The Solar Invasion (CF#20)

Title: The Solar Invasion (Complete Novel)
Author: Manly Wade Wellman
Year: 1946
Variant Title of: The Solar Invasion (by Manly Wade Wellman)
Type: novel
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 20
“Curt Newton, Joan Randall and the Futuremen cruise into a strange world peopled with weird, pallid inhabitants, on the quest of a lost satellite which was mysterious plucked from the sky”


  • Startling Stories, Fall 1946, (Oct 1946, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey
  • The Solar Invasion, (Oct 1968, Manly Wade Wellman, publ. Popular Library, #60-2346, $0.60, 126pp, pb) Cover: Frank Frazetta

Book Reviews:

  • Son of WSFA Journal. 33:9-10. September 1971. (D. Halterman)
  • Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 21. “The last Captain Future novel, written by an author other than Edmond Hamilton. This one concerns the return of the Futuremen’s arch-enemy, Ul Quorn, the Magician of Mars, from his inadvertent exile in another dimension, leading an army of light-hating aliens from a world of darkness to overrun the Solar System. An interesting enough story in its own right and capably written as always by this fine author. Unfortunately, Mr. Wellman did not do his homework for this assignment and reread all the earlier novels in the series, with the result that he committed a monumental blunder in returning to life for this story President Carew [i.e. Carthew] of the System Government, who was murdered in Outlaws of the Moon by interplanetary gangsters and the Futuremen framed for the crime. Reprinted in 1966 by Popular Library in paperback.”


The Solar Invasion (Popular Library)

The Solar Invasion (CF#20) by Manley Wade Wellman
New York : Popular Library 1968. –
126 p. ; 18 cm. – (Popular Library ; 60-2346)
Cover: Frazetta
“From beyond the fifth dimension, a master fiend threatens to destroy the universe …… by Manly Wade Wellman” — Cover
The menace from out of time
it comes from beyond the fifth – an alien intelligence both invulnerable and totally evil.
Its aim: bring the universe to its knees. Its primary objective: destroy the Solar System.
As doomsday rushes ever closer, one lone man dares oppose the creature from beyond. Only he can save the universe from a brutal, blazing cataclysm.
solarinvasion solarinvasion-verso

キャプテン・フューチャー全集 ; 10

Translator: 野田昌宏 (NODA Masahiro)
Illustrator: 鶴田謙二
Publisher: 東京創元社, 2006.06.30
Pagination: 433 p. ; 16 cm
Series: 創元SF文庫 . キャプテン・フューチャー全集 ; 10
Note: Inside: Captain Future 太陽系世界のすべて / 太陽系政府地理局作成 ヴァルカン&シノン pp. 405-419
Note: 野田宇宙軍大元帥、若かりし頃 / 南山宏(森優) pp. 421-431
Note: キャプテン・フューチャー・シリーズ 作品リスト p. 432-433
ISBN: 4-488-63720-5
貴重なエネルギー源であるラジウムを奪い去る神出鬼没の怪盗団が太陽系を震撼させていた。事件解明のためキャプテンが潜入した船までが襲われ……(『ラジウム怪盗団現わる!』)。フューチャーメンが留守にしたあいだに本拠地である月が消滅! 異次元空間で発見した月で待っていたのは仇敵ウル・クォルンだった(『小惑星要塞を粉砕せよ!』)。シリーズ長編の掉尾を飾る第10集。解説=南山宏(森優)
ラジウム怪盗団現わる! (Outlaw World) CF#19

1Radium Raidersラジウム怪盗団15
2Warning from Space決死の通報は…20
3Into Dreams夢の中で…32
4Surprise Attack奇襲42
5Space Trail to Danger危険へ向かって54
6In the Moon Forest森の中に逃げ込んだものの…64
7On the Pirate Asteroid海賊小惑星にて76
8Disastrous Discovery正体を見破られた?!87
9World of the Cave-Apes猿人の小惑星98
10Planetoid Trap小惑星の罠105
11Catastrophe from the Skyまたもや捕えられ…117
12The Flare in the Void虚空の閃光127
13In the Meteor Swarm隕石流のただ中で137
14Secret of Mars火星の秘密とは―?148
15Into Firely Peril猛炎の世界へ161
16Outlaw World〈無法の星〉171
17In the Solar Satellite太陽の衛星のなかで…180
18Citadel of Evil悪の砦190
20Dark Battle駄目か…?210

小惑星要塞を粉砕せよ! (The Solar Invasion) CF#20 / by Manley Wade Wellman

1Fugitive Futuremenお忍び旅行223
2Truant Satellite消え失せた月232
3Grag in Dimension XX空間のグラッグ240
4In Pursuit of the Moon月を追って249
5The World-Eaters太陽系を狙うもの259
7Luna Gone Crazy狂った月285
9The Devouring Lake人食い沼304
10New Dimensions to Conquerもう一つの異次元空間317
11Oog on the Asteroid置いてけぼりのオーグは…324
12Space Ambush奇襲332
13The Fleets Clash艦隊決戦341
14The Lair of the Overlord上帝の本拠350
15Reunion ―― and the Overlord再会! そして上帝―359
16The Fate of Universes太陽系の運命は―373
18Bombing a Star突入!391
19Peace on Luna月面基地―再び401

小惑星要塞を粉砕せよ! (The Solar Invasion) CF#20 / by Manley Wade Wellman

Translator: 野田昌宏 (NODA Masahiro)
Illustrator: 水野良太郎
Publisher: 早川書房, 1982.05.31
Pagination: 229 p. ; 16 cm
Series: ハヤカワ文庫 ; SF 475
Note: Not Hamilton
太陽系功労章の受賞式から逃げだして,小惑星へ物見遊山の旅としゃれこんだフューチャーメン一行に,とんでもない知らせが舞いこんだ。留守番役のグラッグともども,月が消滅したというのだ。異次元にでもすべりこんだのか? ただちに捜索を開始したキャプテン・フューチャーは,ある次元空間上で,ついに月を発見した。だがその月は,緑のジャングルにおおわれていた! しかも,驚くキャプテンの目の前にあらわれたターバン姿の人影 — なんとそれは,太陽に突入し死んだはずの〈火星の魔術師〉ウル・クォルンであった。はたしてかれは何を企んでいるのか?

1Fugitive Futuremenお忍び旅行13
2Truant Satellite消え失せた月23
3Grag in Dimension XX空間のグラッグ33
4In Pursuit of the Moon月を追って44
5The World-Eaters太陽系を狙うもの57
7Luna Gone Crazy狂った月86
9The Devouring Lake人食い沼109
10New Dimensions to Conquerもう一つの異次元空間124
11Oog on the Asteroid置いてけぼりのオーグは…133
12Space Ambush奇襲142
13The Fleets Clash艦隊決戦153
14The Lair of the Overlord上帝の本拠165
15Reunion ―― and the Overlord再会! そして上帝―176
16The Fate of Universes太陽系の運命は―193
18Bombing a Star突入!215
19Peace on Luna月面基地―再び226
