Rückkehr zu den Sternen (Collection: Return to the Stars) SK#2
Translator: Thomas LeBlanc
Publisher: Heyne
Year of Publication: 1981
Pagination: 203 p.
Series: Heyne Science Fiction Classics ; 3781
Cover: Giuseppe Festino
Die Sternenkönigreiche (Kingdom of the Stars)
Die Ufer der Unendlichkeit (The Shores of Infinity)
Der Sternenbruch (The Broken Stars)
Schrecken aus der Magellan’schen Wolke (The Horror from the Magellanic)
John Gordon, der Mensch aus dem 20. Jahrhundert, ist aus der fernen Zukunft zurückgekehrt. Seine ganze Sehnsucht gilt jener glanzvollen Zeit, da die Menschheit sich über den größten Teil der Galaxis ausgebreitet hat und in der er seine Geliebte zurücklassen mußte: Prinzessin Lianna von Fomalhaut.
Seine galaktischen Freunde haben ihm versprochen, ihn wieder über 200 000 Jahre in die Zukunft zu holen, wenn die technischen Möglichkeiten dazu gegeben sind. Oder hat er doch alles geträumt? War alles nur eine Fluchtphantasie?
Doch eines Tages ist es wieder soweit. Er hört einen Ruf aus der Zukunft.
Mit seinem Roman »The Star Kings« (»Die Sternenkönige« HEYNE-BUCH Nr. 3774) hatte Edmond Hamilton so etwas wie einen Schlüsselroman für jugendliche Science Fiction-Fans geschrieben, der ihren Wunschträumen ideal entgegenkam und so zu einem der meistgelesenen Romane der vierziger Jahre wurde. Hamilton wurde immer wieder gebeten, eine Fortsetzung zu »The Star Kings« zu schreiben. Nach dem selben bewährten Muster entstand »Return to the Stars« ein weiterer, in sich abgeschlossener Roman mit den selben Figuren und neuen galaktischen Abenteuern im Stil der Space Opera.
Die Ähnlichkeit mit Personen und Episoden in dem berühmten Film »Krieg der Sterne« (»Starwars«) von George Lucas ist keineswegs zufällig. Leigh Brackett, die Witwe des 1977 verstorbenen Schriftstellers und selbst SF-Autorin, schrieb mit am Drehbuch zu »Krieg der Sterne«.
Tag Archives: SK#2
Ihre heimat sind die Sterne (Collection: Return to the Stars) SK#2
Ihre heimat sind die Sterne (Collection: Return to the Stars) SK#2
Translator: Lore Strassl
Publisher: Moewig
Year of Publication: 1976
Pagination: 143 p.
Series: Terra Taschenbuch ; 274
[No German Title] (Kingdom of the Stars)
[No German Title] (The Shores of Infinity)
[No German Title] (The Broken Stars)
[No German Title] (The Horror from the Magellanic)
Die Sterne rufen
John Gordon, leitender Angestellter einer New Yorker Versicherungsgesellschaft, ist schon einmal dem Ruf der Sterne gefolgt. Er erklärte sich zu einem Seelentausch bereit, der ihn in das Jahr 200 000 versetzte. In einem fremden Körper griff er entscheidend in das galaktische Geschehen ein.
Diesmal ergeht der Ruf an Gordon, für immer in die Zukunft zu kommen, die von unheimlichen Invasoren aus den Tiefen des Alls bedroht wird.
Ohne zu zögern, bricht Gordon in seine neue, selbstgewählte Sternenheimat auf. Er läßt die Welt des 20. Jahrhunderts gern zurück, denn in ferner Zukunft erwartet ihn die schöne Lianna, die Herrscherin von Fomalhaut.
Nach HERRSCHER IM WELTENRAUM (TERRATASCHENBUCH 221) legt der Autor hier die neuesten Abenteuer des Terraners John Gordon vor, des Mannes, der in die Zukunft geht, um das Schicksal der Menschheit zu bestimmen.
ebook: http://www.dassein.de/mediawiki/index.php5?title=Ihre_Heimat_sind_die_Sterne
An den Ufern der Unendlichkeit (Original Collection: Return to the Stars, pt. 1-2) SK#2-1,2
An den Ufern der Unendlichkeit (Original Collection: Return to the Stars, pt. 1-2) SK#2-1,2
Translation: Hubert Strassl
Publisher: E. Pabel
Year of Publication: 1968
Pagination: 63 p.
Series: Utopia Zukunftsroman : Pabel Roman ; 571
[Königreich der Sterne] (Kingdom of the Stars)
[An den Ufern der Unendlichkeit] (The Shores of Infinity)
スター・キングへの帰還 (Collection: Return to the Stars) SK#2
Trasnslator: 井上一夫 (INOUE Kazuo)
Publisher: 東京創元社, 1973.02.16
Pagination: 260 p. ; 15 cm
Series: 創元推理文庫 ; SF 842
Note: Series No. varies: 637-2
[No Japanese Title] (Kingdom of the Stars) SK#2-1 (OPUS#265)
[No Japanese Title] (The Shores of Infinity) SK#2-2 (OPUS#268)
[No Japanese Title] (The Broken Stars) SK#2-3 (OPUS#273)
[No Japanese Title] (The Horror from the Magellanic) SK#2-4 (OPUS#275)
著者紹介 [p. 261]
- 「SFマガジン」(1973年5月号) *「SFでてくたあ」 海外セクション担当:福島正実
OPUS#275 Horror from the Magellanic, The [SK#2-4]
OPUS: #275
Title: The Horror from the Magellanic
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1969
Type: novelette
Series: Star Kings
Series Number: 2
Note: This story became part of the fix-up novel Return to the Stars (1969).
When Edmond Hamilton’s THE STAR KINGS first appeared in these pages, more than twenty years ago (in the September, 1947 issue of AMAZING STORIES, to be exact), it was heralded by a stunning Malcolm Smith cover that only hinted of the novel’s impact upon its readers. Frederick Fell, Inc. published the book in hard covers in 1949 — a pioneer venture — and Signet Books brought it out in paperback form in 1950 as BEYOND THE MOON. (That rather pedestrian job of retitling said a good deal about the state of science fiction in the paperbacks in 1950.) It went through several printings before Signet apparently lost interest in the book and let it lapse.
But the fans did not forget. Nor did Cele Goldsmith, when she became editor of this magazine. And in September, 1964 — seventeen years later to the month — Hamilton returned with KINGDOMS OF THE STARS the first of a projected series of sequels to THE STAR KINGS. Since then two more of the novelettes have been published: THE SHORES OF INFINITY (April, 1965) and THE BROKEN STARS (FANTASTIC, December, 1968).
With great pleasure we now present the fourth new novelette of the Star Kings and the epic adventurer, John Gordon —
- Amazing Stories, Vol. 43, no. 1, May 1969, (May 1969, ed. Ted White, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 148pp, Digest, magazine), pp. 6-38. illustrated by Dan Adkins
- Return to the Stars, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Lancer, #447-74612, $0.75, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
- Chronicles of the Star Kings, (Apr 1986, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Arrow (Venture SF #10), 0-09-947860-9, £2.50, 190+207pp, pb, omni)
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-16-2, $45.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-17-0, $125.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Return to the Stars, (Feb 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 4-477-46127-5, $4.00, ebook) Cover: Doug Chaffee
- The Eric John Stark Saga, (Feb 2008, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni)
- Return to the Stars, (date unknown, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Magnum / Prestige, #74-612, $1.50, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
- Review by Lester del Rey (1970) in If, July-August 1970
ebook: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v43n01_1969-05/page/n5
OPUS#273 Broken Stars, The [SK#2-3]
OPUS: #273
Title: The Broken Stars
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1968
Type: novelette
Series: Star Kings
Series Number: 2
Note: This story became part of the fix-up novel Return to the Stars (1969).
“Edmond Hamilton needs no introduction from the likes of me … or, for that matter, from the likes of any of us. He is the author of some of the best space opera ever written (the majority of the CAPTAIN FUTURE series in the old Thrilling Wonder) and some of the most sensitive, provocative modern science fiction (WHAT’S IT LIKE OUT THERE?) He is writing better now than he ever did and THE BROKEN STARS is Hamilton combining the two sides of his writing at the top of his form. This is a story which will not be forgotten.”
- Fantastic, vol. 18, no. 2, December 1968, (Dec 1968, ed. Barry N. Malzberg, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 148pp, Digest, magazine), pp. 6-36. Illustrated by Dan Adkins
- Return to the Stars, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Lancer, #447-74612, $0.75, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
- Chronicles of the Star Kings, (Apr 1986, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Arrow (Venture SF #10), 0-09-947860-9, £2.50, 190+207pp, pb, omni)
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-16-2, $45.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-17-0, $125.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Return to the Stars, (Feb 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 4-477-46127-5, $4.00, ebook) Cover: Doug Chaffee
- The Eric John Stark Saga, (Feb 2008, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni)
- Return to the Stars, (date unknown, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Magnum / Prestige, #74-612, $1.50, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
OPUS#268 Shores of Infinity, The (SK#2-2]
OPUS: #268
Title: The Shores of Infinity
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1965
Type: novelette
Series: Star Kings
Series Number: 2
Note: This story became part of the fix-up novel Return to the Stars (1969).
At the far reaches of the Galaxy, the H’Harn writhed for vengeance. John Gordon, serving Lianna of Fomalhout, searches for their secret in Ed Hamilton’s new novelet of the Star Kings.
- Amazing Stories, Vol. 39, no. 4, April 1965, (Apr 1965, ed. Cele G. Lalli, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.50, 132pp, Digest, magazine) Cover: Paula McLane; illustrated by Schelling
- Thrilling Science Fiction, August 1973, (Aug 1973, ed. uncredited, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.60, 132pp, digest, magazine) Cover: Paula McLane
- Return to the Stars, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Lancer, #447-74612, $0.75, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
- Chronicles of the Star Kings, (Apr 1986, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Arrow (Venture SF #10), 0-09-947860-9, £2.50, 190+207pp, pb, omni)
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-16-2, $45.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-17-0, $125.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Return to the Stars, (Feb 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 4-477-46127-5, $4.00, ebook) Cover: Doug Chaffee
- The Eric John Stark Saga, (Feb 2008, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni)
- Return to the Stars, (date unknown, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Magnum / Prestige, #74-612, $1.50, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
ebook: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xVih_EEwarzVZ88eiJh0bcoU1Wc6a3AO
OPUS#266 Kingdoms of the Stars (SK#2-1)
OPUS: #266
Title: Kingdoms of the Stars
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1964
Type: novelette
Series: Star Kings
Series Number: 2
Note: This story became part of the fix-up novel Return to the Stars (1969).
“Gordon saw the drowned suns of the Clouds, heard the sun strike Throon’s crystal peaks, touched Lianna, and annihilated space. Now he wondered: Was it all a dream, or retreat into delusion, or had he actually been to …”
- Amazing Stories, Vol. 38, no. 9, September 1964, (Sep 1964, ed. Cele G. Lalli, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.50, 132pp, Digest, magazine) Cover: Robert Adragna
- SF Greats, Fall 1970, (1970, ed. uncredited, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 132pp, digest, magazine) Illust & Cover : Robert Adragana
- Planets of Wonder, (1976, ed. Terry Carr, publ. Thomas Nelson, 0-8407-6526-6, $6.95, 189pp, hc, anth) Cover: Frank Alois
- Return to the Stars, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Lancer, #447-74612, $0.75, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
- Chronicles of the Star Kings, (Apr 1986, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Arrow (Venture SF #10), 0-09-947860-9, £2.50, 190+207pp, pb, omni)
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-16-2, $45.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Stark and the Star Kings, (Aug 2005, Edmond Hamilton, Leigh Brackett, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-17-0, $125.00, xviii+625pp, hc, omni) Cover: Alex Ebel
- Return to the Stars, (Feb 2008, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, 4-477-46127-5, $4.00, ebook) Cover: Doug Chaffee
- The Eric John Stark Saga, (Feb 2008, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Baen, $20.00, ebook, omni)
- Return to the Stars, (date unknown, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Magnum / Prestige, #74-612, $1.50, 207pp, pb) Cover: Jim Steranko
- Review by Lester del Rey (1970) in If, July-August 1970
ebook: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iU-55YploQ7V-aNwDi4xBeXZqo_BUwo2