Космический наемник (Original Collection)

Космический наемник (Original Collection)
Editor: Ли Брэкетт
Publisher: СПб.: Северо-Запад, 2014
Series: Забытая классика (Жёлтая серия)
Note: Not yet published?
Cover: Д. Мэйтца
Космический наёмник (The Free-Lance of Space) tr. by Е. Шруба
Коридор солнц (Corridor of the Suns) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Космические посетители (The Space Visitors) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Космический пантограф (The Cosmic Pantograph) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Космический поиск (The Cosmic Quest) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Ночь конца света (The Night the World Ended) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Поиски во времени (The Quest in Time) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Трансурановый (Transuranic) / tr. by Е. Шруба
Убийство на астероиде (Murder Asteroid) /tr. by Е. Шруба

What's It Like Out There? and Other Stories

What’s It Like Out There? and Other Stories
New York : Ace Books, 1974. –
320 p. ; 18 cm. – (Ace Book ; 88065) NUC: 78-64696
007 What’s It Like Out There?
033 The King of Shadows
057  Castaway
066 Serpent Princess
097 The Stars, My Brothers
144 Dreamer’s World
184 Twilight of the Gods
227 Sunfire!
245 The Inn Outside the World
262 The Watcher of the Ages
280 Transuranic
304 The Isle of the Sleeper
“12 classics by one of science fiction’s most distinguished authors” — Cover
What’s it Like Out There?
is a collection of the best stories from Edmond Hamilton’s remarkable 40 year career of writing Science Fiction. Featuring:
The Stars, My Brother – where a scientist awakened from a century-long slumber in the depths of space had to make a choice between his own people and an alien race.
What’s It Like out There? – when Haddon returned from the expedition to Mars, everyone wanted t know what it was like … he could never let them know.
Twilight of the Gods – myth changed to reality around a man who sought to answer the mystery of his lost identity.
And many more …
Book Reviews:

  • Locus. 166:5. October 23, 1974.
  • New York Times Book Review. 10:50. 1974.
  • Publishers Weekly. 205(25):62. June 24, 1974.


Godenschemering en Andere Verhalen (What’s It Like Out There? and other stories)

Godenschemering en Andere Verhalen
(What’s It Like Out There? and other stories) Collection
Translator: Th. Iskra.
Publisher: Rotterdam: Scala, 1975.
Pagination: 311 p.
Series: Scala Science Fiction Reeks ; nr. 4

Godenschemering is een verzameling van de beste verhalen uit Edmond Hamilton’s opmerkelijke, veertig-jarige loopbaan als S.F.-auteur. Bijvoorbeeld:
De Sterren, Mijn Broeders – waar een geleerde, ontwaakt uit een eeuwenlange sluimer in de diepten van de ruimte, een keus moest maken tussen zijn eigen volk en een vreemd ras.
Hoe is het daar ? – toen Haddon terugkeerde van zijn expeditie van Mars, wilde iedereen weten hoe het was…Hij kon het nimmer vertellen.
Godenschemering – waarin de mythe werkelijkheid wordt voor een man die trachtte het geheim van zijn verloren identiteit op te lossen.
En vele andere
Hoe is het Daar? (What’s It Like Out There?)
De Konig der Schaduwen (The King of Shadows)
Uitgestoten (Castaway)
Slangenprinsess (Serpent Princess)
De Sterren, Mijn Broeders (The Stars, My Brothers)
De Wereld van een Dromer (Dreamer’s World)
Godenschemering (Twilight of the Gods)
Zonnevuur (Sunfire!)
Het Herberg Buiten de Wereld (The Inn Outside the World)
De Watcher der Tijden (The Watcher of the Ages)
Transuranië (Transuranic)
Het Eiland van de Slaper (The Isle of the Sleeper)

Wächter der Zeiten (Collection: What's It Like Out There?)

Wächter der Zeiten (Collection: What’s It Like Out There?)
Translator: Horst Hoffmann
Publisher: E. Pabel, 1980.5
Pagination: 148 p.
Series: Utopia Classics ; 17
Wätcher der Zeiten (The Watcher of the Ages)
Sonnenfeuer (Sunfire!)
Meine Brueder sind die Sterne (The Stars, My Brothers)
Element 144 (Transuranic)
Götterdaemmerung (Twilight of the Gods)

Advertisement of Utopia Classic 16, Der Unheimliche vom anderen Stern:
Der amerikanische Altmeister der Science-Fiction, bekannt durch TERRA-Taschenbücher wie HERRSCHER IM WELTRAUM und IHRE
HEIMAT SIND DIE STERNE, präsentiert hier fünf seiner besten Erzählungen.
Meine Brüder sind die Sterne
Die Story von dem Weltraumgefrorenen
Wächter der Zeiten
Die Story des synthetischen Menschen
Die Story vom Kampf der Äsen
Die Story von den Sonnenkindern
Element 144
Die Story des transuranischen Geschöpfs

ebook: https://epdf.pub/wchter-der-zeiten.html

反対進化 (Original Collection)

Editor/Translator: 中村融 (NAKAMURA Toru)
Translator: 市田泉 (ICHIDA Izumi)
Publisher: 東京創元社, 2005.03.25
Pagination: 400 p. ; 16 cm
Series: 創元SF文庫 ; SF-ハ-6-3
ISBN 978-4-488-63703-3
「アンタレスの星のもとに」 Kaldar, World of Antares 9 (SM#1)
「呪われた銀河」 The Accursed Galaxy 77
「ウリオスの復讐」 The Avenger of Atlantis 109 tr. 市田泉
「反対進化」 Devolution 161
「失われた火星の秘宝」 Lost Treasure of Mars 191
「審判の日」 Day of Judgement 229
「超ウラン元素」 Transuranic 257 tr. 市田泉
「異境の大地」 Alien Earth 293
「審判のあとで」 After a Judgement Day 343 tr. 市田泉
「プロ」 The Pro  365
編者あとがき SF作家としてのハミルトン / 中村融 pp. 389-398

  • 代島正樹, 創元SF文庫総解説, 東京創元社, 2023.12, p. 177.

OPUS#219 Transuranic

OPUS: #219
Title: Transuranic
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1948
Type: short story
“Earth’s scientists on the Moon create a new lie form and then must battle to destroy it – or else face the all-embracing inhumanity of elements beyond control!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 31, no. 3, February 1948, (Feb 1948, ed. Sam Merwin, Jr., publ. Standard Magazines, Inc., $0.15, 116pp, Pulp, magazine) , pp. 72-83.  Cover: Earle Bergey; Illust: Astarita
  • What’s It Like Out There? and Other Stories, (1974, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Ace, #88065, $0.95, 320pp, pb, coll)

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/ThrillingWonder-1948feb-00072