: Battle for the Stars
Author: Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1956
Type: novella
Note: The Two Thousand Centuries
“Kirk had never seen the distant planet called Earth, yet his squadron was now ordered there – to stem the outbreak of a galactic war!”
“Galactic war led Kirk’s squadron into deep space, to a remote world called Earth!” – TOC
- Imagination [v7 # 3, No.49, June 1956] (35¢, 132pp, digest, cover by Malcolm Smith) , pp. 6-58.
- Battle for the Stars, (Nov 1961, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Dodd, Mead/Torquil, $2.95, 206pp, hc)
- Battle for the Stars, (Dec 1961, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Dodd, Mead/Torquil / SFBC, $1.20, iv+206pp, hc)
- Battle for the Stars, (1963, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Mayflower-Dell, #0480, 3/6, 190pp, pb)
- Die Heimat der Astronauten, (1964, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Heinemann, 154pp, pb)
- Battle for the Stars, (Aug 1964, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Paperback Library, #52-311, $0.50, 159pp, pb)
- Battle for the Stars, (Dec 1967, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Paperback Library, #52-609, $0.50, 159pp, pb)
- The Nemesis from Terra / Battle for the Stars, (May 1989, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Tor (Tor Double #8), 0-812-55960-6, $2.95, 107+141pp, dos, omni) Cover: Bryn Barnard , Tony Roberts
- Battle for the Stars, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 978-0-812-55960-6, $4.00, ebook) Cover: Doug Chaffee
- Starwolves and the Interstellar Patrol, (Aug 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni) Cover: Doug Chaffee
- Review by Alfred Bester (1962) in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, 22(2):89-90. February 1962
- Review by P. Schuyler Miller (1962) in Analog Science Fact : Science Fiction, 69(4):161. June 1962 , reprinted in: Analog Science Fact : Science Fiction, October 1962 (UK), (1962)
- Review by Orson Scott Card (1989) in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1989
ebook: BookReader