フェッセンデンの宇宙 (Original Collection)

Publisher: 早川書房, 1972.09.15
Pagination: 231 p. ; 19 cm.
Series: ハヤカワ・SF・シリーズ ; 3269
装幀: A・ソコロフ
もし、夜空に輝く砂粒のような星を自分の部屋に閉じ込めることができたら。そして、その星々に住む生物を意のままに操ることができたとしたら? ハミルトンはこうした素朴な空想をじつに巧みに料理して見事な短篇を作りあげる。ある時はロマンの香りを、またある時はまったくのナンセンスを味つけにして。
たとえば、「ベムがいっぱい」では…… 人類の永年にわたる夢がついに実現した。二人の地球人が火星の赤い大地に降りたったのである。だが、既に事前調査は充分になされ、驚異の発見などは望むべくもない。“何か”を期待して胸を躍らせる若い科学者のレスターはそれが不満なのだが、年長のホプキンズにとっては、おできを潰さずに着陸することがもっぱらの関心事なのだ。ところがどうしたことか、彼らの見た火星はレスターの望むとおり、いや、それ以上に馬鹿げた世界であった。彼が少年時代に読んだパルプ雑誌に登場する大目玉の怪物や多足人間、赤や青の肌をした半裸の美女が氾濫、しかも、こともあろうに英語をしゃべるのだ!
フェッセンデンの宇宙 (Fessenden’s Worlds) / tr. 稲葉明雄 (INABA Akiko) 9
反対進化 (Devolution) / tr. 小尾芙佐 (OBI Fusa) 29
未来を見た男 (The Man Who Saw the Future) / tr. 小尾芙佐 (OBI Fusa) 51
翼をもつ男 (He That Hath Wings) / tr. 荒俣宏 (ARAMATA Hiroshi) 69
追放者 (Exile) / tr. 斉藤伯好 (SAITO Hakuko) 99
虚空の死 (The Dead Planet) / tr. 城戸尚子 (KIDO Naoko) 109
ベムがいっぱい (Wacky World) / tr. 南山宏 (MINAMIYAMA Hiroshi) 127
時の廊下 (The Inn Outside the World) / tr. 永井淳 (NAGAI Jun) 153
世界のたそがれに (In the World’s Dusk) / tr. 小笠原豊樹 (OGASAWARA Toyoki) 177
何が火星に (What’s It Like Out There?) / tr. 矢野徹 (YANO Tetsu)  193
解説 名誉回復されるべき短篇作家 森優 227

  • 「SFマガジン」(1972年12月号) *「SFでてくたあ」 海外セクション担当:福島正実
  • 『奇妙な味の物語ブックガイド』Kazuou, 2020, p. 129-131.

未来を見た男 (The Man Who Saw the Future)

Translator: 小尾芙佐 (OBI Fusa)
Illustrator: 真鍋博
in: SFマガジン, Vol. 6, No. 6 (No. 69) (June 1965), pp. 11-21
Note: 19650601
宗教裁判の法廷に引き出されたその男は必死に訴えた – 空とぶ怪物や言葉を話す箱、馬より早く走る車を見たと –

OPUS#034 Man Who Saw the Future, The

OPUS: #034
Title: The Man Who Saw the Future
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1930
Type: short story
Variant title: The Man Who Saw Everything
“How many men have had to suffer, in the past, for their belief in things too fantastic for those not gifted with their powers of imagination, which were regards as evil and often rewarded with death! A few centries ago, far-seeing prophets like Roger Bacon dreamed of to-day’s wonders, and their predictions were condemned as supernatural visions instead of being recognised as inspired glimpses of the future. The versatile Mr. Hamilton gives us a novel little story in this vein.”

“He witnessed the wonders of a time that would not come for centuries … and such things were the Devil’s work”–TOC of Tale of Wonder
“He told of an age of a thousand marvels that had yet to be … and they burned him as a sorcerer.”–Tales of Wonder


  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 5, no. 7, October 1930, (Oct 1930, ed. T. O’Conor Sloane, publ. Experimenter Publications, Inc., $0.25, 100pp, Bedsheet, magazine) Cover: Leo Morey; Illust : Morey
  • Tales of Wonder, #11, (Jul 1940, ed. Walter H. Gillings, publ. World’s Work, pulp, magazine) Cover: Turner
  • Amazing Stories, February 1961, (Feb 1961, ed. Cele Goldsmith, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.35, 148pp, Digest, magazine) Cover: Alex Schomburg; Illust : Morey
  • Strange Signposts, (1966, ed. Roger Elwood, Sam Moskowitz, publ. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 319pp, hc, anth)
  • Other Worlds, Other Times, (1969, ed. Sam Moskowitz, Roger Elwood, publ. Macfadden-Bartell, #75-238, $0.75, 192pp, pb, anth) Cover: Jack Faragasso
  • Science Fiction Adventure Classics, Winter 1970, pp. 3-17. (1970, ed. uncredited, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 132pp, digest, magazine) Cover: Frank R. Paul
  • Other Worlds, Other Times, (Feb 1974, ed. Sam Moskowitz, Roger Elwood, publ. Manor Books, #95310, $0.95, 192pp, pb, anth)
  • The Fantastic Pulps, (Nov 1975, ed. Peter Haining, publ. Gollancz, 0-575-02000-8, £4.50, 419pp, hc, anth)
  • The Fantastic Pulps, (1976, ed. Peter Haining, publ. St. Martin’s Press, 0-312-28175-7, $10.00, 419pp, hc, anth)
  • The Fantastic Pulps, (Oct 1976, ed. Peter Haining, publ. Vintage Books, 0-394-72109-8, $2.95, 418pp, pb, anth)
  • Amazing Science Fiction Anthology: The Wonder Years 1926-1935, (Jan 1987, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, publ. TSR, 0-88038-439-5, $3.95, 316pp, pb, anth) Cover: Elmore
  • Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 012, (Mar 2009, ed. LibriVox, publ. LibriVox, audio (MP3), anth)
  • The Sargasso of Space and Two Others / The Copper-Clad World, (Jun 2009, Edmond Hamilton, Harl Vincent, publ. Wildside Press (Wildside Double #1), 978-1-4344-0506-7, $14.95, 86+80pp, dos, omni) Cover: Byron Moore , Catmando
  • Short Science Fiction Collection 19, (Jun 2009, ed. LibriVox, publ. LibriVox, audio (MP3), anth)
  • The Man Who Saw the Future, (Dec 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Project Gutenberg, #28062, ebook)
  • The Universe Wreckers, The Collected Edmond Hamilton, Volume Three, (Aug 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 978-1-893887-41-1, $40.00, 670pp, hc, coll)


  • Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years

ebook: http://manybooks.net/titles/hamiltone2806228062.html
ebook: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/28062
ebook: https://scifistories.com/s/482/the-man-who-saw-the-future