Otok Nerazumnih (The Island of Unreason)
Translator: Bozidar Stancic
in: Tu Negdje Blizu Sola, Vjesnik, 1984, 144 p. –
(Sirius : Biblioteka Znanstvene Fantastike ; 55)
Edmond Hamilton
Otok nerazumnih
The Island of Unreason
Sirius 55, str. 55-72
ebook: https://striputopija.blogspot.com/2015/08/055_51.html
Tag Archives: opus#058
Роковая Звезда (Original Collection)
Роковая Звезда: Роман, рассказы (Original Collection) /
tr. by С.Сухинова, В.Мартова
М.: ЭКСМО-Пресс, 1997, 392 p. – (Стальная Крыса). 15.000 экз.
ISBN 5-04-000001-4
Роковая звезда (Doomstar) / tr by С. Сухинова, pp. 5-200
Чужая земля (Alien Earth) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 203-232
Дитя ветров (The Child of the Winds) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 233-253
Человек, который вернулся (The Man Who Returned) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 254-268
Семена из космоса (The Seeds From Outside) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 268-274
Тот, у кого были крылья (He That Hath Wings) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 274-304
Отверженный (Castaway) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 304-312
Изгнанне (Exile) / tr by В. Мартова, pp. 312-318
Эволюция доктора Полларда (The Man Who Evolved) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 318-338
Остров безрассудства (The Island of Unreason) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 338-359
На закате мира (In the World’s Dusk) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 359-371
Реквием (Requiem) / tr by В. Мартова, pр. 371-391
Звездные битвы Галактик (Original Collection)
Звездные битвы Галактик: Науч.-фантаст. повести и рассказы
(Original Collection) / comp. by А.Тишинин; ill. by Е.Новикова
Л.: Б-ка “Звезды”, 1991, 288 p. – (Б-ка авантюр. и фантаст. романа. Вып. 1).
50.000 экз. ISBN 5-7183-0018-6
p. 3-20: Остров безрассудства (The Island of Unreason) / tr. by В.Носача
p. 21-141: Таинственный мир (Outlaw World) / tr. by М.Тарасьева (CF#19)
p. 142-208: Извне Вселенной (Outside the Universe) / tr. by Л.Ткачука (IP#4)
p. 209-270: Плоскогорье Невидимых Людей (Valley of Invisible Men) / tr. by С.Николаевой
p. 271-286: Звезда жизни (The Star of Life) / tr. by О.Свердловой
В сборник этого знаменитого фантаста вошли следующие рассказы: “Остров безрассудства”, “Таинственный мир”, “Извне Вселенной”, “Плосокогорье невидимых людей”, “Звезда жизни”.
Murder in the Clinic (UK edition)
L'Isola degli Irragionevoli (The Island of Unreason)
Le Dieu Monstrueux de Mamurth (Collection)
Le Dieu Monstrueux de Mamurth (Collection)
Editor: Stéphane Bourgoin
Publisher: Paris : NéO, 1986.6.
Page: 203 p.
Series: Fantastique/Science Fiction/Aventure ; 176
L’Auberge Hors du Monde (The Inn Outside the World) / tr. by Michel Deutch
Comment est-ce là-Haut? (What’s It Like Out There?) / tr. by Luce Terrier
Dans l’Abîme du Passé (The Dark Backward) tr. by Gersaint
Le Dieu Monstrueux de Mamurth (The Monster God of Mamurth) / tr. by ranslator: France-Marie Watkins
Les Graines d’Ailleurs (The Seeds from Outside) / tr. by France-Marie Watkins
L’Îl de Déraison (The Island of Unreason) / tr. by France-Marie Watlins
Matériel Humain (Sacrifice Hit) / Translator: Unknown
La Planète Morte (The Dead Planet) / tr. by Bruno Martin
Quand on est du Métier (The Pro) / tr. by Paul Alpérine
Requiem (Requiem) / Translator: Unknown
Comment est-ce là-haut ?, L’île de déraison, Le dieu monstrueux de Mamurth, Les graines d’ailleurs, Requiem, La planète morte, Matériel humain, Quand on est du métier, Dans l’abîme du passé, L’auberge hors du monde : ces dix nouvelles jamais réunies en volume constituent le premier recueil publié en français de l’auteur devenu légendaire du classique et quasi mythique, Les rois des étoiles, qui en 1952 ouvrit toutes grandes les portes du space opera au lecteur français.
Mais il n’est pas possible de le réduire au space opera et les dix nouvelles que vous lirez montrent justement plusieurs visages de son inspiration qui a d’ailleurs considérablement évolué à partir des années soixante.
Le dieu monstrueux de Mamurth, sa première nouvelle publiée, a paru en 1926 dans Weird Tales. Requiem est considéré comme un de ses chefs-d’œuvre, quant à L’auberge hors du monde, qui est une de ses nouvelles les plus mémorables, elle fut sélectionnée par Edmond Hamilton lui-même pour une anthologie intitulée My best science fiction Story où chaque auteur avait choisi, pour y figurer, l’histoire de lui qu’il préférait.
Un volume destiné aux fans de l’âge d’or de la S.F. et pour la faire découvrir ou redécouvrir aux autres.
Book Review
- Perchoc, Erwann, Bifrost, no. 90, avril 2018, p. 166-167.
L'Îl de Déraison (The Island of Unreason)
Die besten Stories (Collection: The Best of Edmond Hamilton)
Die besten Stories (Collection: The Best of Edmond Hamilton)
Translator: Eva Malsch
Publisher: Moewig
Year of Pagination: 1980
Series: Playboy SF ; 6701
Cover: Oliviero Berni
Die Verfluchte Galaxis (The Accursed Galaxy)
Nach einem Gerichtstag (After a Judgement Day)
Fremde Erde (Alien Earth)
Ein Ausgestossener (Castaway)
Das Kind der Winde (Child of Winds)
Die Eroberung Zweier Welten (A Conquest of Two Worlds)
Tag des Gerichts (Day of Judgment)
Leichtverdientes Geld (Easy Money)
Exil (Exile)
Fessendes Welten (Fessenden’s Worlds)
Der Mann, der Flügel hatte (He That Hath Wings)
Welt im Dämerlicht (In the World’s Dusk)
Die Insel der Unvernunft (The Island of Unreason)
Der Mann, der sich entwickelte (The Man Who Evoled)
Der Mann, der zurückkehrte (The Man Who Returned)
Der Monstergott von Mamurth (The Monster-God of Mamurth)
Requiem (Requiem)
Die Saat aus dem All (The Seeds from Outside)
Donnernde Welten (Thundering Worlds)
Der Profi (The Pro)
Wiet ist es da Oben? (What’s It Like Out There?)
Edmond Hamilton ist der erste von allen wichtigen Autoren, die in dieser neuen Science-Fiction-Edition in sorgfältigen Übersetzungen erscheinen werden.
OPUS#058 Island of Unreason, The
Title: The Island of Unreason
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1933
Storylen: short story
“Reprinted from Wonder Stories, May, 1933, this very readable story tells of the island where misfits and incorrigibles are isolated from civilization in the future” – Gammell, Leon L., The Annotated Guide to Startling Stories, Starmont House, 1986, p. 54
Reason, we hope, is being made more and more the guide for our actions. What must this tendency ultimately lead to? Will emotion be stamped out of our lives entirely, and the race become merely adding machines? Mr. Hamilton carries us into the future to visualize an intermediate era, when emotion is despised but not yet stamped out. His story of that time is not only amusing and interesting, but instructive of the changes that the race must pass through to escape from our emotion-ridden ancestors to a new day when we shall be all intellectual giants.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 First struggles
Chapter 3 A World of Turmoil
- Wonder Stories, Vol. 4, no. 12, May 1933, (May 1933, ed. Hugo Gernsback, publ. Stellar Publishing, $0.25, 96pp, magazine) Cover: Frank R. Paul; Illust: Paul
- Startling Stories, Vol. 12, no. 1, Spring 1945, (Apr 1945, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: WIN???
- Murder in the Clinic, (1946, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Utopian Publications, #7, 1/-, 36pp, ph, coll)
- The History of the Science Fiction Magazine Part 1 1926-1935, (1974, ed. Michael Ashley, publ. NEL, 0-450-02182-3, £2.95, 239pp, hc, anth)
- The History of the Science Fiction Magazine, Vol. 1 1926-1935, (1976, ed. Michael Ashley, publ. Henry Regnery, 0-8092-8001-9, $4.95, 239pp, tp, anth)
- The History of the Science Fiction Magazine, Vol. 1 1926-1935, (1976, ed. Michael Ashley, publ. Henry Regnery, 0-8092-8003-5, $9.95, 239pp, hc, anth)
- The History of the Science Fiction Magazine Part 1. 1926-1935, (Mar 1977, ed. Michael Ashley, publ. NEL, 0-450-02484-9, £1.50, 239pp, pb, anth) Cover: Terry Griffiths
- The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Apr 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Nelson Doubleday / SFBC, #1561, $2.98, xvii+334pp, hc, coll) Cover: Don Maitz
- The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Aug 1977, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Del Rey / Ballantine, 0-345-25900-9, $1.95, xviii+381pp, pb, coll) Cover: H. R. Van Dongen
- The Best of Edmond Hamilton, (Nov 2010, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Phoenix Pick, 978-1-60450-489-7, $14.99, 348pp, tp, coll)
- Review by Everett F. Bleiler (1998) in Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years