Битва за звезды: Фантаст. романы (Original Collection)

Битва за звезды: Фантаст. романы (Original Collection) /
tr. by С.Сухинова; comp. by Э.Степанов; ill. by С.Цылов
М.: Армада, 1994, 622 p. – (Фантаст. боевик. 20). 60.000 экз.
ISBN 5-87994-067-5
p. 5-166: Звезда жизни (The Star of Life) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 167-340: Битва за звезды (Battle for the Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 341-496: Хранители звезд (The Haunted Stars) / tr. by С. Сухинов
p. 497-619: Долина создания (The Valley of Creation) / tr. by С. Сухинов

The Haunted Stars (UK edition)

The Haunted Stars
London : H. Jenkins, 1965. –
174 p. ; 20 cm.
Cover: Brian Lewis NUC: 80-547042
It meant little to Robert Fairlie, a serious and dedicated young philologist, that the United States and Soviet Russia were at odds about the Moon. He had little interest in the first rocket landings on the bases that the two nations had built there.
and he neither knew nor cared why the Americans would not agree to mutual inspections of these bases.
Yet the American had reason enough: and quite unexpectedly, because of his specialized knowledge of languages, he found himself sharing the burden of an incredible secret. For what the Americans base had yielded was astounding evidence that space had already been conquered many countries before bya a people who had once spanned the stars. There had been machines and destructive weapons beyond the comprehension of present-day scientists which, if knowledge of them fell into the wrong hands, could plunge the world into unutterable chaos.
Fairlie’s trip to the closely-guarded rocket base in New Mexico turned out to be only the first step on a fantastic journey amid the unexplored stars to the home-world of the space-conquerors of long ago.
It was a journey into the appalling reality of stellar space still haunted by the past cosmic struggle whose scale in space and time dwarfed th rivalries of tiny Earth’s quarrelling nations.

The Haunted Stars : a Science Fiction Novel (Pyramid)

The Haunted Stars : a Science Fiction Novel
New York : Pyramid Books, 1962.2. –
159 p. ; 18 cm. – (Pyramid Books ; F-698)
Cover: Kandinsky
“A tense tale of the near future – and of man’s destiny among” — Cover
They called it operation darkness …
In strictest secrecy the team of scientists and linguistic experts worked feverishly over the ancient manchines and inscriptions they had found on the Moon – relics of a civilization that had visited the Solar System 300 centuries ago. Here was the secret of space travel … the road back to The Haunted Stars.
Then they found the way to use the secret – and with it a truth they dared not face!
Book review

  • Malcolm, Donald, in: Vector, no. 33, June 1965

The Haunted Stars – Book Club Edition –

The Haunted Stars – Book Club Edition –
New York : Distributed by Dodd-Mead, 1960.1. –
192 p. ; 22 cm. – (A Torquil Book) LCCN: 59-15721
Note: No price, BOOK CLUB|EDITION in lower right corner of front dust jacket flap. Both club issue. No statement of printing on copyright page. – Currey’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: a Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction and Selected Nonfiction
Note: Gutter code B3 indicates a January 1960 printing. This first printing was from the same press run as the trade edition which has the same code. — Cuurey’s ???
Note: A second printing in April 1960 has a gutter code of “B18” — Currey’s ???
IT MEANT LITTLE  to young Robert Fairlie, a serious and dedicated philologist, that in this year 1966 the United States and Soviet Russia were contentious about the Moon. He had little interest in the first two rocket landings on the moon, and the bases that the two nations had built there. He knew nothing at all of the shattering discovery that the Americans had made there.
For what had been found was of such explosive potentialities that it had to be kept top-secret – the discovery that space had already been conquered long ago by races who had once spanned the stars. So that men who had expected to spend decades in reaching the nearest planet, found suddenly in their hands the way to the wider universe.
Fairlie, drawn unexpectedly because of his special knowledge into this greatest of secrets, finds that a guarded New Mexico rocket-base is only the first step of the way. That way leads out amid the unexplored stars to the lost heartworld of those space-conquerors of long ago. And it leads Fairlie and others into the appalling reality of stellar space still haunted by the past cosmic struggle whose scale in space and time dwarfs the rivalries of tiny Earth’s quarreling nations.

The Haunted Stars (Torquil)

The Haunted Stars
New York : Distributed by Dodd-Mead, 1960.1. –
192 p. ; 22 cm. – (A Torquil Book) LCCN: 59-15721
Note: Price $2.95 appiears in the upper right corner of front dust jacket flap. – Currey’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: a Bibliography of First Printings of Their Fiction and Selected Nonfiction
Note: Gutter code B3 indicates a January 1960 printing. This first printing was from the same press run as the trade edition which has the same code. — Cuurey’s ???
Note: A second printing in April 1960 has a gutter code of “B18″ — Currey’s ???
Note: First edition, first printing with the code “B3” in the gutter margins of the last page of text, trade issue, 1960. The original price of $2.95 at the top right corner of the front flap of the original, first printing dust jacket is unclipped. — Currey’s ???

El embrujo de las estrellas, Fugitivo de las estrellas, et Batalla por las estrellas

El embrujo de las estrellas (The Haunted Stars)
Fugitivo de las estrellas (Fugitive of the Stars)
Batalla por las estrellas (Battle for the Stars)
Translator: Carlos Sáiz Cidoncha et Javier Jiménez Barco
in: El embrujo de las estrellas y otras novelas de aventuras espaciales, La Hermandad del Enmascarado, 2012,
374 p. – (Los Libros de Barsoom)
With: Edmond Hamilton y la fascinación de las estrellas / Javier Jiménez Barco

Gli Incappucciati d'Ombra (The Haunted Stars)

Gli Incappucciati d’Ombra (The Haunted Stars)
La scoperta dei resti di una civiltà sconosciuta è già un fatto sensazionale sulla Terra. Quando poi i ritrovamenti avvengono sulla Luna, l’entusiasmo e l’eccitazione degli eruditi chiamati a decifrare l’enigma non conoscono limiti. Ma in questo classico della fantascienza spaziale, l’archeologia rappresenta soltanto il punto di partenza di un’undagine che conduce ben al di là dei segreti militari, delle piccole rivalità delle nazioni terrestri, e svela una minaccia di portata galattica.
Translator: Bianca Russo
Publisher: Mondadori, 1982.8
Pagination: 163 p.
Series: Classici Fantascienza ; 65

Das Gestirn der Ahnen (Haunted Stars)

Das Gestirn der Ahnen (Haunted Stars)
Die Väter der Menschheit leben auf Altair – sie haben Angst vor den Sternen. Das müssen die ersten Menschen erfahren, die von der Erde aus Altair besuchen.
Translator: Wulf H. Bergner
Publisher: Moewig
Year of Publication: 1964
Pagination: 96 p.
Series: Terra Utopische Romane Science Fiction : Sonderband Nr. 84
Note: Abridged

ebook: https://epdf.pub/das-gestirn-der-ahnen.html

虚空の遺産 (The Haunted Stars)

Translator: 安田均 (YASUDA Hitoshi)
Publisher: 早川書房, 1981.12.31
Pagination: 224 p. ; 16 cm
Series: ハヤカワ文庫 ; SF 459
Cover: 稲葉隆一
解説: 安田均
ISBN: 415010459X
月のガッサンディ・クレーターに基地を建設中、米国は驚くべき発見をした――三万年前のものとおぼしき軍事基地の廃墟が発掘されたのだ! 発見された小板や録音装置はただちに地球へ運ばれ、四人の言語学者からなる学術チームの手に委ねられた。地球の古代語との類似が鍵となり解読が成功したとき、予想だにしなかった事実が浮かびあがる。その廃墟こそ、想像を絶する強敵との戦いに滅びた人類の遠い祖先のものだったのだ。やがて、人々は解読された資料を用いて恒星宇宙船を建造、究極の故郷を目指して虚空へと飛び立つのだが…… 壮大なスケールで描かれた傑作宇宙SF!

  • 立原透耶「SFマガジン」 (2015年4月号) 「ハヤカワ文庫SF総解説 Part 1 : 1-500」 p. 107. ; 『ハヤカワ文庫SF総解説2000』2015, p. 127.