OPUS#162 Night the World Ended, The

OPUS: #162
Title: The Night the World Ended
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: short story
“Voss’ Cyclotron Can Settle Earth’s Fate – But Earth’s Doom Settles the Fate of His Cyclotron!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 17, no. 3, September 1940, (Sep 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 82-86. Cover: E. K. Bergey; Illust: Marchioni

ebook: http://www.unz.org/Pub/ThrillingWonder-1940sep-00082

OPUS#161 Lost Treasure of Mars

OPUS: #161
Title: Lost Treasure of Mars
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: short story
“Ages ago the Martians died, but an incredible guardian still protected their greatest treasure.”-TOC
“Garth Crane faced death because of one treasure cache. Was it a good idea to gamble his life on the chance of finding a greater one?”

  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 14, no. 8, August 1940, (Aug 1940, ed. Raymond A. Palmer, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.20, 148pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 68-81, 131-132. Cover: Julian S. Krupa and Leo Morey; Illust: Julian S. Krupa
  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 43, no. 4, September 1969, (Sep 1969, ed. Ted White, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 148pp, Digest, magazine), pp. 84-103. Illust: Julian S. Krupa

ebook: http://gotomars.free.fr/Lost%20Treasure%20of%20Mars.pdf
ebook: https://archive.org/details/LostTreasureOfMars
ebook: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v14n08_1940-08.Ziff-DavisCape1736

OPUS#160 Isle of Changing Life, The

OPUS: #160
Title: The Isle of Changing Life
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: short story
“Evolution suddenly chooses a path in reverse-and man descends the ladder of civilization!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 16, no. 3, June 1940, (Jun 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Howard V. Brown; Illust: MCH

OPUS#159 Captain Future's Challenge [CF#3]

OPUS: #159
Title: Captain Future’s Challenge
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1969
Series: Captain Future
Series Number: 3
“Striking Terror as Four Worlds, a Mysterious Raider Throttles Interplanetary Commerce — and Earth Summons Curtis Newton, the Wizard of Science, and His Trio of Futuremen to Combat this Sinister Menace”–TOC
“striking Terror on Four Worlds of Mysterious Raider Throttles Interplanetary Commerce”


  • Captain Future, Vol. 1, no. 3, Summer 1940, (Jul 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Bergey; Illust: Wesso
  • Captain Future’s Challenge, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Popular Library, #60-2430, $0.60, 128pp, pb) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck
  • The Collected Captain Future: Wizard of Science: Volume One:, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-35-9, $40.00, xxii+723pp, hc, omni) Cover: George Rozen

OPUS#158 World Without Sex

OPUS: #158
Title: World Without Sex
Author: Robert O. Wentworth (Edmond Hamilton)
Year: 1940
Type: short story
“Many a person has spoken in jest of the war between the sexes. Thurber has produced some of his funniest cartoons on that subject: the inability of the male to comprehend the female and vice versa. Nobody can fail to notice the means by which each sex plots to ensnare the other; and intrigue which extends throughout every medium – dress, drama, conduct, arts, etc. There have been cultures in various places – semi-primitives in isolated lands still testify – where there exists an actual hostility between the sexes, where for instance women maintain secret codes and languages, live separately from the community of men. To this day, modern American males maintain lodges from whose portals women are barred and whose affairs are conducted which codes and ceremonies no woman may hope to learn. There is therefore nothing at all impossible about Edmond Hamilton’s startling story of a period twenty thousand years from now. Nothing impossible, we repeat, but we certainly hope that it will always remain at least improbable.”


  • Marvel Tales [v2 #1, May 1940] (15¢, 116pp, pulp, cover by ?)
  • Sensuous Science Fiction from the Weird and Spicy Pulps, (Dec 1984, ed. Sheldon Jaffery, publ. Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 0-87972-306-8, $8.95, 164pp, tp, anth)

OPUS#157 Liline, the Moon Girl

OPUS: #157
Title: Liline, the Moon Girl
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: novelette
“What was the strange frozen fire, somewhere on the moon, the Liline and her sister guarded?”-TOC
“A Strange, sweet voice comes to David Madden in his dreams, and warns him of an awful menace on the moon. What was the strange secret of the flame and its lovely watchers?”

  • Amazing Stories, Vol. 14, no. 5, May 1940, (May 1940, ed. Raymond A. Palmer, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.20, 148pp, Pulp, magazine), pp. 66-86. Cover: C. L. Hartman; Illust: Paul
  • Science Fiction Adventure Classics, Spring 1971, (1971, ed. uncredited, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.60, 134pp, digest, magazine) , pp. 75-95. Cover: Frank R. Paul

ebook: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v14n05_1940-05.Ziff-Daviscape1736FIXED

OPUS#156 Dictators of Creation

OPUS: #156
Title: Dictators of Creation
Author: Edmond Hamilton
Year: 1940
Type: novelette
“Gold was the God of Adam Hall’s enemies-and he returned from his death in the void to turn that God into a Demon of destruction!”

  • Thrilling Wonder Stories, Vol. 16, no. 2, May 1940, (May 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Howard V. Brown; Illust: Paul
  • OPUS#166 Revolt on the Tenth World

    OPUS: #166
    Title: Revolt on the Tenth World
    Author: Edmond Hamilton
    Year: 1940
    Type: novelette
    Variant Title of: The Revolt on the Tenth World
    “When a man goes wrong in space there’s only one refuge for him – Tenth World, the planet of cutcasts.”-TOC
    “The Tenth World was not the planet Jjm Crane wanted to hail from – but public opinion had condemned him to a lifetime on this mythical world of shame.”

    • Amazing Stories, Vol. 14, no. 11, November 1940, (Nov 1940, ed. Raymond A. Palmer, publ. Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, $0.20, 148pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Robert Fuqua; Illust: Julian S. Krupa
    • Science Fiction Adventure Classics, No. 7, Winter 1969, (1969, ed. uncredited, publ. Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., $0.50, 132pp, Digest, magazine) Cover: Wesso; Illust : Julian S. Krupa

    ebook: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v14n11_1940-11.Ziff-Daviscape1736
    ebook: https://archive.org/details/AmazingStoriesV14N11194011
    ebook: https://archive.org/details/RevoltOnTheTenthWorld/mode/2up

    OPUS#155 City from the Sea, The

    OPUS: #155
    Title: City from the Sea
    Author: Edmond Hamilton
    Year: 1940
    Type: novelette
    “Good and Evil Spirits Survived on a Lost continent”–TOC
    “The tale of a lost continent cast up by the sea, and the dread menace it held for the people of our world – a thrill-tale of startling perils and eery events”


    • Weird Tales, Vol. 35, no. 3, May 1940, (May 1940, ed. Dorothy McIlwraith, publ. Weird Tales, $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Hannes Bok; Illust: Bok

    ebook: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v35n03_1940-05

    OPUS#154 Calling Captain Future [CF#2]

    OPUS: #154
    Title: Calling Captain Future
    Author: Edmond Hamilton
    Year: 1969
    Type: NOVEL
    Series: Captain Future
    Series Number: 2
    “Curtis Newton, wizard of science, and his trio of futuremen blaze a trail across the stars for forestall the coup of Dr. Zarro – leader of a legion of peril!”


    • Captain Future, Vol. 1, no. 2, Spring 1940, (Apr 1940, ed. Mort Weisinger, publ. Better Publications, Inc., $0.15, 132pp, Pulp, magazine) Cover: Bergey; Illust: Wesso
    • Calling Captain Future, (1969, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Popular Library, #60-2421, $0.60, 144pp, pb) Cover: Herbert J. Bruck
    • The Collected Captain Future: Wizard of Science: Volume One:, (Jul 2009, Edmond Hamilton, publ. Haffner Press, 1-893887-35-9, $40.00, xxii+723pp, hc, omni) Cover: George Rozen

    ebook: https://archive.org/details/Captain_Future_v01n02_1940-Spring_beb