OPUS#139 Conqueror's Voice, The

OPUS: #139
Title: The Conqueror’s Voice
Author: Robert Castle (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1939
Type: short story
“Shane Marlin finds the responsibilities of a nation heavy upon his shoulders – for he alone is immune to the hideous weapon of the Eurasians! Can he alone save America?”–TOC
“What hellish device were the Eurasians using to make loyal Americans surrender? Shane finds the future welfare of his country entirely in his hands! But how can any man hope to defeat a weapon that cannot be seen?”


  • Science Fiction [v1 #1, March 1939] (15¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Frank R. Paul), pp. 6-17. Illustrated by Jack Binder.

OPUS#129 Great Illusion, The

OPUS: #129
Title: The Great Illusion
Author: Will Garth (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1938
Type: short story
“The Earth Is Held in Cosmic Bondage Until One Man Unleashes Its Mighty Shackles!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories [v11 #3, June 1938] (15¢, 132pp, pulp, cover by Brown), pp. 97-103, 129.

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/ThrillingWonder-1938jun-00097

OPUS#103 Dying Fingers Point

OPUS: #103
Title: Dying Fingers Point
Author: John S. Endicott (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1936
Type: vignette

  • Popular Detective [v8 #3, October 1936] (Beacon Magazines, Inc., 15¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Albin Henning), pp. 110-112.

OPUS#092 House of the Evil Eye, The [DD#2]

OPUS: #092
Title: The House of the Evil Eye
Author: Hugh Davidson (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1936
Type: novelette
Series: Dr. John Dale
“A strange story of a family whose were glance caused those upon whom it fell to sicken and die”
“A complete novelette about a strange doom – by the author of “The Vampire-Master” – TOC


  • Weird Tales [v27 # 6, June 1936] (25¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by M. Brundage), pp. 684-709. Illustrated by Napoli.
  • Weird Tales (Canada)  [v27 # 6?, June 1936]
  • The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Terror, (Aug 2000, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-06-5, $32.00, xii+345pp, hc, coll) Cover: Jon Arfstrom

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v27n06_1936-06_AT-sas

OPUS#062 Vampire Master, The [DD#1]

OPUS: #062
Title: The Vampire Master
Author: Hugh Davidson (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1933
Type: novella
Series: Dr. John Dale
Series number: #1
“A novel of corpses that would not stay dead, and a gruesome horror in the New York hills”–TOC
“A thrilling novel of corpses that would not stay dead, and a gruesome horror in the hills of New York”


  • Weird Tales [v22 # 4, October 1933] (25¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by M. Brundage), pp. 403-423. Illustrated by Wilcox.
  • Weird Tales [v22 # 5, November 1933] (25¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by M. Brundage), pp. 551-569. Illustrated by Wilcox.
  • Weird Tales [v22 # 6, December 1933] (25¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by M. Brundage), pp. 742-758. Illustrated by None.
  • Weird Tales [v23 # 1, January 1934] (25¢, 144pp+, pulp, cover by M. Brundage), pp. 94-108. Illustrated by Wilcox.
  • The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Terror, (Aug 2000, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-06-5, $32.00, xii+345pp, hc, coll) Cover: Jon Arfstrom.

ebook part1: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v22n04_1933-10
ebook part2: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v22n05_1933-11_ELPM-SliV
ebook part3: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v22n06_1933-12_LPM-URF-AT-SAS
ebook part4: https://archive.org/details/WeirdTales193401ATLPM

OPUS#055 Snake-Man

OPUS: #055
Title: Snake-man
Author: Hugh Davidson (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1933
Type: short story

“A fearful mystery – a gigantic snake that crawled out of the swamp at night”–TOC
“The story of fearful mystery, of a gigantic snake that crawled out of the swamp at night, and an interpid snake-collector who went in after it.”


  • Weird Tales [v21 # 1, January 1933] (25¢, 144pp+, pulp, cover by J. Allen St. John), pp. 41-50. Illustrated by Wilcox.
  • The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Terror, (Aug 2000, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-06-5, $32.00, xii+345pp, hc, coll) Cover: Jon Arfstrom.

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v21n01_1933-01_LPM-URF-AT-SAS

OPUS#053 Vampire Village

OPUS: #053
Title: Vampire Village
Author: Hugh Davidson (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1932
Type: short story
“A strange story of the ghoul-haunted village of Wieslant, and the eery adventure of two American travelers.”
“A blood-chilling story of the ghoul-haunted village of Wieslant and the eery adventure of two Americans”–TOC


  • Weird Tales [v20 # 5, November 1932] (25¢, 144pp+, pulp, cover by J. Allen St. John), pp. 669-677. Illustrated by Wilcox.
  • Weird Vampire Tales, (Aug 1992, ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Martin H. Greenberg, publ. Gramercy Books, 0-517-06018-3, $9.95, 442pp, hc, anth) Cover: Jim Campbell.
  • The Vampire Master and Other Tales of Terror, (Aug 2000, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-06-5, $32.00, xii+345pp, hc, coll) Cover: Jon Arfstrom.

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v20n05_1932-11_sas